Mostrando ítems 1-5 de 770

    • openAccess   Potenciando el aprendizaje matemático a través del juego : una experiencia de éxito 

      Pons González, Juan; Lluch Peris , Ana Maria Sociedad canaria de profesorado de matemáticas Luis Balbuena Castellano (2024-07-01)
      En el ámbito educativo, la gamificación y el aprendizaje cooperativo han sido objeto de numerosos estudios debido a su capacidad para promover un entorno de aprendizaje más motivador y participativo. La combinación de la ...
    • openAccess   On the interpretation of Caputo fractional compartmental models 

      Calatayud, Julia; Jornet, Marc; Pinto, Carla M. A. Elsevier (2024)
      In the last decade, hundreds of papers have been published on fractional modeling. The approach is often similar, with the motivation of incorporating a ‘‘memory effect’’: take the integer-order differential-equation model, ...
    • openAccess   Summary characteristics for multivariate function-valued spatial point process attributes 

      Eckardt, Matthias; Comas, Carles; Mateu, Jorge John Wiley and Sons Inc (2024-07-21)
      Prompted by modern technologies in data acquisition, the statistical analysis of spatially distributed function-valued quantities has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. In particular, combinations of functional ...
    • openAccess   Finite Groups Whose Maximal Subgroups are 2-Nilpotent or Normal 

      Shao, Changguo; Beltrán, Antonio Springer (2024)
      We describe the structure of those finite groups whose maximal subgroups are either 2-nilpotent or normal. Among other properties, we prove that if such a group G does not have any non-trivial quotient that is a 2-group, ...
    • closedAccess   Has the balloon really burst? Analysis of “the UK-REBOA randomized clinical trial” 

      Martínez Hernández, Andreu; Chorro, Rosanna; Climent, Andrés; Lazaro-Paulina, Francisco G.; Martínez García, Vicente Elsevier (2024-08)
      Background: Uncontrolled hemorrhagic shock is a leading cause of early death after injury. Resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) represents a paradigm shift in achieving hemodynamic stability ...