• openAccess   Business project of "VBF Ltd" 

      Terol Monreal, Joan Dídac Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-14)
      Throughout the following study has been analyzed the viability of a newly created company, "VBF Ltd". VBF Ltd stands for “Vehicles Become Furniture Limited Society”, dedicated to the production of furniture from vehicles ...
    • closedAccess   Creació artística a l’aula de secundària a través de la conscienciació ambiental 

      Esteve Garrido, Imma Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-14)
      En aquest projecte es desenvolupa un Treball de Final de “Màster de Professor/a d’Educació Secundària i Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyament d’Idiomes”, dins de l’especialitat d’Arts Plàstiques. ...
    • openAccess   Development of an Escape Room Video Game about Recycling 

      Montaña Miranda, Nàdia Universitat Jaume I (2023-06-08)
      This document represents the Final Degree Work report of Nàdia Montaña Miranda, in Bachelor’s Degree in Video Game Design and Development. The main concept is a video game with an escape room format, with the aim ...
    • openAccess   Ecologic ceramic substrates for CIGS solar cells 

      Fraga Chiva, Diego; Lyubenova, Teodora; Martí Valls, Rafael Francisco; Calvet Roures, Iván; Barrachina Albert, Ester; Carda Castelló, Juan Bautista Elsevier (2016)
      In this work the use of porcelain stoneware tiles as alternative substrates for CIGS thin film solar cells for the development of specific applications as those related to building integration (BIPV, BAPV) are reported. ...
    • openAccess   ¿Es España el país europeo mejor reciclador de vehículos? 

      Espartero Martos, Sheila; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Lauroba Izaguirre, Nagore; Beitia, Amaia; Muñoz Marzá, Carlos; Vidal, Rosario Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2009)
      The amount of waste generated at the End of Life (EOL) of vehicles is an issue that concern to the European Commission. According to the End of Life Directive 2000/53/CE, from January 2006 the 80% of the weight of the ...
    • openAccess   Estudio de desmontabilidad y de fin de vida de la puerta de un C4 Picasso 

      Justel Lozano, Daniel; Espartero Martos, Sheila; García Abaunz, Mikel; Lauroba Izaguirre, Nagore; Muñoz Marzá, Carlos; Vidal, Rosario Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2010)
      The car sector, considering the necessity of reducing the energetic demand and the environmental impact of the vehicles, needs to lighten their weight. The lightening strategy to follow, so as in other sectors, is based ...
    • openAccess   Estudio de los centros autorizados de tratamiento de vehículos de la provincia de Castellón 

      Muñoz Marzá, Carlos; Vidal, Rosario; Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Franco García, Vicente; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Espartero Martos, Sheila Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2009)
      The role of Authorized Treatment Facilities (ATFs) for end-of-life (EOL) vehicles within the recycling chain is to take charge of decontaminating and disassembling EOL vehicles, thus enabling the reuse, recycling or ...
    • openAccess   Multifunctional smart coatings on novel ceramics and glassceramic substrates in the context of the circular economy 

      Lyubenova, Teodora; Fraga Chiva, Diego; Carda Castelló, Juan Bautista; Kozhukharov, Vladimir; Machkova, Maria S. University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (Bulgaria) (2018)
      Nowadays is time of products generated by “smart coatings” that exhibit multiple functionalities. In particular, the construction industry is reached the point where it is possible to fabricate “smart and sustainable” ...
    • openAccess   Photovoltaic Glass Waste Recycling in the Development of Glass Substrates for Photovoltaic Applications 

      Treviño Rodríguez, Karina; Sánchez Vázquez, Astrid Iriana; Ruiz Valdés, Juan Jacobo; Ibarra Rodríguez, Jorge; Paredes Figueroa, María Guadalupe; Porcar García, Samuel; Carda Castelló, Juan Bautista; Álvarez, Anabel MDPI (2023)
      Because of the increasing demand for photovoltaic energy and the generation of end-of-life photovoltaic waste forecast, the feasibility to produce glass substrates for photovoltaic application by recycling photovoltaic ...
    • closedAccess   PlasticOH!: Increasing Social and Environmental Sustainability in Castellón Through Recycling 

      McDonald, Lia Universitat Jaume I (2017-10-18)
      The Earth’s resources are limited and it is important that we conserve as much as possible. One way to do this is to recycle waste products. The main objective of this project is to decrease the amount of recyclable garbage ...
    • openAccess   Preliminary study on the fresh and mechanical properties of UHPC made with recycled UHPC aggregates 

      Roig-Flores, Marta; Borg, Ruben Paul; Ruiz-Muñoz, Cecilia; Mezquida-Alcaraz, Eduardo J.; Gimenez-Carbo, Ester; Lozano Násner, Albany Milena; SERNA, PEDRO Taylor & Francis (2021-11-09)
      The recycling of construction and demolition waste material reduces disposal of material and also the consumption of resources, therefore promoting sustainability in construction. Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is ...
    • closedAccess   El reciclaje. Recurso didáctico para una propuesta interdisciplinar y creativa 

      Forner Querol, María Universitat Jaume I (2019-06-18)
      El presente Trabajo de Final de Grado, TFG, profesionalizador, tiene como finalidad el diseño de objetos reciclados creativos para un aula de 2º de primaria en el CEIP Bernat Artola. El objetivo es que los alumnos aprendan ...
    • openAccess   Recycling of Cr/Ni/Cu plating wastes as black ceramic pigments 

      Gargori, Carina; Prim, S. R.; Llusar, Mario; Folgueras, M. V.; Monrós, Guillermo Elsevier (2018)
      The non-ferrous metal industry, such as Cr/Ni/Cu plating, produces acid sludge which is usually neutralized with lime slurry in batch processes, and the resulting waste is dewatered by vacuum filtration or filter-pressing. ...
    • closedAccess   The role of curbside bins provision in packaging wastes collection 

      Budí Ors, Tomás Universitat Jaume I (2018-07-10)
      In the context of a transition from a Linear Economy to a Circular Economy, in which resources are reused or recycled, this Degree Final Project attempts to quantify the impact of curbside yellow bins provision in the ...
    • openAccess   Vitrification and sinter-crystallization of fly ash with glass cullet 

      Lyubenova, Teodora; Fraga Chiva, Diego; Barrachina Albert, Ester; Calvet Roures, Iván; Carda Castelló, Juan Bautista MedCrave (2019)
      The synthesis of a new glass-ceramic obtained by sinter-crystallization has been investigated by using soda-lime-silicate glass waste and fly ashes from a coal power thermal station located in Andorra (Teruel, Spain). ...
    • closedAccess   El vínculo entre la educación formal y la no formal. Una propuesta de mejora para una programación de aula a partir de la visita a un museo 

      Beltrán Oliver, Marta Universitat Jaume I (2020-06-16)
      Debido a la carga de contenidos y materias con los que se trabaja con el alumnado de infantil a día de hoy en los centros educativos de la Comunidad Valenciana desde la educación formal, y en muchas ocasiones, debido ...