Now showing items 1-20 of 283

    • openAccess   3D mesh voxelization 

      Ferrando Mazarro, Adrián Universitat Jaume I (2019-07-09)
      This paper tries to make an approach to the use of voxels as a basic element of a videogame agent, both in terms of visualization and interaction through the use of a Unity game engine plug-in.
    • openAccess   3D modeling and game generation for the UJI Smart Campus 

      Álvarez Lázaro, Marcos Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-14)
      This document presents the process, the obstacles and the Οnal result of the creation of the Medical Faculty and how I give it my own version, making a little comparison between both of them to be able to see a convenient ...
    • openAccess   3D Modeling and videogame adaptation of the UJI Library for Smart UJI 

      Castellà Corral, David Universitat Jaume I (2022-05-23)
      This document is a detailed explanation of every step of the project that I have been working on for the past months, which aimed to create a 3D model of the Universitat Jaume I library using ArcGIS’ CityEngine to be ...
    • openAccess   3D Modelling of buildings interiors to support indoor navigation 

      Rivero Cabezas, Francisco Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-15)
      The following document represents the memory of my final work in the degree in Design and Development of Video Games. This project consists of the creation of Espaitec 2 Search, a video game developed with the aim of ...
    • closedAccess   3D Polygonal Mesh Fracture Plugin: A Tetrahedra Clustering Approach 

      Loreto Rodríguez, Ricardo Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-12)
      Nowadays GPUs and CPUs are getting faster and faster, it is reasonable to assume that many algorithms that used to take long times to complete and were impossible to contemplate in games like water simulations, dynamic ...
    • openAccess   3D Procedural Modeling and Game Generation of the UJI Library 

      Gauxachs Sanz, Lluc Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-14)
      This project aims to be an explanation of the process, the successes, the failures and all the obstacles that have been faced during the last months in order to create a 3D model of the Universitat Jaume I library in ...
    • openAccess   3D Puzzle Mobile Game Powered by Gyroscope And/Or Accelerometer 

      Luque Ocaña, Antonio José Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-11)
      This document presents the technical report for a Final Degree Project related to the Degree in Design and Development of Video Games. The project to develop consists on a three-dimensional videogame for android devices ...
    • openAccess   3D to 2D transformation of environment and characters in videogames 

      Morales Sanchez, Francisco Miguel Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-07)
      To use different programs and techniques to convert 3D character and scene modeling to 2D character and scenario modeling. To create several Demos that implement this technique with different uses, to observe its potential ...
    • openAccess   3D world creation with dark atmosphere Walpurgis Night: The Dark World 

      Boix Scabbiolo, Analia Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-03)
      This project presents an RPG/adventure video game based on Nordic mythology with 3D graphics. With an open world concept, the player will be able to explore and interact with different elements found in it. The game ...
    • closedAccess   A comparison betwen different animation techniques in order to show emotions without facial animation 

      Guirao Meroño, Yolanda Universitat Jaume I (2016-10-04)
      Nowadays 3D animation is not only for important film or video game studios, more and more sectors such as music or advertising use this technique. In this field there are opposing views about using Motion Capture (MOCAP) ...
    • openAccess   A New Pseudo Real-time Single-action Game Challenge and Competition for AI 

      Fuster Durá, Sergi Universitat Jaume I (2023-06-09)
      This work presents TotalBotWar, a new pseudo real-time single-action challenge for game AI for mobile devices, as well as some initial experiments that benchmark the framework with different agents. The game is based on ...
    • openAccess   A retro-style based shooter 

      Tormo García, Mario Universitat Jaume I (2019-07)
      This document summarizes and explains the process of creating a spaceship shooter game from the perspective of game design, programming and art. In terms of game design, it is intended to be a twist of classics like ...
    • closedAccess   A serious health game for children in Ghana: Two Ways 

      Casquero Veiga, Miguel Universitat Jaume I (2016-10-10)
      This document introduces the final degree project of the Game Design and Development's Degree located in Castellón de la Plana, Spain. Its purpose is to show that the student has learned the required knowledge by executing ...
    • closedAccess   A tool ease the creation of visual novels 

      Lacambra Asensio, María Isabel Universitat Jaume I (2017-07)
      The project has consisted in the design and implementation of a platform that allows the creation of visual novels in 3D without being a requirement to have experience in programming or scripting. This platform has been ...
    • openAccess   A video game to discover important women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics 

      Del Olmo Marco, María Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-08)
      This document represents the Final Degree Work report of Maria del Olmo Marco in Video Game Design and Development. The objective of this application is to show, especially children, that there were, there are, and there ...
    • openAccess   A video game to simulate the managing of an hospital 

      Vyachislavov Ovseychik, Aleksey Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-15)
      The aim of this project is to make the player understand how hard the medical stuff works and how difficult is to put together all the people, infrastructure and equipment in order to ensure our right to a free , universal ...
    • openAccess   Acces to Z-buffer information for the development of a video game with a depth effect as a mechanic 

      Esteban Villalba, Carlos Universitat Jaume I (2019-06)
      This document presents the whole work done for the final project of the Design and Development of Video games degree, based on the creation of an experience made in Unity3D and built for PC platform. The main mechanic ...
    • openAccess   Achievement of visual realism in a video game using free software 

      Monzó Machirant, Alex Universitat Jaume I (2022-06-10)
      Visual realism is necessary for most of the AAA (and some independent) games, as they are usually more focused in this aesthetic than a stylized one, but normally the software used to achieve that realism requires expensive ...
    • openAccess   Advanced motion system using animations and physics 

      García Lozano, Álvaro Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-08)
      To create an animator with an extensive library of animations, giving it variety. The final result should look smooth and should work correctly and needs to be realistic. To learn about ragdoll and create one that reacts ...
    • closedAccess   Advergaming applied to musical products 

      Caram Asensi, Ander Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-12)
      Music products are widely advertised on the radio and on online video and music platforms. However, videogames are an unused communication channel for this kind of publicity. This project describes the whole process of ...