Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • openAccess   Environmental development of the Spanish ceramic tile manufacturing sector over the period 1992–2007 

      Celades López, Irina; Moliner Salvador, R.; Ros Dosdá, Teresa; Monfort, Eliseo; Zaera, Eulalio Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      The Spanish tile manufacturing sector has grown steadily over the years covered by the three benchmark studies, carried out in 1992, 2001, and 2007, from which data are compared in this paper. In that period, production ...
    • openAccess   Estudio del efecto fotocrómico que presentan los vidriados opacificados por esfena 

      Bou Solsona, Encarnación; Orts Tarí, María José; Moreda, C.; Gozalbo Nebot, Ana; Gimeno, R.; Sánchez, A. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      White glazes opacified by sphene, based on the system SiO2-CaO-TiO2, are an alternative to the glazes in which the opacifying phase is zircon. However, it has been observed that this type of glaze displays photochromism ...
    • openAccess   Estudio y control automático de la operación de extrusión de baldosas cerámicas 

      Aguilella, M.; Foucard, L.; Mallol Gasch, Gustavo; Sánchez, M. J.; López, M.; Benages, R. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      The ever-larger tile sizes demanded by the market, the higher quality requirements, and the increasingly similar installation to that of pressed products make it necessary to narrow the tolerance limits of final extruded ...
    • openAccess   Modelización mecánica del enfriamiento rápido en sistemas tipo gres porcelánico 

      Dal Bó, Marcelo; Cantavella Soler, Vicente; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Hotza, Dachamir; Boschi, A. O. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      This paper analyses the effect of cooling on mechanical behaviour, in particular, on the residual stresses that appear when materials of the porcelain tile type are involved. However, these compositions have a very complex ...
    • openAccess   Mosaico Vítreo Retrorreflectante 

      Belda Peña, Adriana; Orts Tarí, María José; Viciano, F.; Lucas, F. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      Salquisa and Alttoglass have developed a very innovative product : the retro reflective glass mosaic. This new product can be used in both horizontal and vertical signposting and also in interior design and architecture. This ...
    • openAccess   Nuevo sistema para la medida y control de la presión máxima de prensado en los alvéolos del molde: ISOPRESS® 

      Poyatos, A.; Bonaque Rodríguez, Ramiro; Mallol Gasch, Gustavo; Boix, Juan Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      The organization MACER, in collaboration with the Institute of Ceramic Technology, has developed the system ISOPRESS®, an integrated control device that permits to equal automatically the maximum pressure applied on the ...
    • openAccess   Preparation of porcelain tile granulates by more environmentally sustainable processes 

      Gil, C.; Silvestre, D; García Ten, Francisco Javier; Quereda, M F; Vicente, María J Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      This study examines the feasibility of manufacturing glazed porcelain tiles with a more environmentally friendly manufacturing process, by reducing water and thermal energy consumption. The process studied in this paper ...
    • openAccess   Síntesis de un pigmento rojo a partir de nanopartículas de oro 

      Mestre Beltrán, Sergio; Palacios Tejero, María Dolores; Agut, P. Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      A simple method of synthesising red pigments for ceramic glazes, based on gold nanoparticles protected by a refractory oxide capsule, was developed. Gold nanoparticles of an appropriate size were obtained by reaction in ...
    • openAccess   Use of nanofiltration membrane technology for ceramic industry wastewater treatment 

      Moliner Salvador, R.; Deratani, A.; Palmeri, J.; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2012-03)
      A study has been undertaken of an advanced wastewater treatment approach using polymer nanofiltration membranes, in an attempt to obtain water of sufficient quality to allow it to be reused in the same production process ...