• openAccess   Additive adjudication of conflicting claims 

      García-Segarra, Jaume; Ginés-Vilar, Miguel Springer (2022-11-29)
      In a “claims problem” (O’Neill 1982), a group of individuals have claims on a resource but its endowment is not sufficient to honour all of the claims. We examine the following question: If a claims problem can be decomposed ...
    • openAccess   Advances in the agent-based modeling of economic and social behavior 

      Steinbacher, Mitja; Raddant, Matthias; Karimi, Fariba; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Alfarano, Simone; Iori, Giulia; Lux, Thomas Springer (2021)
      In this review we discuss advances in the agent-based modeling of economic and social systems. We show the state of the art of the heuristic design of agents and how behavioral economics and laboratory experiments have ...
    • openAccess   African Asylum Seekers in Europe: The Interplay between Foreign Aid and Governance in Origin Countries 

      Ripollés, Jordi; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Springer (2021-12-28)
      This paper empirically investigates the effects of governance quality on the num‑ ber of African asylum seekers in Europe over the period 1996–2018 and evaluates the extent to which official development aid acts as a ...
    • closedAccess   Agencies, scales and times of path creation: The case of IoT in Toulouse 

      Crespo, Joan Wiley (2021)
      Path creation for regional diversification is a hot topic on economic geography. This paper seeks to contribute to these debates in three ways. First, by adopting a micro- perspective to study the structure of agency ...
    • openAccess   Agents interaction and price dynamics: evidence from the laboratory 

      Caferra, Rocco; Tedeschi, Gabriele; MORONE, ANDREA Springer (2022-08-26)
      Using data collected from an experimental double auction market, we study the dynamics of interaction among traders. Our focus is on the effect the trading network has on price dynamics and price-fundamental convergence. ...
    • openAccess   Aid and its impact on the donor’s export industry – The Dutch case 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas; Klasen, Stephan Springer (2017-08)
      This paper models the link between Dutch development aid and Dutch exports to 142 recipient countries over the period from 1964 to 2011. Given that Dutch aid policy drastically changed in 1999, the model is estimated ...
    • closedAccess   Aid and Trade – A Donor's Perspective 

      Nowak-Lehmann D., Felicitas; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Klasen, Stephan; Herzer, Dierk Taylor & Francis (2009)
      One reason donors provide foreign aid is to support their exports to aid-recipient countries. Time series data for Germany suggests an average return of between US$ 1.04 to US$ 1.50 for each US dollar of aid spent by ...
    • openAccess   Alternative approaches for the reformulation of economics 

      Alfarano, Simone; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Tedeschi, Gabriele Springer (2019-01)
      In the last decades most of advanced and developing economies have undertaken adeep structural transformation. This profound structural change, caused by the tran-sition from a manufacturing economy to a service-based one, ...
    • openAccess   América Latina en la enseñanza española durante el siglo XX. Aspectos económicos y sociales 

      Gómez Herráez, José María Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (2012-12)
      En este trabajo se observa el tratamiento recibido por América Latina en los libros de texto de geografía y de historia durante el siglo XX en España. Para ello, se consideran las distintas coyunturas políticas y los ...
    • closedAccess   Ampliación del regadío, regulación institucional y sostenibilidad en las huertas tradicionales de la Espa˜na mediterránea 

      Garrido, Samuel Elsevier (2012)
      A lo largo de siglos fue frecuente que en las huertas de la España mediterránea administradas por comunidades de regantes se produjera algo aparentemente irracional: pese a que el riego era básico para intensificar la ...
    • openAccess   An agent-based early warning indicator for financial market instability 

      Vidal-Tomás, David; Alfarano, Simone Springer (2019-11-21)
      Inspired by the Bank of America Merrill Lynch global breath rule, we propose an investor sentiment index based on the collective movement of stock prices in a given market. We show that the time evolution of the sentiment ...
    • closedAccess   An Agent-based Stock-flow Consistent Model of the Sustainable Transition in the Energy Sector 

      Ponta, Linda; Raberto, Marco; Teglio, Andrea; Cincotti, Silvano Elsevier (2018-03)
      In this paper, we investigate the effects on the economy of a feed-in tariff policy mechanism aimed to foster investments in renewable energy production capacity. To this purpose, we employ an enriched version of the ...
    • openAccess   An analysis of the trade balance for OECD countries using periodic integration and cointegration 

      del Barrio Castro, Tomás; Camarero, Mariam; Tamarit, Cecilio Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2015)
      We analyze imbalances in external accounts that have historically affected most developed countries. The purpose of this study was to shed some light on the sustainability of the current account for a group of OECD countries ...
    • openAccess   An approach to identifying micro behavior: How banks’ strategies influence financial cycles 

      Tedeschi, Gabriele; Recchioni, Maria Cristina; Berardi, Simone Elsevier (2018-12)
      In this paper, we show that the values of parameters of a well-calibrated model are useful in detecting micro behavior. We use a calibration procedure suitable for validating agent-based models to show how the evolution ...
    • openAccess   An experiment on Prisoner’s Dilemma with confirmed proposals 

      Attanasi, Giuseppe; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Montesano, Aldo Elsevier (2013)
      We suggest an alternating proposals protocol with a confirmation stage as a way of solving a Prisoner’s Dilemma game. We interpret players’ proposals and (no) confirmation of outcomes of the game as a tacit communication ...
    • openAccess   An experiment on spatial competition with endogenous pricing 

      Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Andaluz Funcia, Joaquín; Gil Sanz, Agustín Elsevier (2011)
      Hotelling's (1929) principle of minimum differentiation and the alternative prediction that firms will maximally differentiate from their rivals in order to relax price competition have not been explicitly tested so far. ...
    • openAccess   An experimental analysis of the effects of imperfect compliance on technology adoption 

      Vidal-Meliá, Lidia; Arguedas, Carmen; Camacho Cuena, Eva; Zofío, José L. Springer (2021)
      We present the results of an experimental investigation on incentives to adopt cleaner abatement technologies in the presence of imperfect compliance. We consider two emission control instruments—emission taxes and tradable ...
    • closedAccess   An experimental investigation of insurance decisions in low probability and high loss risk situations 

      Ozdemir, Ozlem; MORONE, ANDREA Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2014-04)
      This experimental study investigates insurance decisions in low-probability, high-loss risk situations. Results indicate that subjects consider the probability of loss (loss size) when they make buying decisions (paying ...
    • openAccess   An experimental study on the effect of co-payment in public services 

      García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Staffiero, Gianandrea Elsevier (2016-08-08)
      This paper aims to shed light on the impacts of imposing co-payment on public services, a strategy increasingly employed in the realm of publicly provided healthcare. We analyze the effect of imposing a charge for the ...
    • closedAccess   An international comparison of educational systems: a temporal analysis in presence of bad outputs 

      Giménez, Víctor; Thieme, Claudio; Prior, Diego; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Springer Verlag (2017-02)
      This study uses the global non-radial Malmquist index to measure performance change in the educational systems of 29 countries/economies participating in PISA 2003 and 2012 for students at age 15 in the disciplines of ...