• openAccess   Do compassionate firms outperform? The role of organizational learning 

      Guinot, Jacob; Miralles-Armenteros, Sandra; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma; Chiva, Ricardo Emerald (2020-02-10)
      Purpose – Based on a new management paradigm rooted on care and compassion, this study explores the consequences of compassion at work on organizational learning and firm performance. Design/methodology/approach – ...
    • closedAccess   Going deeper into compassion through Schwartz’s value theory 

      Miralles-Armenteros, Sandra; Guinot, Jacob Taylor and Francis Group (2023-03-07)
      The role of compassion has attracted increasing interest in the higher educational context due to its recognised benefits. As values influence the cognitive, emotional and behavioural domains, certain values are expected ...
    • openAccess   Leading matters! Linking compassion and mindfulness in organizations through servant leadership 

      Miralles-Armenteros, Sandra; Pozo Hidalgo, Manoli; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma; Pessi, Anne Birgitta Frontiers Media (2024)
      Regardless of where they are, humans are inherently human. In this study, we explore the relationship between compassion, mindfulness, and servant leadership contributing to an overall feeling of safety. Adopting a ...
    • openAccess   Mindfulness and academic performance: The role of compassion and engagement 

      Miralles-Armenteros, Sandra; Chiva, Ricardo; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma; Barghouti, Zina Routledge (2019-10-19)
      What effects does mindfulness have on university students’ academic performance? Our aim in this empirical study is to analyse the relationship between mindfulness and academic performance, and how it might be explained ...