• openAccess   Biochemical and behavioral consequences of ethanol intake in a mouse model of metabolic syndrome 

      Baliño, Pablo; Romero Cano, Ricard; Muriach, Maria MDPI (2021-01-15)
      Ethanol abuse is a common issue in individuals with sedentary lifestyles, unbalanced diets, and metabolic syndrome. Both ethanol abuse and metabolic syndrome have negative impacts on the central nervous system, with ...
    • openAccess   Colocaciones, locuciones y compuestos sintagmáticos bilingües (español-francés) sobre diabetes en el corpus comparable Cordiabicom 

      Martínez Lorente, Raquel; Toledo Báez, María Cristina Tremédica. Asociación Internacional de Traductores y Redactores de Medicina y Ciencias Afines (2018)
      El objetivo general de nuestro artículo, que se basa en el trabajo de investigación de Martínez Lorente (2017), consiste en llevar a cabo un análisis fraseológico formal a partir de Cordiabicom, un corpus ad hoc comparable ...
    • openAccess   La diabetes mellitus. Herramienta para la toma de decisiones compartidas en la diabetes mellitus tipo II 

      Gimeno Pitarch, Leticia; Álvaro Ballester, Rosa; de la Torre Monfort, Gloria; Matei, Mariana Claudia; Lizán, Luis Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I. Servei de Comunicació i Publicacions (2018)
      La Diabetes es una enfermedad crónica y prevalente, que tiene un desarrollo gradual ypara cuyo control son esenciales el consejo y la guía del personal sanitario, junto conla atención del paciente. Por lo tanto, resulta ...
    • openAccess   Economic Evaluation of a Web Application Implemented in Primary Care for the Treatment of Depression in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial 

      VARELA MORENO, ESPERANZA; Anarte Ortiz, María Teresa; Jódar-Sánchez, Francisco; García-Palacios, Azucena; Monreal-Bartolomé, Alicia; Gili, Margalida; Garcia-Campayo, Javier; Mayoral-Cleries, Fermin JMIR Publications (2024-05-16)
      Background: Depressive disorder and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are prevalent in primary care (PC). Pharmacological treatment, despite controversy, is commonly chosen due to resource limitations and difficulties in ...
    • openAccess   Herramienta para la toma de decisiones compartidas en diabetes tipo II 

      Fernández García Consuegra, Augusto Universitat Jaume I (2023-05-09)
      El tratamiento de los pacientes en el ámbito sanitario se ha ido desarrollando a lo largo de los años, de tal forma que en muchas de las enfermedades crónicas han surgido múltiples opciones farmacológicas y ha cobrado ...
    • openAccess   Influence of Demographic and Lifestyle Variables on Plasma Magnesium Concentrations and Their Associations with Cardiovascular Risk Factors in a Mediterranean Population 

      Barragán-Arnal, Rocío; Llopis, Juan; Portolés, Olga; Sorlí, José V; Coltell, Oscar; Rivas-García, Lorenzo; Asensio, Eva Maria; CAROLINA, ORTEGA-AZORÍN; Corella, Dolores; Sánchez-González, Cristina MDPI (2020)
      Several studies have shown that a low magnesium (Mg) intake in the diet is associated with greater cardiovascular risk and greater risk of diabetes. However, the results are not consistent in all populations. To minimize ...
    • openAccess   Matching Diabetes and Alcoholism: Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Neurogenesis Are Commonly Involved 

      Barcia, Jorge M; Flores-Bellver, Miguel; Muriach Saurí, María; Sancho Pelluz, Francisco Javier; Lopez-Malo, Daniel; Urdaneta, Alba C.; Martinez-Gil, Natalia; Atienzar-Aroca, Sandra; Romero, Francisco J. Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2014)
      Diabetes and alcohol misuse are two of the major challenges in health systems worldwide. These two diseases finally affect several organs and systems including the central nervous system. Hippocampus is one of the most ...
    • openAccess   La metáfora y la metonimia en el lenguaje de la diabetes: el caso de la variante chilena 

      Moreno-Madirolas, Rocío Tremédica. Asociación Internacional de Traductores y Redactores de Medicina y Ciencias Afines (2019)
      La metáfora y la metonimia son dos fenómenos lingüísticos utilizados frecuentemente para explicar conceptos propios del conocimiento especializado. En medicina, suponen una herramienta utilizada tanto por especialistas, ...
    • openAccess   Mortality and cardiovascular disease burden of uncontrolled diabetes in a registry-based cohort: the ESCARVAL-risk study 

      Navarro Pérez, Jorge; Orozco Beltrán, Domingo; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F; Pallarés-Carratalá, Vicente; Valls Roca, Francisco; Fernández Giménez, Antonio; Pérez Navarro, Ana M.; Sanchis-Domenech, Carlos; Dominguez-Lucas, Alejandro; Martin-Moreno, Jose M.; Redón, Josep; Tellez-Plaza, Maria; ESCARVAL Study Group, / BMC (2018-09-04)
      Background: Despite the epidemiological evidence about the relationship between diabetes, mortality and cardiovascular disease, information about the population impact of uncontrolled diabetes is scarce. We aimed to ...
    • openAccess   Patients' and physicians' preferences for type 2 diabetes mellitus treatments in Spain and Portugal: a discrete choice experiment 

      Morillas, Carlos; Feliciano, Rosa; Fernández Catalina, Pablo; Ponte, Carla; Botella, Marta; Rodrigues, João; Esmatjes Mompo, Enric; Lafita, Javier; Lizán, Luis; Llorente, Ignacio; Morales, Cristóbal; Navarro Pérez, Jorge; Orozco Beltrán, Domingo; Paz, Silvia; Ramírez de Arellano, Antonio; Cardoso, Cristina; Tribaldos Causadias de Suarez, Maribel Dove Medical Press (2015-10)
      Objective To assess Spanish and Portuguese patients’ and physicians’ preferences regarding type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) treatments and the monthly willingness to pay (WTP) to gain benefits or avoid side effects. M ...
    • openAccess   Physical activity and diabetes mortality in people with type 2 diabetes: a prospective cohort study of 0.5 million US people 

      Beltran Valls, Maria Reyes; Cabanas-Sánchez, Verónica; sadarangani, kabir; Rodriguez Artalejo, Fernando; Moliner-Urdiales, Diego; Martínez-Gómez, David Elsevier (2022-11-15)
      Aim To examine the association between physical activity and the cause of death with the greatest risk related to type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in a large population-based cohort representative of the general US adult ...
    • closedAccess   Plan de cuidados estandarizado dirigido al paciente diabético musulmán 

      Calero Gil, Isabel (2016-05-30)
      No es ninguna novedad el hecho de que cada vez en el territorio español conviven más culturas diferentes. Dentro de esta diversidad cultural, destaca la población musulmana ya que en España es la segunda religión más ...
    • closedAccess   PREDIMED Investigators 

      Díez Espino, Javier; Basterra-Gortari, Francisco Javier; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Buil-Cosiales, Pilar; Corella, Dolores; Schröder, Helmut; Estruch, Ramon; Ros, Emilio; Gómez-Gracia, Enrique; Arós, Fernando; Fiol Ramis, Miquel; Lapetra, José; Serra-Majem, Lluis; Pintó, Xavier; Babio, Nancy; Quiles Guiñau, Laura; Fitó, Montserrat; Marti, Amelia; Toledo, Estefanía; PREDIMED Investigators Elsevier (2017)
      Background Eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol and their consumption has been sometimes discouraged. A relationship between egg consumption and the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been suggested ...
    • openAccess   Prevalence, impact and management of hypertension-mediated organ damage in type 2 diabetes patients 

      Romero-Secin, Anny; Díez-Espino, Javier L.; Prieto-Díaz, M.A.; Pallarés-Carratalá, Vicente; Barquilla García, Alfonso; Micó Pérez, R. M.; Polo García, J.; Velilla-Zancada, S. M.; Martín Sánchez, V.; Segura Fragoso, A.; Ginel-Mendoza, Leovigildo; Arce-Vazquez, V. M.; Cinza-Sanjurjo, Sergio Elsevier (2024)
      Objective: To determine the prevalence, impact and management of hypertension-mediated organ damage (HMOD) according to the presence of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). Methods: IBERICAN is an ongoing multicenter, observational ...