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    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1994) Comité editorial Anuari
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    Comportament edàfic de Gypsophila hispanica Willk. a la província de Castelló.
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1994) Sanchis Duato, E.; Roselló Gimeno, Robert; Peris Gisbert, J. B.; Currás Cayón, R.
    Gysophila hispanica Willk. is an iberian-levantine endemism with optimum in the Maestracensis sector (Castillan-Maestrazgo-Manchego province) and the province of Aragon, which is generally considered a gysum soil element. Analysis of the characteristics of the soils of the locations studied shows a wide edaphic spectrum and indicates that it belongs to halo(gypso)ni trophile taxa.
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    Congruències i dicrepàncies en les escales de valors entre pares i fills adolescents
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1994) Martín Valero, Dionisio
    In this article we gather an empirical study over a sample of valencian parents anc! Teenage children so as to obtain differences and similarities (alignement leves) between their value scales. For this study, with also takes in the variable "social class", we used Rokeach's RVS. It is based on Rokeach's theory -inculcation of values-, pointing out the importance of significant groups as referential groups or models in the processes of socialization, and concludes by reasserting the determination of parents in the axiological configuration of their children.
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    Etnicitat, nació, Estat i projecte europeu sobre macroestructures, identitats i desconstruccions
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1994) Piqueras Infante, Andrés
    In this paper some of the ethnic and national clues that are leading to a strong processess of collective identification all over the world, are pointed out. Many of this elements were employed to obtain former identifications are, on the other hand, revitalized in the construction of Macrostructures (Macro-State and Macro-Nation), to which there is a tendency nowdays. From these pages some of the principal orientations on both processess, which can eventually be contradictory, are analized, as are certain ref1ections about their possible deconstruction.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Cicle familiar, pràctiques successòries i sistemes agraris durant l'Antic Règim al País Valencià.
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1994) Barrera Aymerich, Modest
    Production and reproduction have been the defining features of the family business along the course of time. They produced in order to reproduce themselves, and in this way they passed Their possessions at their heirs in order to build a new family business. This would be the axis of a familiar cycle ruled by a strong patriarchy, whose inheritance practiques, in the case of Valencia, allowing and equal distribution, determined not only the demographic aspects but also the fact that the notions of ownership and running the land were separated during the Ancien Regime.