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    • closedAccess   Priority and proportionality in bankruptcy 

      Szwagrzak, Karol; García-Segarra, Jaume; Ginés-Vilar, Miguel Springer Verlag (2019)
      We study the problem of distributing the liquidation value of a bankrupt firm among its creditors (O’Neill, Math Soc Sci 2(4):345–371, 1982; Aumann and Maschler, J Econ Theory 36(2):195–213, 1985). Real-life distribution ...
    • closedAccess   Procedural fairness in lotteries assigning initial roles in a dynamic setting 

      Grimalda, Gianluca; Kar, Anirban; Proto, Eugenio Springer (2015)
      We extend the study of procedural fairness in three new directions. Firstly, we focus on lotteries determining the initial roles in a two-person game. One of the roles carries a potential advantage over the other. All the ...
    • openAccess   Production networks in Europe: A natural experiment of the European Union enlargement to the east 

      Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Voicu, Anca; Vidovic, Martina International Economics and Finance Society (2020-11-01)
      This paper focuses on the 2004 enlargement of the European Union to the East and treats it as a natural experiment to investigate two issues: first, whether there has been a trade creation effect in final and intermediate ...
    • openAccess   Productivity, trade, and institutional quality: a panel analysis 

      Doyle, Eleanor; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada Southern Economic Association (2011)
      Recognizing that gains historically attributed to trade capture instead the roles of institutions and geography, we estimate the relationship between labor productivity and trade for a panel of countries, 1980 to 2000. ...
    • openAccess   ¿El producto interior bruto es un buen indicador del bienestar de los ciudadanos?. Una comparativa entre España e Italia 

      Colasante, Annarita; Ripollés, Jordi Generalitat Valenciana: Comité economic i social de la Comunitat Valenciana (2018)
    • closedAccess   Profit efficiency and earnings quality: Evidence from the Spanish banking industry 

      Prior, Diego; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili; García-Alcober, Mª Pilar; Illueca, Manuel Springer (2019-05)
      The analysis of efficiency and productivity in banking has received a great deal of attention for almost three decades now.However, most of the existing literature to date has not explicitly accounted for risk when measuring ...
    • openAccess   Protecting health or protecting imports? Evidence from EU non-tariff measures 

      Kareem, Fatima Olanike; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada; Brümmer, Bernhard Elsevier (2018-01)
      Non-tariff measures such as food safety standards are aimed at protecting consumers' health but may also be used as protectionism tool to limit imports. This study investigates the protectionist intent of EU food safety ...
    • openAccess   Psychopathy and Economic Behavior Among Prison Inmates: An Experiment 

      Balafoutas, Loukas; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos; Jaber-Lopez, Tarek; Mitrokostas, Evangelos Frontiers Media (2021)
      This paper investigates whether there is a connection between psychopathy and certain manifestations of social and economic behavior, measured in a lab-in-thefield experiment with prison inmates. In order to test this ...
    • openAccess   Public finances in Europe: Are they sustainable? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Gil-Alana, Luis; Sauci, Laura Springer (2018-07-17)
      In this paper we aim to analyse the degree of mean reversion of public expenditure, revenue and the difference between them, over GDP for 27 European Union (EU) countries. To gain flexibility in the analysis of the order ...
    • openAccess   Public finances in the EU-27: Are they sustainable? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Gil-Alana, Luis; Sauci, Laura Springer (2020)
      In this paper we aim to analyse the degree of mean reversion of public expenditure, revenue and the difference between them, over GDP for 27 European Union (EU) countries. To gain flexibility in the analysis of the order ...
    • openAccess   Punishing liars—How monitoring affects honesty and trust 

      Behnk, Sascha; Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora Public Library of Science (2018)
      Previous experiments have shown that the possibility to punish liars does not per se increase honesty in principal-agent relationships. In this study, we first establish a punishment mechanism that substantially enhances ...
    • openAccess   Punishment and disclosure probabilities in an experimental deception game 

      Behnk, Sascha; Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; García-Gallego, Aurora Universidad de Navarra (2017-09-07)
      Previous findings have shown tha t punishment does not necessarily reduce deception i n principal agent - relationships . We shed further light on this issue by first identifying a ...
    • openAccess   Quality of government and economic growth at the municipal level: Evidence from Spain 

      Balaguer-Coll, Maria Teresa; Narbón-Perpiñá, Isabel; Peiró-Palomino, Jesús; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili Wiley (2021-07-21)
      This paper analyzes the relationship between government efficiency—an important dimension of quality of government—and economic growth at the municipal level in 1,820 Spanish municipalities during the period 2008–2015. At ...
    • openAccess   Quo Vadis, Raters? A frontier approach to identify overratings and underratings in sovereign credit risk 

      Oztürk, Hüseyin; Tortosa-Ausina, Emili; Duygun, Meryem; Shaban, Mohamed Taylor & Francis (2020-04-03)
      This study analyses overratings and underratings in sovereign credit risk. The analysis uses partial frontier methods, a technique rarely applied in this literature. By combining a robust variant of the free disposal hull ...
    • closedAccess   R2 and idiosyncratic volatility: Which captures the firm-specific return variation? 

      Zhang, Wei; Li, Xiao; Shen, Dehua; Teglio, Andrea Elsevier (2016)
      A growing literature regards R2 and idiosyncratic volatility as interchangeable proxies for firm-specific return variation and examines its relations to information efficiency. However, the question on choosing the ...
    • openAccess   Rail Freight Transport and Demand Requirements: an Analysis of Attribute Cut-Offs Through a Stated Preference Experiment 

      Feo Valero, María; García Menéndez, Leandro; Del Saz Salazar, Salvador Springer Verlag (2014)
      This paper analyses the choice between road and rail in Spain where rail market share for freight is still residual. Discrete choice models are estimated with data obtained through a two-phase fieldwork, thus allowing us ...
    • openAccess   Re-assessing causality between energy consumption and economic growth 

      Ghoshray, Atanu; Mendoza, Yurena; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Public Library of Science (2018)
      The energy consumption-growth nexus has been widely studied in the empirical literature, though results have been inconclusive regarding the direction, or even the existence, of causality. These inconsistent results can ...
    • openAccess   Re-examining inequality persistence 

      Ghoshray, Atanu; Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Ordóñez, Javier Institute for the World Economy (2020-01-20)
      Although it is not a new phenomenon, in recent years inequality has moved to the top of the political agenda given the concern that will result in political instability and social resentment. Persistence in inequality can ...
    • closedAccess   Real convergence in Europe: A cluster analysis 

      Monfort Bellido, Mercedes; Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Ordóñez, Javier Elsevier (2013)
      In this paper we analyse real convergence in GDP per worker in the EU member states. The aim is to test whether there is evidence of club convergence in the EU, i.e. divergence in GDP per worker. Evidence in favour of ...
    • openAccess   Real exchange rate misalignments in CEECs: Have they hindered growth? 

      Cuestas, Juan Carlos; Mourelle, Estefanía; Regis, Paulo José Springer (2019-07-16)
      We study the impact of exchange rate misalignment on economic activity in nine Central and Eastern European economies. Exchange rate misalignments are computed from country-specific long-run exchange rate relationships ...