• openAccess   A class of polynomial planar vector fields with polynomial first integral 

      Ferragut, Antoni; Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco Elsevier (2015-10)
      We give an algorithm for deciding whether a planar polynomial differential system has a first integral which factorizes as a product of defining polynomials of curves with only one place at infinity. In the affirmative ...
    • openAccess   Algebraic integrability of planar polynomial vector fields by extension to Hirzebruch surfaces 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco; Pérez-Callejo, Elvira Springer Nature (2022-09-18)
      We study algebraic integrability of complex planar polynomial vector fields X=A(x,y)(∂/∂x)+B(x,y)(∂/∂y) through extensions to Hirzebruch surfaces. Using these extensions, each vector field X determines two infinite families ...
    • openAccess   Asymmetric Entanglement-Assisted Quantum Error-Correcting Codes and BCH Codes 

      Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando; Matsumoto, Ryutaroh; Ruano, Diego IEEE (2020-01-17)
      The concept of asymmetric entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting code (asymmetric EAQECC) is introduced in this article. Codes of this type take advantage of the asymmetry in quantum errors since phase-shift errors ...
    • openAccess   Discrete Equivalence of Non-positive at Infinity Plane Valuations 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco; Moreno Ávila, Carlos Jesús Springer (2021-06-26)
      Non-positive at infinity valuations are a class of real plane valuations which have a nice geometrical behavior. They are divided in three types. We study the dual graphs of non-positive at infinity valuations and give ...
    • openAccess   Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes from RS codes and BCH codes with extension degree 2 

      Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando; Ruano, Diego Springer Nature (2021-05-03)
      Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) constructed from Reed–Solomon codes and BCH codes are considered in this work. It is provided a complete and explicit formula for the parameters of EAQECCs ...
    • openAccess   Entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes over arbitrary finite fields 

      Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando; Matsumoto, Ryutaroh; Ruano, Diego Springer Verlag (2019)
      We prove that the known formulae for computing the optimal number of maximally entangled pairs required for entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting codes (EAQECCs) over the binary field hold for codes over arbitrary ...
    • openAccess   Evaluación de competencias matemáticas en el ámbito de la economía adquiridas durante la pandemia Covid-19 

      Canela, Jordi; Galindo, Carlos; Gregori, Pablo; Martínez García, Vicente Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Matemáticas para la Economía y la Empresa (ASEPUMA) (2022)
      La llegada sobrevenida de la COVID-19 ha obligado, sin preparación previa, a la totalidad de profesorado y alumnado de nuestro país a enseñar y evaluar de manera no presencial. Este trabajo pretende medir hasta qué punto ...
    • openAccess   Evaluation codes defined by finite families of plane valuations at infinity 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco Springer US (2012-08)
      We construct evaluation codes given by weight functions defined over polynomial rings in m ≥ 2 indeterminates. These weight functions are determined by sets of m−1 weight functions over polynomial rings in two indeterminates ...
    • openAccess   Finite families of plane valuations: value semigroup, graded algebra and Poincaré series 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco (2012)
      In this paper, the authors are interested in some applications of valuation theory to algebraic geometry and, particularly, to singularity theory. The aim of this paper is to provide a concise survey of some aspects of the ...
    • openAccess   Foliations with isolated singularities on Hirzebruch surfaces 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco; Olivares Vazquez, Jorge De Gruyter (2021)
      We study foliations ℱ on Hirzebruch surfaces Sδ and prove that, similarly to those on the projective plane, any ℱ can be represented by a bi-homogeneous polynomial affine 1-form. In case ℱ has isolated singularities, we ...
    • openAccess   Generating sequences and Poincaré series for a finite set of plane divisorial valuations 

      Galindo, Carlos; Delgado, Félix; Núñez, A. Elsevier (2008)
      Let V be a finite set of divisorial valuations centered at a 2- dimensional regular local ring R. In this paper we study its structure by means of the semigroup of values, SV , and the multi-index graded algebra defined ...
    • openAccess   Implementación de un entorno virtual para la enseñanza/aprendizaje a distancia de las Matemáticas 

      Castelló Benavent, Joaquín; Galindo, Carlos; Gregori, Pablo; Martínez, Vicente; Castañeda Díaz, Jorge Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad de Zaragoza (2019-10-09)
      En este trabajo detallamos como poner en práctica un Entorno Virtual de Enseñanza/Aprendizaje en el ámbito de las matemáticas. Explicamos cómo hacerlo desde sus inicios, cuando se realiza el diseño del mismo, también ...
    • openAccess   Improved constructions of nested code pairs 

      Galindo, Carlos; Geil, Olav; Hernando, Fernando; Ruano, Diego IEEE (2017-09)
      Two new constructions of linear code pairs C2 ⊂ C1 are given for which the codimension and the relative minimum distances M1(C1,C2), M1(C┴2 , C┴1) are good. By this we mean that for any two out of the three parameters the ...
    • closedAccess   Improved evaluation codes defined by plane valuations 

      Borges Quintana, M.; Borges Trenard, M. A.; Galindo, Carlos Elsevier (2010)
      We study improved evaluation codes associated with finitely generated order structures given by plane valuations. We show minimal sets of generators of the semigroups of these structures and provide parameters for the ...
    • openAccess   Influencia de la encuesta de los estudiantes sobre la calidad docente en la universidad 

      Canela, Jordi; Galindo, Carlos; Gregori, Pablo; Martínez, Vicente UNED (2023-01-18)
      En el ámbito universitario español existen intereses particulares contrapuestos. Por un lado, uno de los principales objetivos de los estudiantes, si no el más importante, es aprobar las asignaturas. Estos consideran en ...
    • openAccess   Minimal plane valuations 

      Galindo, Carlos; Monserrat, Francisco; Moyano-Fernández, Julio José American Mathematical Society (AMS) (2018-07)
      We consider the value u(v)=lim m->m-1 a(mL) , where a(mL) is the last value of the vanishing sequence of Hº(mL) along a divisorial or irrational valuation v centered at Op2,p ,L (respectively, P ) being a line ...
    • openAccess   New binary and ternary LCD codes 

      Galindo, Carlos; Geil, Olav; Hernando, Fernando; Ruano, Diego IEEE (2018-05-09)
      LCD codes are linear codes with important cryptographic applications. Recently, a method has been presented to transform any linear code into an LCD code with the same parameters when it is supported on a finite field ...
    • openAccess   New quantum codes from evaluation and matrix-product codes 

      Galindo, Carlos; Hernando, Fernando; Ruano, Diego Elsevier (2014-07)
      Stabilizer codes obtained via CSS code construction and Steane's enlargement of subfield-subcodes and matrix-product codes coming from generalized Reed-Muller, hyperbolic and affine variety codes are studied. Stabilizer ...
    • openAccess   Newton–Okounkov Bodies of Exceptional Curve Plane Valuations Non-positive at Infinity 

      Galindo, Carlos; Montserrat Delpalillo, Francisco José; Moyano-Fernández, Julio José; Nickel, Matthias Springer (2018-11-04)
      In this note we announce a result determining the Newton–Okounkov bodies of the line bundle OP2(1) with respect to exceptional curve plane valuations non-positive at infinity.
    • openAccess   Newton–Okounkov bodies of exceptional curve valuations 

      Galindo, Carlos; Moyano-Fernández, Julio José; Monserrat, Francisco; Nickel, Matthias European Mathematical Society (2020-03-20)
      We prove that the Newton–Okounkov body associated to the flag E∙:={X=Xr⊃Er⊃{q}}, defined by the surface X and the exceptional divisor Er given by any divisorial valuation of the complex projective plane P2, with respect ...