• openAccess   Del discurso de la domesticidad a la cultura queer en la literatura infantil y juvenil 

      Aguilar, Consol Universitat Jaume I (2007)
      The author reviews all the scientific literature published in recent years that has analysed the contribution made by juvenile and children's literature as a tool for consolidating models of different roles between the ...
    • openAccess   Género y formación de identidades 

      Aguilar, Consol Fontalba (2006-03)
      The author offers us a gender-based view of juvenile and children’s literature by means of three analytical approaches: contemporary western feminist educational theory, which detects gender inequality and proposes actions ...
    • openAccess   LIJ y diversidad sexual LGTBI en la formación de maestros 

      Aguilar, Consol Editorial Torre de Papel (2017-03)
      La acción educativa que aquí compartimos se inscribe en un proyecto de innovación educativa concebido por la Universitat Jaume I (UJI) en el marco curricular del EEES (Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior) el curso ...
    • openAccess   Nuevo enfoque en Didáctica de la LIJ 

      Aguilar, Consol Editorial Fontalba, S. A. (2002-08)
      The author discusses the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the teaching of children's literature, which implies not only a change in the approach and methodology of teaching, but a change in the attitude of the ...
    • openAccess   ¿Somos racistas?: Sí. La lucha contra el miedo a lo desconocido y la LIJ 

      Aguilar, Consol Torre de Papel (2004-06)
      This study was conducted with teacher trainees at university. On being asked what project they would like to do, the answer was almost unanimous: interculturality. And the students who defended it successfully persuaded ...