Now showing items 1-20 of 829

    • openAccess   Gráficos en investigación y diseño 

      Company, Pedro; Gomis Martí, José María Inegraf (1994)
      En este trabajo se aborda el estudio genérico de los procesos de investigación y diseño, con la intención de revisar las diferencias y semejanzas entre ambos, en cuanto al empleo de herramientas gráficas. La principal ...
    • openAccess   La proyección en el proceso de representación y en los sistemas de representación 

      Gomis Martí, José María; Company, Pedro Inegraf (1995)
      En este trabajo se aborda el estudio genérico de la aplicación del proceso de representación, tanto en los sistemas «clásicos» de representación, como en los algoritmos de representación por ordenador. Se pretende poner ...
    • openAccess   Reconstrucción Geométrica Tridimensional 

      Gomis Martí, José María; Company, Pedro Inegraf (1996)
      A pesar de los importantes avances en CAD, los diseñadores todavía prefieren el lápiz yel papel. Especialmente en las fases más conceptuales del diseño, en las que se baraja unacolección incompleta de requisitos e ideas ...
    • openAccess   Product Data Quality and Collaborative Engineering 

      Contero, Manuel; Company, Pedro; Vila, Carlos; Aleixos, Nuria IEEE Computer Society (2002-05)
      n this article, the authors analyze the impact of product data quality in the implementation of collaborative engineering in an extended enterprise framework. They also analyze the product data model as a key element for ...
    • openAccess   Situación Actual de la Reconstrucción 3D de Dibujos Lineales 

      Piquer, Ana; Company, Pedro Centro de Informacion Tecnologica (2004)
      The present study summarizes the studies made on the three-dimensional reconstruction of linear drawings over the last thirty years, making a critical evaluation of different methods and current tendencies. A new general ...
    • openAccess   Integrated modeling with Top-Down approach in subsidiary industries 

      Aleixos, Nuria; Company, Pedro; Contero, Manuel Elsevier (2004-01)
      This article considers how conceptual design of industrial products is supported by current CAD systems. The case of subsidiary industries, or first tier suppliers, that must simultaneously deal with different customers ...
    • openAccess   An optimisation-based reconstruction engine for 3D modelling by sketching 

      Company, Pedro; Contero, Manuel; Conesa, Julián; Piquer, Ana Elsevier (2004-12)
      An engine that automatically reconstructs a large variety of polyhedral, origami and wire-frame objects from single-view sketched drawings generated in a calligraphic interface is presented. The engine has two stages. An ...
    • openAccess   Educational software for teaching drawing-based conceptual design skills 

      Company, Pedro; Contero, Manuel; Piquer, Ana; Aleixos, Nuria; Conesa, Julián; Naya, Ferran Wiley (2004-12-17)
      An education-oriented computer application to draw sketches of polyhedrons that are automatically recognized to reconstructs the suitable three-dimensional (3D) models is presented. The users can modify the sketches and ...
    • openAccess   Improving Visualization Skills in Engineering Education 

      Contero, Manuel; Company, Pedro; Saorín Pérez, José Luis; Naya, Ferran; Conesa, Julián IEEE Computer Society (2005-09)
      This article analyzes the importance of visualization skills in engineering education. It proposes a dual approach based on computer graphics applications using both Web-based graphic applications and a sketch based modeling ...
    • openAccess   Semantic Differential applied to the evaluation of machine tool design 

      Mondragón Donés, Salvador; Company, Pedro; Vergara, Margarita Elsevier (2005-11)
      In this article, a study is presented showing that Product Semantics (PS) can be used to study the design of machine tools. Nowadays, different approaches to PS (Semantic Differential, Kansei Engineering, etc.) are being ...
    • openAccess   A survey on geometrical reconstruction as a core technology to sketch-based modeling 

      Company, Pedro; Piquer, Ana; Contero, Manuel; Naya, Ferran Elsevier (2005-12)
      In this work, the background and evolution of three-dimensional reconstruction of line drawings during the last 30 years is discussed. A new general taxonomy is proposed to make apparent and discuss the historical evolution ...
    • openAccess   Learning Support Tools for Developing Spatial Abilities in Engineering Design 

      Cantero, Manuel; Naya, Ferran; Company, Pedro; Saorín Pérez, José Luis Tempus Publications (2006)
      This paper presents some learning support tools for developing spatial abilities in engineering design students. They are based on the previous authors' experience in teaching traditional Engineering Graphics and uses both ...
    • closedAccess   Flow structure of gas-liquid two-phase flow in an annulus 

      Ozar, Basar; Jeong, J.J.; Dixit, A.; Juliá Bolívar, José Enrique; Hibiki, Takashi; Ishii, M. Elsevier (2008)
      The flow structure of gas-liquid two-phase flow in vertical annulus channel has been investigated. The inner and outer diameters of the annular channel were 19.1 and 38.1 mm, respectively. The total height of the test ...
    • closedAccess   Design of a model to assess the environmental risk of leachate dams 

      Colomer Mendoza, Francisco José; Gallardo Izquierdo, Antonio Elsevier (2008)
      Leachate dams store very toxic liquids, leachate, that contain a large amount of pollutant substances. Most of them are located in gullies or ravines, so if a dam breaks, leachate would advance downstream provoking an ...
    • closedAccess   A dynamic model of a shell-and-tube condenser operating in a vapour compression refrigeration plant 

      Llopis, Rodrigo; Cabello López, Ramón; Torrella Alcaraz, Enrique Elsevier (2008)
      This work presents a mathematical model of a shell-and-tube condenser based on mass continuity, energy conservation and heat transfer physical fundamentals, whose methodology can be easily adapted for modelling any type ...
    • closedAccess   Interfacial area transport of vertical upward air-water two-phase flow in an annulus channel 

      Jeong, J.J.; Ozar, Basar; Dixit, A.; Juliá Bolívar, José Enrique; Hibiki, Takashi; Ishii, M. Elsevier (2008)
      An experimental study on the interfacial area transport (IAT) of vertical, upward, air-water two-phase flows in an annulus channel has been conducted. The inner and outer diameters of the annular channel were 19.1 mm and ...
    • closedAccess   Upward vertical two-phase flow local flow regime identification using neural network techniques 

      Juliá Bolívar, José Enrique; Liu, Y.; Paranjape, Sidharth; Ishii, M. Elsevier (2008)
      Traditionally, the flow regimes in two-phase flow are considered in a global sense. However, a local flow regime is required to understand and model the interfacial structures present in the flow. In this work, a new ...
    • closedAccess   Activity modelling in a collaborative ceramic tile design chain: an enhanced IDEF0 approach 

      Romero Subirón, Fernando; Company, Pedro; Agost, Maria-Jesus; Vila, Carlos Springer-Verlag (2008)
      Explicit descriptions of should-be and to-be activities and processes are key elements in implementing industrial projects aimed at improving new-product development (NPD) processes, especially when e-collaboration utilities ...
    • closedAccess   Experimental evaluation of the energy efficiency of a CO2 refrigerating plant working in transcritical conditions 

      Cabello López, Ramón; Sánchez García-Vacas, Daniel; Llopis, Rodrigo; Torrella Alcaraz, Enrique (2008)
      This work presents the experimental evaluation of the energy efficiency and optimal gas-cooler pressures of a single-stage refrigerating plant working with carbon dioxide as refrigerant in transcritical conditions. The ...
    • openAccess   Las declaraciones de impacto ambiental en estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales 

      Fornás Collado, Vicente; Colomer Mendoza, Francisco José TIASA (2008)
      Se hace patente el principio de prevención como guía de la política medioambiental, estableciendo en las DIAs la adopción de todas aquellas medidas que eviten impactos. La minimización, que se muestra en la necesidad de ...