Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • closedAccess   Beyond the basal ganglia: cFOS expression in the cerebellum in response to acute and chronic dopaminergic alterations 

      Herrera-Meza, G.; Aguirre Manzo, Luisa; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; López Meraz, María Leonor; Toledo, Rebeca; Manzo, Jorge; García, Luis I.; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier (2014)
      The suggestion of an anatomical and functional relationship between the basal ganglia and cerebellum is recent. Traditionally, these structures were considered as neuronal circuits working separately to organize and control ...
    • closedAccess   Consensus Paper: Cerebellum and Reward 

      Manto, Mario; Adamaszek, Michael; Apps, Richard; Carlson, Erik; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Heleven, Elien; Kakei, Shinji; Khodakhah, Kamran; Kuo, Sheng-Han; Lin, Chi-Ying; Joshua, Mati; MIQUEL, MARTA; Mitoma, Hiroshi; Larry, Noga; Péron, Julie Anne; Pickford, Jasmine; Schutter, Dennis; Singh, Manpreet K.; Tan, Tommy; Tanaka, Hirokazu; tsai, peter; Van Overwalle, Frank; Yamashiro, Kunihiko Springer (2024-05-06)
      Cerebellum is a key-structure for the modulation of motor, cognitive, social and afective functions, contributing to automatic behaviours through interactions with the cerebral cortex, basal ganglia and spinal cord. The ...
    • openAccess   From back to front: A functional model for the cerebellar modulation in the establishment of conditioned preferences for cocaine‐related cues 

      Gil-Miravet, Isis; Melchor Eixea, Ignasi; Arias-Sandoval, Edgar; Vasquez‐Celaya, Lizbeth; Olucha-Bordonau, Francisco E; MIQUEL, MARTA Wiley (2019)
      It is now increasingly clear that the cerebellum may modulate brain functions altered in drug addiction. We previously demonstrated that cocaine‐induced conditioned preference increased activity at the dorsal posterior ...
    • openAccess   Have we been ignoring the elephant in the room? Seven arguments for considering the cerebellum as part of addiction circuitry 

      MIQUEL, MARTA; Vázquez Sanromán, Dolores; Carbó Gas, María; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Sanchis-Segura, Carla; Carulli, Daniela; Manzo, Jorge; Coria Ávila, Genaro A. Elsevier (2016)
      Addiction involves alterations in multiple brain regions that are associated with functions such as memory, motivation and executive control. Indeed, it is now well accepted that addictive drugs produce long-lasting molecular ...
    • closedAccess   Multiunit Recording of the Cerebellar Cortex, Inferior Olive, and Fastigial Nucleus During Copulation in Naive and Sexually Experienced Male Rats 

      García Martínez, Rolando; MIQUEL, MARTA; García, Luis I.; Coria Ávila, Genaro A.; Pérez-Estudillo, César A.; Aranda Abreu, Gonzalo E.; Toledo, Rebeca; Hernández, María Elena; Manzo, Jorge Springer-Verlag (2010-03)
      The sexual behavior of male rats constitutes a natural model to study learning of motor skills at the level of the central nervous system. We previously showed that sexual behavior increases Fos expression in granule cells ...
    • openAccess   Neural correlates of cocaine-induced conditioned place preference in the posterior cerebellar cortex 

      Rodríguez Borillo, Olga; Roselló-Jiménez, Lorena; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Palau-Batet, María; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Pastor Medall, Raúl; MIQUEL, MARTA; Font Hurtado, Laura Frontiers Media (2023)
      Introduction: Addictive drugs are potent neuropharmacological agents capable of inducing long-lasting changes in learning and memory neurocircuitry. With repeated use, contexts and cues associated with consumption can ...
    • openAccess   Putting forward a model for the role of the cerebellum in cocaine-induced pavlovian memory 

      Melchor Eixea, Ignasi; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Sánchez Hernández, Aitor; Ibáñez-Marín, Patricia; Pastor Medall, Raúl; MIQUEL, MARTA Frontiers Media (2023)
      Substance Use Disorder (SUD) involves emotional, cognitive, and motivational dysfunction. Long-lasting molecular and structural changes in brain regions functionally and anatomically linked to the cerebellum, such as the ...
    • openAccess   Role of Perineuronal nets in the cerebellar cortex in cocaine-induced conditioned preference, extinction, and reinstatement 

      Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Sanchez-Hernandez, Aitor; Ibáñez-Marín, Patricia; Melchor Eixea, Ignasi; MIQUEL, MARTA Elsevier Ltd (2022-08-17)
      Perineuronal nets (PNNs) are cartilage-like structures of extracellular matrix molecules that enwrap in a net-like manner the cell-body and proximal dendrites of special subsets of neurons. PNNs stabilize their incoming ...
    • openAccess   The Cerebellum on Cocaine 

      MIQUEL, MARTA; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian Frontiers Media (2020-10-21)
      The traditional cerebellum’s role has been linked to the high computational demands for sensorimotor control. However, several findings have pointed to its involvement in executive and emotional functions in the last ...
    • openAccess   Time-dependent regulation of perineuronal nets in the cerebellar cortex during abstinence of cocaine-self administration 

      Sanchez-Hernandez, Aitor; Nicolas, Celine; Gil-Miravet, Isis; Guarque-Chabrera, Julian; Solinas, Marcello; MIQUEL, MARTA Springer (2021-01-03)
      Rationale The probability of structural remodeling in brain circuits may be modulated by molecules of perineuronal nets (PNNs) that restrict neuronal plasticity to stabilize circuits. Animal research demonstrates that ...