• openAccess   Corpus Pragmatics and Multimodality: Compiling an ad-hoc Multimodal Corpus for EFL Pragmatics Teaching 

      Rodríguez-Peñarroja, Manuel Gate Association for Teaching and Education (GATE) (2020-12-05)
      The teaching and acquisition of foreign language pragmatics as a part of the communicative competence paradigm has been reported as essential since the deviation from the Chomskian competence-based model to a more ...
    • openAccess   Creation of a serious videogame prototype “the Engineer” in the digital age to promote engineering English in Higher Education 

      Girón-García, Carolina; Casañ Pitarch, Ricardo; Holgado Sáez, Christina; Haba-Osca, Julia International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2022)
      The technological advances that have taken place in recent decades have led to curricular changes at all levels. In particular, these changes have been affected by the demands of new generations - 'digital natives' (Prensky, ...
    • openAccess   Functional Approach to Multiliteracy 

      Silvestre-López, Antonio-José; Navarro Coy, Marta Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (2008)
      This paper presents a cybertask designed to be performed by students of journalism within the subject “English for Journalists”. As a departure point, students were provided with a website which gives access to all the ...
    • openAccess   How do students read on the Internet in the new technological era? 

      Girón-García, Carolina Universitatis Petru Maior (2014)
      The principal focus of this investigation is to discuss how EFL students read on the Internet after completing a Cybertask. Our main concern is to find out how students read on the Internet in the new technological era. ...
    • openAccess   Learning Pronunciation with OERs: a practical case for Medicine students 

      Bellés-Fortuño, Begoña; Bellés-Calvera, Lucía Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València (2017)
      The aim of this study is to improve English pronunciation in the university classroom of first-year Medicine students through the use of OERs. Technologies such as Voki or LEO network are used in the practical sessions of ...
    • openAccess   The interface between proficiency and pragmatics: A study on compliment responses 

      Botey Riaza, Athenea; Barón, Júlia; Martínez-Flor, Alicia Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada, AESLA (2023)
      This study investigates the interface between second language pragmatics and proficiency by focusing on pragmatic awareness of compliment responses (CRs). The participants were Spanish learners of English as a foreign ...