Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • openAccess   Dancing between theory and practice: enhancing work engagement through work stress intervention 

      Cifre, Eva; Salanova, Marisa; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma Wiley-Blackwell (2011-05)
      This quasi-experimental and longitudinal study assesses the effectiveness of a work stress intervention (i.e., Team Redesign) to increase job and personal resources and to consequently reduce job strain and increase employee ...
    • openAccess   Development of Emotional Skills in Adolescents to Prevent Cyberbullying and Improve Subjective Well-Being 

      Schoeps, Konstanze; Villanueva, Lidón; PRADO-GASCO, VICENTE; Montoya Castilla, Inmaculada Frontiers Media (2018-10-26)
      Bullying behavior alters the way in which students coexist together in the classroom and negatively affects adolescents’ well-being. Research highlights the importance of emotional skills in promoting positive youth ...
    • openAccess   Introducción: psicología social y psicología positiva 

      Salanova, Marisa; López Zafra, Esther Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje (2011-10)
      La Psicología Positiva surge como una perspectiva científica complementaria a la psicología tradicional, y supone un nuevo modelo centrado en las fortalezas. Implica una nueva forma de analizar los procesos básicos frente ...
    • closedAccess   Job-person fit and well-being from a gender perspective 

      Cifre, Eva; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma; Pastor, M. Carmen; Vera Perea, María Elsevier (2013)
      Drawing on the Job-Person Fit Model, this study examines whether the wanted (person) and the actual (job) features fit has similar effects on job related well-being (work engagement and satisfaction) in both men and women. ...
    • openAccess   Strategies for optimizing psychosocial health at work 

      Cifre, Eva; Rodríguez-Sánchez, Alma Euroregional Centre for Applied Psychology (2012-04)
      This contribution points out the individual and organizational strategies that can be carried out in order to not to prevent or intervene in the disease but to promote the psychosocial health of employees. Based on the ...