• openAccess   CompaRob: the shopping cart assistance robot 

      Sales Gil, Jorge; Martí Avilés, José Vicente; Marin, Raul; Sanz, Pedro J; Cervera, Enric Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2016)
      Technology has recently been developed which offers an excellent opportunity to design systems with the ability to help people in their own houses. In particular, assisting elderly people in their environments is something ...
    • openAccess   Complete Integration of Team Project-Based Learning Into a Database Syllabus 

      Iserte, Sergio; Tomás, Vicente R.; Pérez-Francisco, Miguel; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Boronat, Pablo; García Fernández, Luis Amable IEEE (2022-11-07)
      Team project-based learning (TPBL) combines two learning techniques: 1) project-based learning (PBL) and 2) teamwork. This combination leverages the learning outcomes of both methods and places students in a real work ...
    • openAccess   Comprehensive analysis of distance and similarity measures for Wi-Fi fingerprinting indoor positioning systems 

      Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Trilles, Sergio; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Huerta, Joaquin Elsevier (2015)
      Recent advances in indoor positioning systems led to a business interest in those applications and services where a precise localization is crucial. Wi-Fi fingerprinting based on machine learning and expert systems are ...
    • openAccess   Compressed basis GMRES on high-performance graphics processing units 

      Aliaga Estellés, José Ignacio; Anzt, Hartwig; Tomás Domínguez, Andrés Enrique; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Grützmacher, Thomas Sage (2022-08-05)
      Krylov methods provide a fast and highly parallel numerical tool for the iterative solution of many large-scale sparse linear systems. To a large extent, the performance of practical realizations of these methods is ...
    • openAccess   Compression and load balancing for efficient sparse matrix-vector product on multicore processors and graphics processing units 

      Aliaga Estellés, José Ignacio; Anzt, Hartwig; Grützmacher, Thomas; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Tomás Domínguez, Andrés Enrique John Wiley and Sons (2021)
      We contribute to the optimization of the sparse matrix-vector product by introducing a variant of the coordinate sparse matrix format that balances the workload distribution and compresses both the indexing arrays and the ...
    • openAccess   Computed tomography medical image reconstruction on affordable equipment by using Out-Of-Core technique 

      Chillarón, Mónica; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Vidal, Vicente; Verdú, Gumersindo Elsevier (2020-09)
      Background and objective: As Computed Tomography scans are an essential medical test, many techniques have been proposed to reconstruct high-quality images using a smaller amount of radiation. One approach is to employ ...
    • openAccess   Computer vision methods for robot tasks: Motion detection, depth estimation and tracking 

      Martínez Martín, Ester IOS Press (2012-09)
      On the way to autonomous robots, perception is a key point. Among all the perception senses, vision is undoubtedly the most important for the information it can provide. However, it is not easy to identify what is seen ...
    • closedAccess   Condensed forms for the symmetric eigenvalue problem on multi-threaded architectures 

      Bientinesi, Paolo; Igual, Francisco; Kressner, Daniel; Petschow, Matthias; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Wiley (2011-11-10)
      We investigate the performance of the routines in LAPACK and the Successive Band Reduction (SBR) toolbox for the reduction of a dense matrix to tridiagonal form, a crucial preprocessing stage in the solution of the symmetric ...
    • openAccess   Convolutional neural nets for estimating the run time and energy consumption of the sparse matrix-vector product 

      Barreda Vayá, Maria; Dolz, Manuel F.; Castaño Álvarez, María Asunción Sage (2020-08-26)
      Modeling the performance and energy consumption of the sparse matrix-vector product (SpMV) is essential to perform off-line analysis and, for example, choose a target computer architecture that delivers the best ...
    • openAccess   Cooperative and Multimodal Capabilities Enhancement in the CERNTAURO Human–Robot Interface for Hazardous and Underwater Scenarios 

      Veiga Almagro, Carlos; Lunghi, Giacomo; Di Castro, Mario; Centelles Beltran, Diego; Marin, Raul; Masi, Alessandro; Sanz, Pedro J MDPI (2020-09-03)
      The use of remote robotic systems for inspection and maintenance in hazardous environments is a priority for all tasks potentially dangerous for humans. However, currently available robotic systems lack that level of ...
    • closedAccess   Creating, Interpreting and Rating Harmonic Colour Palettes Using a Cognitively Inspired Model 

      Museros, Lledó; Sanz, Ismael; Falomir, Zoe; Gonzalez Abril, Luis Springer (2018)
      his paper presents a cognitively inspired qualitative theory, QCharm, which defines five operators for colour combination based on the qualitative colour descriptor (QCD) and applies these operators to recommend palettes ...
    • closedAccess   Customising a qualitative colour description for adaptability and usability 

      Sanz, Ismael; Museros, Lledó; Falomir, Zoe; Gonzalez Abril, Luis Elsevier (2015)
      Colour naming consists of successfully finding the correspondence between colours as named by humans and the colour coordinates used by machine displays. Its successful implementation is crucial for human– machine ...
    • openAccess   Data-Driven Grasp Synthesis—A Survey 

      Bohg, J.; Morales, Antonio; Asfour, Tamim; Kragic, D. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (2014-04)
      We review the work on data-driven grasp synthesis and the methodologies for sampling and ranking candidate grasps. We divide the approaches into three groups based on whether they synthesize grasps for known, familiar, or ...
    • openAccess   Deep Learning Approaches to Grasp Synthesis: A Review 

      Newbury, Rhys; Gu, Morris; Chumbley, Lachlan; Mousavian, Arsalan; Eppner, Clemens; Leitner, Jürgen; Bohg, Jeannette; Morales, Antonio; Asfour, Tamim; Kragic, Danica; Fox, Dieter; Cosgun, Akansel IEEE (2023-06-13)
      Grasping is the process of picking up an object by applying forces and torques at a set of contacts. Recent advances in deep learning methods have allowed rapid progress in robotic object grasping. In this systematic review, ...
    • closedAccess   Deep learning model based on expectation-confirmation theory to predict customer satisfaction in hospitality service 

      Oh, Soyoung; Ji, honggeun; Kim, Jina; Park, Eunil; del Pobil, Angel P. Springer (2022-02-15)
      Customer satisfaction is one of the most important measures in the hospitality industry. Therefore, several psychological and cognitive theories have been utilized to provide appropriate explanations of customer perception. ...
    • openAccess   Deriving dense linear algebra libraries 

      Bientinesi, Paolo; Gunnels, John A.; Myers, Margaret E.; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Rhodes, Tyler; Van de Geijn, Robert A.; Van Zee, Field G. Springer London (2013-11)
      Starting in the late 1960s computer scientists including Dijkstra and Hoare advocated goal- oriented programming and the formal derivation of algorithms. The chief impediment to realizing this for loop-based programs was ...
    • closedAccess   Desarrollo de un robot móvil compacto integrado en el middleware ROS 

      Sales Gil, Jorge; Araújo, André; Portugal, David; Couceiro, Micael S.; Rocha, Rui P. Elsevier (2014)
      This paper presents the TraxBot robot and its full integration in the Robotic Operating System (ROS). The TraxBot is a compact mobile robotic platform developed and assembled at the Institute of Systems and Robots (ISR) ...
    • openAccess   Describing images using qualitative models and description logics 

      Falomir, Zoe; Jiménez Ruiz, Ernesto; Escrig Monferrer, María Teresa; Museros, Lledó Taylor & Francis (2011)
      Our approach describes any digital image qualitatively by detecting regions/objects inside it and describing their visual characteristics (shape and colour) and their spatial characteristics (orientation and topology) by ...
    • openAccess   Design and analysis of a variable-stiffness robotic gripper 

      Cardin-Catalan, Daniel; Ceppetelli, Simon; del Pobil, Angel P.; Morales, Antonio Elsevier (2021)
      This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel variable-stiffness robotic gripper, the RobInLab VS gripper. The purpose is to have a gripper that is strong and reliable as rigid grippers but adaptable as soft ...
    • openAccess   Design and evaluation of a natural interface for remote operation of underwater roter 

      García Sánchez, Juan Carlos; Patrao, Bruno; Almeida, Luis; Pérez Soler, Javier; Menezes, Paulo; Dias, Jorge; Sanz, Pedro J IEEE (2015-11)
      Nowadays, an increasing need of intervention robotic systems can be observed in all kind of hazardous environments. In all these intervention systems, the human expert continues playing a central role from the decision ...