• openAccess   Location Indoors 

      Varea García, Rebeca Universitat Jaume I (2020-09-23)
      This document aims to be an explication of the process, the successes, the failures, the result and the obstacles that I’ve faced during the last months to create a 3D interactive environment with AutoCAD 2020, ArcMap, ...
    • openAccess   Machine Learning techniques applied to the development of a strategy battle video game 

      Martínez Martín, David Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      In the last years, the research of Artificial Intelligence techniques in the field of robotics has made a huge advance that, joined to the evolution of the processing capacity of CPUs, allows other fields to take advantage ...
    • openAccess   mimicry An experimental puzzle game mixed with emergent narrative 

      Ferreras Lozano, Sergio Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-08)
      In this final degree work I’ve created a puzzle game with emergent narrative called Mimicry. Mimicry is a game created with the aim of mixing emergent narrative with puzzles, thus reaching an experience that can be ...
    • openAccess   Mobile application for the management of personal training 

      Fernández Calvo, Daniel Universitat Jaume I (2019-07)
      This is the Final Degree Work memory of Design and Development of Videogames . The goal is the development of a mobile application that manages the users and the results obtained through of training by error messages. ...
    • openAccess   Multiplayer video game for public spaces 

      Rufo Tena, Víctor Universitat Jaume I (2023-07-18)
      Raid and Go is a two dimensions (2D) raid-style turn-based online video game that aims to be locate to public spaces, such as parks or iconic city locations but it could be used in long-distance public transport as well. ...
    • openAccess   NAMG: Gamification of mathematics concepts (Not Another Multiplication Game) 

      García Pou, Ramón Universitat Jaume I (2017-07-12)
      This document presents the end-of-degree project about NAMG, a tablet video game with 2D graphics, pixel art style and made with Unity. The goal of the game is to be as educational as possible while remaining fun and ...
    • openAccess   Narrative economy and game feel in videogames 

      Arona Bueno, David Universitat Jaume I (2018-07)
      Throughout the degree I have done many games for the subjects. Although the games met the goals requested, they lacked interest in the more interactive side. I want to take this opportunity to make a game that is fun and ...
    • openAccess   Neural networks applied to a tower defense video game 

      González Ramírez, Adrián Universitat Jaume I (2018-06)
      This project has been created by Adrián González Ramírez as his Final Degree Project of the Degree in Design and Development of Video Games of the Jaume I University [1]. This project focuses on creating a tower defense ...
    • openAccess   Nido de Alambres: Desarrollo de un videojuego híbrido 3D/2D como herramienta de concienciación contra el acoso escolar 

      Sanchis Piqueras, Jordi Universitat Jaume I (2024-06-07)
      Although video games are seen by society as a purely recreational tool and several articles warn of the addiction they can generate, they are also capable of providing benefits in different ways, from educational, social, ...
    • closedAccess   Paintball, The Game. A multiplayer online first person shooter game 

      Villarino García, Borja Universitat Jaume I (2016-07-06)
      This document describes the development of an online multiplayer first person shooter game inspired by the sport known as paintball. The areas explored in the project are character designing (art and animations), gameplay ...
    • openAccess   Pediatriapp 2D. Gamification of pediatric health procedures 

      Soria Mascarós, Fernando Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-10)
      This document represents the Final Degree Work report of Fernando Soria Mascarós in Video Game Design and Development. This work consists of the development of an application aimed at minors that will explain, through ...
    • openAccess   Performing a High Realistic Video Game Environment 

      Tocitu Spiridon, Razvan Alexandru Universitat Jaume I (2022-05-25)
      One of the most important parts of video game development is the art style of the game. There are different types of art, from cartoon to realistic. In this case we use the realistic style which is characterised by its ...
    • openAccess   Physical Activity Motivator 

      Muñoz Pérez, Daniel Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-13)
      This document explains how this project about an motivating of physical activity application was developed, which is consists in make the user to move within the campus and could use it as a guide through it.
    • openAccess   PLAYFOOD AR 

      Requena Moreno, Carlos Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-07)
      This document tries to explain a new application focused on catering, powered by the most innovative technologies and accompanied by the idea of using gamification as a form of loyalty through the video games.
    • openAccess   Portal Venture: Development of a virtual reality puzzle video game that features a portals mechanic 

      López Baranda, Miguel Ángel Universitat Jaume I (2022-05-11)
      This document constitutes the project Final Degree Project report of the Video Games Design and Development bachelor’s degree by Miguel Ángel López Baranda. The project consists in a virtual reality video game developed ...
    • openAccess   Powerbot escape: AI behaviours for enemy NPCS 

      Escrig Pérez, Borja Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-09)
      The proposal for the final degree project is based on the development of artificial intelligence behaviours for the enemy NPCs from a Rogue-Like game. These NPCs use predefined rules and decision trees to decide their ...
    • closedAccess   Pravida 

      Montoya Martínez, Cristian Universitat Jaume I (2019-06)
      This work consists in the development in Unity3D of an open-world video game in which the player can de-stress by living the life of his character in a town with many activities and varied professions. These activities ...
    • closedAccess   Procedural generation of optimized maps for survival video games 

      Bachiller Cabal, Jesús Universitat Jaume I (2018-06)
      The goal of this End-of-Degree project has been to create a random world that adapts to the needs of the developed video game in this project. In the last years, there has been a great stake for random generation techniques ...
    • closedAccess   Procedural plot generation in videogames to extend the player’s agency in narrative 

      Mojena Wilce, Yolanda Universitat Jaume I (2016)
      This Degree's Final Project is aimed at the development of a Procedural Plot Generationon system in a videogame capable of creating a consistent and interesting narrative which provides the player with a high level of ...
    • closedAccess   Procedural Terrain Generation A Study 

      Andújar De Andrés, Francisco Universitat Jaume I (2019-07)
      The main objective of this work is to serve as an introduction to the world of Procedural Terrain Generation, by explaining a number of techniques used to create different parts of terrain and highlighting the one I found ...