Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • closedAccess   Chemoselective Transfer Hydrogenation to Nitroarenes Mediated by Cubane-Type Mo3S4 Cluster Catalysts 

      Llusar, Rosa; Sorribes, Iván; Vicent Barrera, Cristian; Wienhöfer, Gerrit; Junge, Henrik; Beller, matthias Wiley (2012-07)
      Chemoselective cubes: Cubane-type [Mo3S4X 3(dmpe)3]+ clusters (dmpe=1,2-(bis) dimethylphosphinoethane), in combination with an azeotropic 5:2 mixture of HCOOH and NEt3 as the reducing agent, act as selective cluster catalysts ...
    • closedAccess   General and selective iron-catalyzed transfer hydrogenation of nitroarenes without base 

      Llusar, Rosa; Sorribes, Iván; Wienhöfer, Gerrit; Boddien, Albert; Westerhaus, Felix; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Henrik; Beller, matthias American Chemical Society (2011-08)
      The first well-defined iron-based catalyst system for the reduction of nitroarenes to anilines has been developed applying formic acid as reducing agent. A broad range of substrates including other reducible functional ...