• openAccess   A new cleaner process to prepare pressing-powder 

      Shu, Zheng; Monfort, Eliseo; García Ten, Francisco Javier; Zhou, Jiaji; José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Wang, Yong-Xu Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2011)
      An alternative cleaner process of pressing-powder preparation, based on filter-pressing and a novel granulation method, is presented to substitute the existing spray-drying process. In the new process, about two-thirds of ...
    • closedAccess   Cleaner production of porcelain tile powders. Fired compact properties 

      Shu, Zheng; García Ten, Francisco Javier; Monfort, Eliseo; José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Zhou, Jiaji; Wang, Yong-Xu Elsevier (2012-03)
      A new ceramic powder preparation process, the droplet-powder granulation process (DPGP), was recently proposed for the cleaner production of ceramic tiles. The DPGP granules and resulting pressed compacts were characterized ...
    • closedAccess   Cleaner production of porcelain tile powders. Granule and green compact characterization 

      Shu, Zheng; García Ten, Francisco Javier; Monfort, Eliseo; José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Zhou, Jiaji; Wang, Yong-Xu Elsevier (2012-01)
      A new ceramic powder preparation process, the droplet–powder granulation process (DPGP), was recently proposed in pursuit of energy/water conservation and environment protection for sustainable development of the ceramic ...
    • openAccess   Densification of irregular polydispersed glass particles described as a complex relaxation process 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente Elsevier (2022)
      The sintering of compacts of irregular non-crystallising glass particles was studied by isothermal and constantrate heating experiments in a hot stage microscope. The resulting data fitted very well to kinetic equations developed ...
    • closedAccess   Densification of monomodal quartz particle beds by tapping 

      Mallol Gasch, Gustavo; José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Orts Tarí, María José; Llorens, D. Elsevier (2008)
      A study has been undertaken to determine how the mean particle size of monomodal quartz particle beds and the bed preparation method affect initial and final bed apparent density and the kinetics of densification by tapping. ...
    • openAccess   Determinación de sales solubles y eflorescencias en tejas cerámicas 

      Gazulla Barreda, Maria Fernanda; Gómez-Tena, Maria Pilar; Orduña, Mónica; Vicente, S.; José Luis, Amorós Albaro Sociedad Española de Cerámica y Vidrio (2010)
      The appearance of efflorescences constitutes a serious problem for ceramic roofing tile quality, since efflorescences affect roofing tile technical and aesthetic qualities. This paper describes a method of determining the ...
    • closedAccess   Development of a yellow ceramic pigment based on silver nanoparticles 

      Mestre Beltrán, Sergio; Chiva, C.; Palacios, Marta; José Luis, Amorós Albaro Elsevier (2012)
      In this study a yellow pigment was obtained for third-fire ceramic decorations, based on silver nanoparticles synthesised by the method of chemical reduction in aqueous phase, using silver nitrate and polyvinylpyrrolidone ...
    • openAccess   Effect of kaolin addition on the sinter-crystallisation kinetics of compacts of a crystallising frit 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Feliu, C.; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente Elsevier (2022-08-22)
      Non-isothermal techniques were used to study the sintering and crystallisation kinetics of an anorthoclase- and diopside-devitrifying frit and mixtures of this frit with a commercial kaolin. Raising kaolin content was ...
    • openAccess   Effect of particle size distribution on the evolution of porous, microstructural, and dimensional characteristics during sinter-crystallisation of a glass-ceramic glaze 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente Elsevier (2021-08-05)
      Glass-ceramic test pieces, obtained from three different particle size distributions of a frit, were fired at temperatures between 800°C and 1200°C. Evolution of porous characteristics of the test pieces with firing ...
    • openAccess   Effect of particle size distribution on the sinter-crystallisation kinetics of a SiO2-Al2O3-CaO-MgO-SrO glass-ceramic glaze 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Marín, N.; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2020-05-20)
      Sinter-crystallisation kinetics of a glaze with an average particle size of 9.6µm, 4.0µm and 0.65µm, which devitrified anorthoclase and diopside, were studied by non-isothermal techniques. It was confirmed that the ...
    • closedAccess   Electrokinetic and rheological properties of highly concentrated kaolin dispersions: Influence of particle volume fraction and dispersant concentration 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Beltrán Porcar, Vicente; Sanz-Solana, Vicente; Jarque Fonfría, Juan Carlos Elsevier (2010)
      An industrial kaolin was selected and characterised. Different dispersions were prepared with solids volume fractions between φ{symbol} = 0.20 and φ{symbol} = 0.47 in the presence of sodium silicate (between X<sub>s</sub> ...
    • closedAccess   Fracture properties of spray-dried powder compacts: Effect of granule size 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Cantavella Soler, Vicente; Jarque Fonfría, Juan Carlos; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2008)
      Inappropriate mechanical properties of spray-dried powder compacts lead to significant green product losses, entailing considerable costs in ceramic tile manufacture as well as serious environmental problems. In addition, ...
    • closedAccess   Green strength testing of pressed compacts: An analysis of the different methods 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Cantavella Soler, Vicente; Jarque Fonfría, Juan Carlos; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2008)
      This paper presents a comparative study of three- and four-point bending tests and diametral compression (DC) tests, used to measure the mechanical strength of green pressed compacts. The study has been conducted on pressed ...
    • openAccess   Improvement of the mechanical and aesthetic properties of a coating by inkjet technology 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos; Boschi, Anselmo O.; Marín, Natalia Wiley (2021-01-11)
      Different amounts of ink, made up almost entirely of a frit that devitrified abundant small crystals of anorthoclase, were applied by inkjet printing onto a traditional unfired glaze substrate. The rheological properties ...
    • openAccess   Inkjet technology for ceramic products. Influence of some process variables on ink penetration 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Pérez, Joaquín Javier; Navarro, Sandra; Reverter, Sandra Wiley (2019-07-27)
      Inkjet technology has become very popular in recent years and is nowadays widely used for decorating ceramic products. This has led to in-depth study of the operating principles and process variables involved. These ...
    • openAccess   Kinetics of the transformations occurring during the firing process of an industrial spray-dried porcelain stoneware body 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2022-03-08)
      Pressed compacts of an industrial spray-dried porcelain stoneware powder, consisting mainly of albite, quartz, kaolinite, and illite, were thermally treated at different temperatures and times. Fired test piece bulk density ...
    • openAccess   Mechanical properties obtained by nanoindentation of sintered zircon-glass matrix composites 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2020-01-10)
      This study was undertaken to determine the effect of zircon content and firing temperature on the hardness and indentation modulus of zircon–glass composites obtained by sintering. A standard non-devitrified borosilicate ...
    • closedAccess   Non-destructive measurement of bulk density distribution in large-sized ceramic tiles 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Boix, Juan; Llorens, D.; Mallol Gasch, Gustavo; Fuentes, I.; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2010)
      An apparatus has been designed, built, and patented that is able, non-destructively, to determine bulk density distribution in large-sized ceramic tiles. The proposed method, based on the X-ray absorption technique, provides ...
    • openAccess   Non-isothermal sinter-crystallisation of satin glazes: A kinetic model 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Gómez-Tena, Maria Pilar; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2018-05)
      Many materials of a glass-ceramic nature are obtained by glass particle sinter-crystallisation, whose process kinetics have been studied very little. The present study analyses the physico-chemical transformations that ...
    • openAccess   Non-isothermal sintering of powdered vitrified composites. A kinetic model 

      José Luis, Amorós Albaro; Blasco Roca, Encarna; Moreno Berto, Arnaldo Vicente; Zumaquero, Eulalia; Feliu Mingarro, Carlos Elsevier (2019)
      This report sets out the results obtained on studying the sintering process of glass–zircon composites, analysing the microstructural changes that developed on modifying zircon content. The sintering of composites with ...