• openAccess   Analysing formality and informality in the speech act of requesting in emails from the field of maritime English 

      Benages García, Laura Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2018)
      The globalization of trade and the removal of linguistic barriers led to the development of English for Business Purposes (EBP), as used in the business world and its communication processes. Email correspondence ...
    • closedAccess   How to Succeed in International Trade: Opening a New Route in an Existent Regular Shipping Line 

      Benages García, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2017-06-09)
      The purpose of this thesis is to restructure a regula r shipping line , focusing on a different prominent port in order to take the major benefit from the line. The aim of this study is to encourage ...
    • closedAccess   Pedagogies alternatives i d'aula en educació infanti: la veu dels docents 

      Benages García, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-20)
      INTRODUCTION. The aim of this paper is to examine the practices that 35 early childhood teachers, who develop alternative pedagogies, perform in the classroom in the region of Castellón (Spain). The focus will be: 1) How ...
    • closedAccess   Relación familia escuela 

      Benages García, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2014-06-23)
      Este artículo presenta una investigación cuyo propósito es investigar, analizar y conocer cualitativamente la percepción sobre la relación familia–escuela por parte de los maestros y maestras, y de las familias del alumnado ...
    • closedAccess   Teaching irregular verbs through interactive boards 

      Benages García, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2016-06-16)
      The shift that education has experimented affected in the way of teaching and learning from learning by memorizing according to the Grammar Translation Approach to a virtual learning environment. The teacher’s role changes ...