• closedAccess   Dopamine and Food Addiction: Lexicon Badly Needed 

      Salamone, John; Correa, Merce Elsevier (2013-05-01)
      Over the last few years, the concept of food addiction has become a common feature in the scientific literature, as well as the popular press. Nevertheless, the use of the term addiction to describe pathological aspects ...
    • closedAccess   Effects of the dopamine depleting agent tetrabenazine on detailed temporal parameters of effort-related choice responding 

      Ren, Naxin; Carratalá-Ros, Carla; Ecevitoglu, Alev; Rotolo, Renee; Edelstein, Gayle A; Presby, Rose; Stevenson, Ian; Chrobak, James; Salamone, John Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (2022-03-28)
      The dopamine-depleting agent tetrabenazine alters effort-based choice, suppressing food-reinforced behaviors with high response requirements, while increasing selection of low-cost options. In the present experiments, rats ...
    • openAccess   Take the Money and Run: Psychopathic Behavior in the Trust Game 

      Ibáñez, Manuel I; Sabater-Grande, Gerardo; Barreda-Tarrazona, Iván; Mezquita, Laura; López Ovejero, Sandra; Villa Martín, Elena; Perakakis, Pandelis; Ortet, Generós; García-Gallego, Aurora; Georgantzis, Nikolaos Frontiers Media (2016-11)
      We study the association among different sources of individual differences such as personality, cognitive ability and risk attitudes with trust and reciprocate behavior in an incentivized experimental binary trust game in ...
    • closedAccess   The behavioral pharmacology of effort-related choice behavior: dopamine, adenosine and beyond 

      Salamone, John; Correa, Merce; Nunes, Eric J.; Randall, Patrick A.; Pardo Andrés, Marta Wiley (2012-01)
      For many years, it has been suggested that drugs that interfere with dopamine (DA) transmission alter the “rewarding” impact of primary reinforcers such as food. Research and theory related to the functions of mesolimbic ...