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  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1992) Comité editorial Anuari
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Entorn del verb MANERE i dels seus derivats
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1992) Villas i Chalamanch, Montserrat
    A study of the solutions given to the Latin verb MANERE in the different languages of the Romance linguistic domain, especially in Catalan, in all times and places.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    El nom del riu "Anna" i altres dades pera a la toponímia borrianenca
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1992) Pérez Vilatela, Luciano
    The author puts forward the possibility of studying the toponymy of Borriana through the person name Burrius and the suffix which complements it. -ana, which occurs frequently in Romance countries to denominate places derived from a person name, probably that of the owner. That notwithstanding, the suffix inevitably leads to the popular name by which the river Sec (Dry) is known in the town with which the present study is concerned. That is why the word Ana is also dealt with in the article and, thanks to the excellent documentary record on which he relies, the author reaches the conclusion that it is a hydronimic root of Celtic origin.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    La Gramàtica de Ballot: la llengua catalana i la consciència lingüística entre la Decadència i la Reinaxença
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1992) Kailuweit, Rolf
    The purpose of this essay is to introduce into Catalan linguistic history of the early 19th century. Focusin on the sociolinguistic context of one of the epoch's most important texts, the catalan grammar of Ballot. I show that the concept of "linguistic conflict" is not an adequate category to discribe the diglossic relation of Catalan and Spanish at this time. In a second part I concretate on some aspects of Ballot's linguistic norm The fact that this norm is not even executed by the author of the recommendation that precedes the second edition of the grammar gives evidence to the lack of linguistic conscience.
  • ArtículoAcceso abierto
    Lèxic de ferrers i ferradors a Benicarló (Baix Maestrat)
    (Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura, 1992) Gómez Juan, Núria; Delcastillo Montserrat, Francesc