• openAccess   Rapid encoding of task regularities in the human hippocampus guides sensorimotor timing 

      Polti, Ignacio; Nau, Matthias; Kaplan, Raphael; van Wassenhove, Virginie; Doeller, Christian eLife Sciences Publications (2022-11-01)
      The brain encodes the statistical regularities of the environment in a task-specific yet flexible and generalizable format. Here, we seek to understand this process by bridging two parallel lines of research, one centered ...
    • openAccess   Rapid Plasticity in the Prefrontal Cortex during Affective Associative Learning 

      Rehbein, Maimu A.; Steinberg, Christian; Wessing, Ida; Pastor, M. Carmen; Zwitserlood, Pienie; Keuper, Kati; Junghöfer, Markus Public Library of Science (2014)
      MultiCS conditioning is an affective associative learning paradigm, in which affective categories consist of many similar and complex stimuli. Comparing visual processing before and after learning, recent MultiCS conditioning ...
    • openAccess   Reacción emocional ante la exposición involuntaria a cibersexo en adolescentes: Factores moduladores 

      GIL JULIA, BEATRIZ; Castro-Calvo, Jesús; Martínez Gómez, Naiara; Cervigón-Carrasco, Verónica; Gil-Llario, MD INFAD (2019-04-30)
      Los avances realizados durante los últimos años en el ámbito de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación han favorecido un uso generalizado de internet. La población adolescente utiliza Internet de forma natural ...
    • openAccess   Reading salt activates gustatory brain regions: fMRI evidence for semantic grounding in a novel sensory modality 

      Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; González-Álvarez, Julio; Pulvermüller, Friedemann; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Bustamante, Juan Carlos; Costumero, Víctor; Parcet, Maria Antonia; Avila, Cesar Oxford University Press (2012-11)
      Because many words are typically used in the context of their referent objects and actions, distributed cortical circuits for these words may bind information about their form with perceptual and motor aspects of their ...
    • openAccess   Realidad afectivo-sexual en adolescentes: análisis de género sobre prácticas sexuales tempranas 

      Andreu-Casas, Marina; Ortas-Barajas, Francisco; García-Barba, Marta; Ruiz-Palomino, Estefania; Ballester-Arnal, Rafael Asociación INFAD (2023-07)
      La vida afectivo-sexual en la adolescencia está en constante evolución. En este sentido, hoy en día se continúa luchando por una educación sexual desde edades tempranas. Sin embargo, aunque los avances sean notables, esta ...
    • openAccess   Recalling Tough Times: Exploring the Efect of Acceptance on Autobiographical Memory in Daily Life 

      Colombo, Desirée; Wrzesien, Maja; Baños, Rosa Maria Springer (2024-02)
      Objectives When facing daily negative events, people implement diferent strategies to regulate ongoing emotions. While the literature suggests that the emotional correlates of an event (i.e., valence and arousal) are ...
    • openAccess   Recent Progress in Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy for Phobias: A Systematic Review 

      Botella, Cristina; Fernández-Álvarez, Javier; Guillen, Veronica; Díaz-García, Amanda; Baños, Rosa Maria Springer Verlag (2017-05)
      This review is designed to systematically examine the available evidence about virtual reality exposure therapy’s (VRET) efficacy for phobias, critically describe some of the most important challenges in the field and ...
    • closedAccess   Recent Stressful Life Events (SLE) and Adolescent Mental Health: Initial Validation of the LEIA, a New Checklist for SLE Assessment According to Their Severity, Interpersonal, and Dependent Nature 

      Moya-Higueras, Jorge; Cuevas Carda, Andrea; Marques-Feixa, Laia; Mezquita, Laura; Mayoral, Maria; Fananas, Lourdes; Ortet, Generós; Ibáñez, Manuel I SAGE (2018)
      The main aim of the present study was to develop and validate a checklist for adolescents, the Life Events Inventory for Adolescents (LEIA), for screening stressful life events (SLEs) of different nature (major–minor, ...
    • closedAccess   Reduced activity in functional networks during reward processing is modulated by abstinence in cocaine addicts 

      Costumero, Víctor; Bustamante, Juan Carlos; Rosell Negre, Patricia; Fuentes-Claramonte, Paola; Llopis, Juan José; Avila, Cesar; Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso Wiley (2017-03)
      Cocaine addiction is characterized by alterations in motivational and cognitive processes. Recent studies have shown that some alterations present in cocaine users may be related to the activity of large functional networks. ...
    • closedAccess   Reduced posterior parietal cortex activation after training on a visual search task 

      Bueichekú, Elisenda; Miró-Padilla, Anna; Palomar-García, María-Ángeles; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Parcet, Maria Antonia; Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; Avila, Cesar Elsevier (2016-07)
      Gaining experience on a cognitive task improves behavioral performance and is thought to enhance brain efficiency. Despite the body of literature already published on the effects of training on brain activation, less ...
    • openAccess   Reduced resting state connectivity and gray matter volume correlate with cognitive impairment in minimal hepatic encephalopathy 

      García-García, Raquel; Cruz Gómez, Álvaro Javier; Mangas-Losada, Alba; Urios, Amparo; Forn, Cristina; Escudero-García, Desamparados; Kosenko, Elena; Ordoño, Juan Fermín; Tosca, Joan; Giner-Durán, Remedios; Serra, Miguel Ángel; Avila, Cesar; Belloch, Vicente; Felipo, Vicente; Montoliu, Carmina Public Library of Science (2017)
      Background and aims Minimal hepatic encephalopathy (MHE) is associated with cognitive alterations and changes in connectivity. We assessed the relationship of the abnormalities of resting-state functional connectivity ...
    • closedAccess   Reduced striatal volume in cocaine-dependent patients 

      Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; Garavan, Hugh; Bustamante, Juan Carlos; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Llopis Llácer, Juan José; Belloch, Vicente; Parcet, Maria Antonia; Avila, Cesar Elsevier (2011)
      Long-term cocaine consumption is associated with brain structural and functional changes. While the animal literature on cocaine use and dependence has traditionally focused on the striatum, previous human studies using ...
    • openAccess   Reduction in Central H2O2 Levels Prevents Voluntary Ethanol Intake in Mice: A Role for the Brain Catalase- H2O2 System in Alcohol Binge Drinking 

      Ledesma Llorente, Juan Carlos; Baliño, Pablo; González Aragón, Carlos Manuel Wiley (2014-01)
      Background: Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is the cosubstrate used by the enzyme catalase to form Compound I (the catalase-H2O2 system), which is the major pathway for the conversion of ethanol (EtOH) into acetaldehyde in the ...
    • openAccess   Regional Brain Atrophy and Functional Connectivity Changes Related to Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis 

      Cruz Gómez, Álvaro Javier; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Belenguer Benavides, Antonio; Avila, Cesar; Forn, Cristina Public Library of Science (2013)
      Fatigue is one of the most frequent symptoms in multiple sclerosis (MS), and recent studies have described a relationship between the sensorimotor cortex and its afferent and efferent pathways as a substrate of fatigue. ...
    • openAccess   La regulación emocional como factor transdiagnóstico en psicoterapia: luces y sombras de un campo en desarrollo 

      Fernández-Álvarez, Javier; Molinari, Guadalupe; Colombo, Desirée; Díaz-García, Amanda; Riva, Giuseppe; Botella, Cristina Editorial Grao (2018)
      La regulación emocional se ha convertido a lo largo de las últimas dos décadas en uno de los constructos más estudiados en el campo de la psicología clínica. En el presente artículo se exponen en una primera sección los ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre el consumo de sustancias tóxicas y el uso del preservativo 

      Elipe Miravet, Marcel; Ballester-Arnal, Rafael; Giménez-García, Cristina; Cervigón-Carrasco, Verónica; Gil-Llario, MD Asociación INFAD (2019-09-01)
      En los últimos años ha habido un repunte en las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). Tradicionalmente, se asociaban las ITS a ciertos colectivos. Sin embargo, se observa que esta acentuación se da en diferentes grupos ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre Inteligencia y Funciones Ejecutivas 

      González Torre, Julio Alberto; Gallego Moya, Sígrid; Camacho Guerrero, Laura; Viruela Royo, Ana; Mezquita, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2011)
      A pesar de que el término de "funciones ejecutivas" apareció pretendiendo ser un constructo unitario e independiente, la evidencia de los últimos años demuestra que se solapa en gran parte con el constructo "inteligencia". ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre la regulación emocional y la autoestima 

      Balaguer Pich, Nuria; Sanchez-Gomez, Martin; Díaz-García, Amanda Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2018)
      Introducción: Autoestima y regulación emocional son constructos psicológicos relacionadoscon la salud mental. El presente estudio pretende explorar la relación existenteentre estos dos constructos. Objetivo: Analizar la ...
    • openAccess   Relación entre las alteraciones estructurales y el deterioro cognitivo en pacientes con Esclerosis Múltiple 

      Cruz Gómez, Álvaro Javier; Belenguer Benavides, Antonio; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Forn, Cristina; Simón Gozalbo, Ana Universitat Jaume I (2011)
      Las causas del deterioro cognitivo en los pacientes de Esclerosis Múltiple (EM) son todavía desconocidas, así como la relación entre dicho deterioro y el daño cerebral observado con distintas técnicas de adquisición ...
    • closedAccess   Relationship between eating styles and temperament in an anorexia nervosa, healthy control, and morbid obesity female sample 

      Baños, Rosa Maria; Cebolla Marti, Ausias; Moragrega Vergara, Inés; Van Strien, T.; Fernández Aranda, Fernando; Agüera, Zaida; De la Torre, Rafael; Casanueva, Felipe F.; Fernández-Real, José Manuel; Fernández García, José Carlos; Frühbeck, Gema; Gómez Ambrosi, Javier; Jiménez-Murcia, Susana; Rodríguez, Roser; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco Javier; Botella, Cristina Elsevier (2014-05-01)
      Objectives: Eating styles have been studied in both Obesity (OB) and Eating Disorders (ED), but they have not been examined in these two weight conditions together. The present study explores differences in eating styles ...