• openAccess   45S5 bioactive glass coatings by atmospheric plasma spraying obtained from feedstocks prepared by different routes 

      López, Verónica; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Bannier, Emilie; Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Boccaccini, Aldo R.; Cordero Arias, L.; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Springer Verlag (2014-12)
      45S5 bioactive glass powders with the composition of 45 SiO2, 6 P2O5, 24.5 CaO and 24.5 wt% Na2O were melted and quenched in water to obtain a frit. The frit was milled using two different routes: dry milling followed by ...
    • openAccess   Activación alcalina de metacaolín. Efecto de la adición de silicato soluble y de la temperatura de curado 

      Monzó Fuster, María; Fernández Jiménez, Ana; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Palomo, M.; Barba-Juan, Antonio Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2008)
      El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar el efecto que la cantidad de sílice soluble presente en la disolución activadora (relación molar SiO2/Na2O entre 0 y 0.69) y la temperatura de curado (85ºC, 150ºC y 200ºC) ...
    • openAccess   Adhesion assessment of bioactive coatings deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying 

      Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Orts Tarí, María José; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Akadémiai Kiadó (2017-07-09)
      The aim of the present work is to prepare bioactive coatings by APS employing different spraying parameters and substrates in order to model the adhesion of the coatings and to determine the best parameters that allow to ...
    • closedAccess   Alkaline activation of metakaolin–fly ash mixtures: Obtain of Zeoceramics and Zeocements 

      Fernández Jiménez, Ana; Monzó Fuster, María; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Barba-Juan, Antonio; Palomo, A. Elsevier (2008-02)
      This study examines the variation in physico-mechanical properties and mineralogical and microstructural characteristics of the alkaline inorganic polymers obtained by alkaline activation, with a mixture of sodium silica ...
    • openAccess   Application of plasma-sprayed TiO2 coatings for industrial (tannery) wastewater treatment 

      Bordes Navarro, Mari Carmen; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Moreno, Rodrigo; García Montaño, J.; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2015-12)
      Fine-structured photocatalytic TiO2 coatings were deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) on austenitic stainless steel coupons. One commercial spray-dried nanostructured TiO2 powder and five spray-dried powders ...
    • openAccess   Atmospheric plasma spraying coatings from alumina–titania feedstock comprising bimodal particle size distributions 

      Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Bannier, Emilie; Moreno, Rodrigo; Salvador Moya, María Dolores; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Copyright © Elsevier (2013)
      In this work, Al2O3–13 wt% TiO2 submicron-nanostructured powders were deposited using atmospheric plasma spraying. The feedstocks were obtained by spray drying two starting suspensions of different solids content, prepared ...
    • openAccess   Bioactive glass coatings by suspension plasma spraying from glycoletherbased solvent feedstock 

      Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Orts Tarí, María José; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2017)
      Bioactive glasses are emerging as a substitute of hydroxyapatite in the development of bioactive coatings for biomedical applications. The deposition of these coatings is carried out by a wide range of methods, being ...
    • openAccess   Bioactive glass suspensions preparation for suspension plasma spraying 

      Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Orts Tarí, María José; Moreno, Rodrigo; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2016-06)
      A bioactive glass was dry-milled and sieved in order to obtain powders with particle size finer than 63 μm. Two suspensions, with different particle size distribution (D50 = 8.3 μm and D50 = 2.2 μm), were subsequently ...
    • openAccess   Characterization of nanostructured ceramic and cermet coatings deposited by plasma spraying 

      Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Bannier, Emilie; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Salvador Moya, María Dolores; Bonache Bezares, Victoria; Klyatskina, Elizabeta; Boccaccini, Aldo R. Wiley-Blackwell (2011)
      Industry has a growing need of advanced coatings for a variety of applications (aerospace, special machinery, medicine ...). Nanostructured coatings have the potential of providing novel materials with enhanced properties. ...
    • openAccess   Comparison of freeze drying and spray drying to obtain porous nanostructured granules from nanosized suspensions 

      Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Molina, Tamara; Nieto, María Isabel; Moreno, Rodrigo Elsevier (2012)
      This work studies the spray drying and freeze drying of different nanosized ceramic materials and the physicochemical characteristics of the obtained granules. Colloidal suspensions of alumina, titania, and a 87/13 mixture ...
    • openAccess   Desarrollo de baldosas cerámicas para pavimentación urbana basadas en residuos industriales 

      García Ten, Francisco Javier; Quereda, M F; Mallol Gasch, Gustavo; Soriano, M.; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica Pública (2011)
      La utilización de baldosas cerámicas en espacios urbanos es una aplicación todavía incipiente en la que estos productos compiten tanto con materiales de bajo coste (terrazo, adoquín, etc.), como con otros materiales de ...
    • closedAccess   Determination of the wear resistance of traditional ceramic materials by means of micro-abrasion technique 

      Ibáñez, María Jesús; Gilabert, Jessica; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Gómez-Tena, Maria Pilar; Muñoz, D. Elsevier (2009)
      Micro-abrasion techniques enable the surface wear of materials to be studied with greater precision than provided by other methods. In addition to their reliability, micro-abrasion techniques allow the wear phenomenon of ...
    • openAccess   Dispersion of mixtures of submicrometer and nanometre sized titanias to obtain porous bodies 

      Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Molina, Tamara; Nieto, María Isabel; Moreno, Rodrigo Elsevier (2013-12)
      The stability and rheological behaviour of bimodal titania suspensions was studied. Bimodal mixtures were prepared by mixing nanosized TiO2 powders with an average primary size of ∼20–40 nm and surface area of ∼50 m2 g−1 ...
    • closedAccess   Dispersion of TiO2nanopowders to obtain homogeneous nanostructured granules by spray-drying 

      Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Santacruz, Isabel; Moreno, Rodrigo Elsevier (2011)
      This work deals with the dispersion and stabilisation of nanosized TiO2 particles in an aqueous medium as a first step in the preparation of spray-dried nanostructured powders. A colloidal route leading to the production ...
    • openAccess   Effect of particle size on processing of bioactive glass powder for atmospheric plasma spraying 

      Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Bannier, Emilie; Carpio Cobo, Pablo; Orts Tarí, María José; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2016)
      The work addresses the effect of the particle size of a bioactive glass feedstock on the processing and microstructure of the resulting coatings obtained by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS). It was observed that the ...
    • openAccess   Effect of the initial particle size distribution on the properties of suspension plasma sprayed Al2O3-TiO2 coatings 

      Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Bannier, Emilie; Carpio Cobo, Pablo; Rayón, E.; Benavente, Rut; Salvador Moya, María Dolores; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2015-04)
      Al2O3–TiO2 coatings have been deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying from agglomerated, nanostructured powders showing better properties than those of their conventional (microstructured) counterparts. These nanostructured ...
    • openAccess   Effect of TiO2 addition on the microstructure and nanomechanical properties of Al2O3 Suspension Plasma Sprayed coatings 

      Bannier, Emilie; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Rayón, E.; Benavente, Rut; Salvador Moya, María Dolores; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2014-10)
      Alumina–titania coatings are widely used in industry for wear, abrasion or corrosion protection components. Such layers are commonly deposited by atmospheric plasma spraying (APS) using powder as feedstock. In this study, ...
    • openAccess   Large scale synthesis of nanostructured zirconia-based compounds from freeze-dried precursors 

      Gómez, Andrés; Villanueva, Regina; Vie, D.; Murcia Mascaros, S.; Martínez, Eduardo; Beltrán, Aurelio; Sapiña, Fernando; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Elsevier (2013)
      Nanocrystalline zirconia powders have been obtained at the multigram scale by thermal decomposition of precursors resulting from the freeze-drying of aqueous acetic solutions. This technique has equally made possible to ...
    • openAccess   Nanostructured alumina from freeze-dried precursors 

      Villanueva, Regina; Gómez, Andrés; Burguete, Pedro; Martínez, Eduardo; Beltrán, Aurelio; Sapiña, Fernando; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Wiley-Blackwell (2011)
      Nanocrystalline alumina has been obtained on the 100 g scale by thermal decomposition of precursors resulting from the freeze-drying of aqueous solutions of different aluminum-containing products, namely aluminum acetate ...
    • openAccess   Nuevas aplicaciones de las fritas cerámicas: vidrios bioactivos 

      Cañas Recacha, Eugeni; Vicent Cabedo, Mónica; Orts Tarí, María José; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique (2016)
      Companies in the frit, glaze, and ceramic colour producing subsector know a great deal about the different frit-manufacturing process stages such as raw materials milling and mixing, as well as fusing the raw materials ...