Now showing items 5-24 of 13604

    • openAccess   15 Pobles​ 

      Segura Antolín, Alba Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-21)
    • openAccess   1900: agencia de comunicación deportiva por y para ellas 

      Dasí Ramos, Elena; Gil Montesinos, Laia; Jarque cartagena, Paula Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-14)
      1900 es una agencia de comunicación deportiva de todas y para todas, cuya creación nace del deseo de dar voz a las mujeres en el deporte, mediante la gestión de la comunicación de eventos, torneos y clubes deportivos, ...
    • closedAccess   21st century skills: Fomentando la expresión oral en las aulas de primaria como mejora del autoconcepto a través del aprendizaje cooperativo 

      Rallo Vicent, María Universitat Jaume I (2016-06-22)
      La finalidad de este trabajo de fin de grado es describir y determinar la importancia que tiene el desarrollo de la competencia de hablar en público desde temprana edad como preparación futura a través del aprendizaje ...
    • openAccess   3 jours à Cannes 

      Martin Martínez, Santiago Universitat Jaume I (2023-07-11)
      Este documental nace del objetivo de mostrar una perspectiva alternativa a los discursos dominantes que rodean al Festival Internacional de Cine de Cannes. En este caso, se ha escogido contar la historia de los jóvenes ...
    • openAccess   3D mesh voxelization 

      Ferrando Mazarro, Adrián Universitat Jaume I (2019-07-09)
      This paper tries to make an approach to the use of voxels as a basic element of a videogame agent, both in terms of visualization and interaction through the use of a Unity game engine plug-in.
    • openAccess   3D modeling and game generation for the UJI Smart Campus 

      Álvarez Lázaro, Marcos Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-14)
      This document presents the process, the obstacles and the Οnal result of the creation of the Medical Faculty and how I give it my own version, making a little comparison between both of them to be able to see a convenient ...
    • openAccess   3D Modeling and videogame adaptation of the UJI Library for Smart UJI 

      Castellà Corral, David Universitat Jaume I (2022-05-23)
      This document is a detailed explanation of every step of the project that I have been working on for the past months, which aimed to create a 3D model of the Universitat Jaume I library using ArcGIS’ CityEngine to be ...
    • openAccess   3D Modelling of buildings interiors to support indoor navigation 

      Rivero Cabezas, Francisco Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-15)
      The following document represents the memory of my final work in the degree in Design and Development of Video Games. This project consists of the creation of Espaitec 2 Search, a video game developed with the aim of ...
    • closedAccess   3D Polygonal Mesh Fracture Plugin: A Tetrahedra Clustering Approach 

      Loreto Rodríguez, Ricardo Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-12)
      Nowadays GPUs and CPUs are getting faster and faster, it is reasonable to assume that many algorithms that used to take long times to complete and were impossible to contemplate in games like water simulations, dynamic ...
    • openAccess   3D Procedural Modeling and Game Generation of the UJI Library 

      Gauxachs Sanz, Lluc Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-14)
      This project aims to be an explanation of the process, the successes, the failures and all the obstacles that have been faced during the last months in order to create a 3D model of the Universitat Jaume I library in ...
    • openAccess   3D Puzzle Mobile Game Powered by Gyroscope And/Or Accelerometer 

      Luque Ocaña, Antonio José Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-11)
      This document presents the technical report for a Final Degree Project related to the Degree in Design and Development of Video Games. The project to develop consists on a three-dimensional videogame for android devices ...
    • openAccess   3D to 2D transformation of environment and characters in videogames 

      Morales Sanchez, Francisco Miguel Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-07)
      To use different programs and techniques to convert 3D character and scene modeling to 2D character and scenario modeling. To create several Demos that implement this technique with different uses, to observe its potential ...
    • openAccess   3D world creation with dark atmosphere Walpurgis Night: The Dark World 

      Boix Scabbiolo, Analia Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-03)
      This project presents an RPG/adventure video game based on Nordic mythology with 3D graphics. With an open world concept, the player will be able to explore and interact with different elements found in it. The game ...
    • openAccess   4 años más tarde 

      Meléndez Herrera, Juan Felipe Universitat Jaume I (2014-07-08)
      A lo largo de este Trabajo Final de Grado se muestra y explica el proceso de elaboración de un cortometraje, proceso que engloba las fases de pre- producción, producción y post-producción, además de otros aspectos ...
    • openAccess   4:3. Una plataforma de oportunidades para la comunicacion 

      Rubio Poveda, Aitor Universitat Jaume I (2019-10-10)
      La era de internet ha traído consigo innumerables ventajas al día a día de los ciudadanos. Como resultado, surgen plataformas de contenido que ofrecen oportunidades al mundo de la comunicación. De esta manera, presentamos ...
    • openAccess   5 siglos de historia 

      Durà Costa, Laura; Sánchez Soriano, Noemí Universitat Jaume I (2016-07-13)
    • openAccess   8 años viviendo en la calle : Proyecto fotográfico 

      Esteban Sebastia, Andreu Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-14)
      Alrededor de 34.000 personas se encuentran en España subsistiendo en la calle o en centros de acogida. 8 años viviendo en la calle es un proyecto fotográfico que explora la vida de una persona sin hogar en la ciudad de ...
    • openAccess   87 barrios 

      Ramírez Arias, Pedro Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-15)
      87 barrios is a local digital media that focuses on the neighborhoods and towns that make up València. A space where current information is offered about what happens in the streets of the city and gives voice to the ...