• openAccess   Efectos del tecnoestrés en las creencias de eficacia y el burnout docente : un estudio longitudinal 

      Llorens Gumbau, Susana; Salanova, Marisa; Ventura Campos, Mercedes Universidad de Playa Ancha (2007-06-13)
      El objetivo del presente estudio es conocer cómo afecta el tecnoestrés directamente en las creencias de eficacia, e indirectamente en el desarrollo de burnout docente. La muestra está compuesta por 274 profesores (57% ...
    • openAccess   Neuroticism predisposes to donation more than agrecableness: An fMRI study 

      Pinazo, Daniel; Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; Peris Pichastor, Rosana; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Avila, Cesar American Psychological Association (2016-06)
      Using functional MRI (fMRI) in Study 1, we examined the effect of 2 personality dimensions related to altruism, such as Agreeableness and Neuroticism, on the neural response to videos, including images of situations from ...
    • openAccess   State and Training Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Brain Networks Reflect Neuronal Mechanisms of Its Antidepressant Effect 

      Yang, Chuan-Chih; Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; Pinazo, Daniel; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Borchardt, Viola; Bustamante, Juan Carlos; Rodríguez Pujadas, Aina; Fuentes-Claramonte, Paola; Balaguer, Raúl; Avila, Cesar; Walter, Martin Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2016)
      The topic of investigating how mindfulness meditation training can have antidepressant effects via plastic changes in both resting state and meditation state brain activity is important in the rapidly emerging field of ...
    • openAccess   The role of protest scenario in the neural response to the supportive communication 

      Pinazo, Daniel; Barrós-Loscertales, Alfonso; Peris Pichastor, Rosana; Ventura Campos, Mercedes; Avila, Cesar John Wiley & Sons (2012)
      People are capable of understanding the suffering of distant others and of their personal responsibility in this suffering. The communication of harm and self-responsibility in the suffering of others leads to greater ...