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  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1991) Comité editorial Anuari
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Flexibilitat i tipus d'empreses
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1991) Ripolles, Maria
    The author tries to refute the commonplace of the flexibility of the small and medium enterprises compared with the big ones. Once this kind of enterprises described, the elements involved in the flexibility of a company are studied.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Línies actuals d'investigació sobre programes educatius amb delinqüents
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1991) Carbó Badal, Olga
    In this article, the Social Sciences Citation Index (1975-1987) is reviewed in detail to analyze and evaluate, from a semantic point of view, the education programs with delinquents that are reported in those dates.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    El càncer, enigma i repte: orígens i possibilitats de prevenció
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1991) Giner Sorolla, Alfred
    In this study a panorama about the matter of cancer is presented, focusing in the main items of this widespread ilness: the substances that produce cancer (investigated, with original results, by the author of the article himself), the importance of the environmental factors and the way of life, the myths about cancer and the real possibilities of preventing and curing.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Art i Neovantguarda
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1991) Torrent, Rosalía
    This study describes the «neovanguard» phenomenon. The author deals with the movements appeared after the historical vanguards, with a special incidence in the poetics of all of them, from American Abstract Expressionism to the New Baroque style that seems to prevail nowadays.