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  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1990) Comité editorial Anuari
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1990) Comité editorial Anuari
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Mol·luscs continentals a Borriana
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1990) Roselló Gimeno, Robert
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Els inicis de la cooperació en la citricultura valenciana
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1990) Abad, Vicent
    The culture of the Valencian irrigated land has been surrounded by a series of factors that have helped to form a refractory consciousness of association in thepeasant. owever, this behaviour, generalized, has had notable and significant exceptions, whose antecedents, genesis and posterior evolution are the theme of tbis article. After the few conserved documents, the development, growth and crisis of association is drawn, to characterize definitively a phenomenon that, in the Valencian area, goes with the economic conjuncture: mighty in bad times, weak in good times. A revealing symptom.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Estudi químic de la dinàmica de les aigües litorals del delta del Millars a l'estiu del 1989
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1990) Monrós, Guillermo; Oliver, V.L.; Carda Castelló, Juan Bautista; Tena, M. A.
    The results obtained by analyzing different chemical parameters in samples of litoral waters picked up in a systematic way along the summer of 1989, at the north of river Millars delta («Pinar» beach in Castelló de la Plana) and at the south(«Grau» of Borriana), are presented in this work. As a result of a didactid experiment in environmental education in the field of chemistry, the contents in total solids, chlorides, pH, conductivity, hardness, nitrates and other factors in the waters are determined here, which alows us to give data about the evolution of the quantity of the waters all along the summer, and its climatic and litoral ocurrences in the studied time.