Now showing items 175-194 of 818

    • closedAccess   c-Normality and coprime action in finite groups 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Shao, Changguo Springer (2023-10-31)
      A subgroup H of a finite group G is called c-normal if there exists a normal subgroup N in G such that G = HN and , the largest normal subgroup of G contained in H. c-Normality is a weaker form of normality, introduced by ...
    • openAccess   Can interactions among predators alter the natural regulation of an herbivore in a climate change scenario? The case of Tetranychus urticae and its predators in citrus 

      Urbaneja-Bernat, Pablo; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Montserrat, Marta; Aguilar-Fenollosa, Ernestina; Jaques , Josep A. Springer (2019-06)
      Climate change can dramatically affect the food web configuration of arthropod communities through its effects on species interactions. We have studied whether these effects could alter the probability of local extinction ...
    • closedAccess   Capturing spatial dependence of COVID-19 case counts with cellphone mobility data 

      Slater, Justin; Brown, Patrick E.; Rosenthal, Jeffrey S.; Mateu, Jorge Elsevier (2022)
      Spatial dependence is usually introduced into spatial models using some measure of physical proximity. When analysing COVID-19 case counts, this makes sense as regions that are close together are more likely to have more ...
    • openAccess   Cálculo 

      Font, Juan J.; Hernández, Salvador; Macario, Sergio Universitat Jaume I (2009)
    • openAccess   Cálculo II. Grados en ingeniería eléctrica, ingeniería mecánica, ingeniería química e ingeniería en tecnologías industriales 

      Chiralt, Cristina; Miralles Montolío, Alejandro Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2019)
      A lo largo del libro estudiaremos los métodos habituales de resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales y complementaremos este contenido mostrando diversas aplicaciones que estos métodos tienen en fenómenos reales de la física ...
    • openAccess   Cálculo integral 

      Campos, Beatriz; Chiralt, Cristina Universitat Jaume I (2011)
    • openAccess   Challenges Regarding Scientific Transcription in Virtual Office Hours 

      Gregori, Pablo; Martínez García, Vicente MDPI (2021-03-24)
      Mathematics teachers face great difficulties during virtual communication with their students, mainly because scientific and technical subjects use a great many mathematical symbols, abstract objects and a wide variety ...
    • closedAccess   Chaos in hyperspaces of nonautonomous discrete systems 

      Sánchez, Iván; Sanchis López, Manuel; Villanueva, Hugo Elsevier (2017)
      We study the interaction of some dynamical properties of a nonautonomous discrete dynamical system (X, f∞) and its induced nonautonomous discrete dynamical system (K(X),f∞¯), where K(X) is the hyperspace of non-empty compact ...
    • openAccess   Chaos  in  King's  iterative  family   

      Cordero Barbero, Alicia; García Maimó, Javier; Torregrosa, Juan R.; Vassileva, Maria P.; Vindel, Pura Elsevier (2013-08)
      In this paper, the dynamics of King’s family of iterative schemes for solving nonlinear equations is studied. The parameter spaces are presented, showing the complexity of the family. The analysis of the parameter space ...
    • openAccess   Chaotic semigroups from second order partial differential equations 

      Conejero, J. Alberto; Lizama, Carlos; murillo arcila, marina Elsevier (2017-12)
      We give general conditions on given parameters to ensure Devaney and distributional chaos for the solution Co-semigroup corresponding to a class of second-order partial differential equations. We also provide a critical ...
    • openAccess   Characterizing group C*-algebras through their unitary groups: the Abelian case 

      Galindo, Jorge; Ródenas Camacho, Ana María Walter de Gruyter (2010-07)
      We study to what extent group C*-algebras are characterized by their unitary groups. A complete characterization of which Abelian group C*-algebras have isomorphic unitary groups is obtained. We compare these results with ...
    • openAccess   Child t-shirt size data set from 3D body scanner anthropometric measurements and a questionnaire 

      Pierola, A.; Epifanio, Irene; Alemany Mut, Sandra Elsevier (2017-04)
      A dataset of a fit assessment study in children is presented. Anthropometric measurements of 113 children were obtained using a 3D body scanner. Children tested a t-shirt of different sizes and a different model for boys ...
    • closedAccess   Class sizes of prime-power orden p'-elements and normal subgroups 

      Beltrán, Antonio; Felipe, Maria José; Sao, Changguo Springer (2014-06)
      We prove an extension of the renowned Itô’s theorem on groups having two class sizes in three different directions at the same time: normal subgroups, p' -elements and prime- power order elements. Let N be a normal subgroup ...
    • closedAccess   Classification of Events Using Local Pair Correlation Functions for Spatial Point Patterns 

      González, Jonatan A.; Rodríguez-Cortés, Francisco Javier; Romano, Elvira; Mateu, Jorge American Statistical Association (2021-05-12)
      Spatial point pattern analysis usually concerns identifying features in an observation window where there is also noise. This identification traditionally begins with studying the second-order properties of the point ...
    • openAccess   Clustering constrained on linear networks 

      Martínez, Fabian; Chaudhuri, Somnath; Díaz-Avalos, Carlos; Juan, Pablo; Mateu, Jorge; Mena, Ramsés H. Springer (2023)
      An unsupervised classification method for point events occurring on a geometric network is proposed. The idea relies on the distributional flexibility and practicality of random partition models to discover the clustering ...
    • openAccess   Cofactors and equilibria for polynomial vector fields 

      Ferragut, Antoni; Llibre, Jaume Cambridge University Press (2014)
      We present a relationship between the existence of equilibrium points of differential systems and the cofactors of the invariant algebraic curves and the exponential factors of the system
    • openAccess   Combining Classification and User-Based Collaborative Filtering for Matching Footwear Size 

      Alcacer Sales, Aleix; Epifanio, Irene; Valero, Jorge; Ballester, Alfredo MDPI (2021)
      Size mismatch is a serious problem in online footwear purchase because size mismatch implies an almost sure return. Not only foot measurements are important in selecting a size, but also user preference. This is the ...
    • openAccess   Comparison theory of Lorentzian distance with applications to spacelike hypersurfaces 

      Alías, Luis J.; Hurtado, Ana; Palmer Andreu, Vicente American Institute of Physics (2009)
      In this paper we summarize some comparison results for the Lorentzian distance function in spacetimes, with applications to the study of the geometric analysis of the Lorentzian distance on spacelike hypersurfaces. In ...
    • openAccess   Compatibility of soil application of Metarhizium brunneum and cover crops against Ceratitis capitata soil-dwelling stages 

      Cruz Miralles, Joaquin; Garrido-Jurado, Inmaculada; Yousef-Yousef, Meelad; Ibáñez Gual, Maria Victoria; Dembilio, Óscar; QUESADA-MORAGA, ENRIQUE; Jaques , Josep A. Springer (2024-01-13)
      Fruit fly ground-dwelling stages (late third instar larvae, pupae, and teneral adults) are susceptible to predation from generalist ground-dwelling predators and to infection by entomopathogenic fungi (EPF). The effect of ...
    • openAccess   Competencia digital y pensamiento computacional en el grado de maestro en educación primaria 

      Llopis Nebot, María Ángeles; Adell-Segura, Jordi; Esteve-Mon, Francesc M.; Pacheco Aparicio, Julio; Valdeolivas-Novella, Mª Gracia Universitat de Lleida (2018)
      El Pensamiento Computacional está considerado hoy día como una habilidad clave en edu- cación y ha sido incluido en la agenda digital de la Comisión Europea como esencial dentro de las competencias digitales del siglo ...