• openAccess   Relación entre la frecuencia cardíaca y el marcador durante una fase de descenso 

      Batalla Gavaldà, Abraham; Bofill Ródenas, Ana Maria; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Corbi Soler, Francisco Institut Nacional d'Educació Física de Catalunya (2018)
      In team sports, the study of heart rate (HR) is fundamental for optimizing performance and preventing injuries since it allows us to learn about some of the physiological demands generated by doing sport and the level of ...
    • openAccess   Reliability Evaluation of the Data Acquisition Potential of a Low-Cost Climatic Network for Applications in Agriculture 

      Trilles, Sergio; Juan, Pablo; Díaz-Avalos, Carlos; Ribeiro, Sara; Painho, Marco MDPI (2020)
      Temperature, humidity and precipitation have a strong influence on the generation of diseases in different crops, especially in vine. In recent years, advances in different disciplines have enabled the deployment of sensor ...
    • openAccess   Reliability Validation of a Low-Cost Particulate Matter IoT Sensor in Indoor and Outdoor Environments Using a Reference Sampler 

      Trilles, Sergio; Vicente, Ana Belen; Juan, Pablo; Ramos, Jose Francisco; Meseguer Costa, Sergio; Serra, Laura MDPI (2019)
      A suitable and quick determination of air quality allows the population to be alerted with respect to high concentrations of pollutants. Recent advances in computer science have led to the development of a high number of ...
    • closedAccess   Reminiscence interventions for loneliness reduction in older adults: a systematic review 

      Castillo Hornero, Andrea; Rojano-Hidalgo, Mario; López Riera, Agustín; Alarcón Aguilar, Ana H.; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Caballer Miedes, Antonio Taylor and Francis Group (2024)
      Objectives: This study aims to review the use of reminiscence interventions in the reduction of loneliness in older adults by categorising the interventions by type, and comparing their effectiveness and methodological ...
    • closedAccess   Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Hierarchical Multimodal Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis 

      Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Haut, Juan M.; Paoletti, Mercedes Eugenia; Plaza, Javier; Plaza, Antonio; Pla, Filiberto IEEE (2018-11)
      The generative semantic nature of probabilistic topic models has recently shown encouraging results within the remote sensing image fusion field when conducting land cover categorization. However, standard topic models ...
    • openAccess   Remote Sensing Image Superresolution Using Deep Residual Channel Attention 

      Haut, Juan M.; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Paoletti, Mercedes Eugenia; Plaza, Javier; Plaza, Antonio IEEE (2019-07-23)
      The current trend in remote sensing image superresolution (SR) is to use supervised deep learning models to effectively enhance the spatial resolution of airborne and satellite-based optical imagery. Nonetheless, the ...
    • openAccess   Remote Sensing Single-Image Superresolution Based on a Deep Compendium Model 

      Haut, Juan M.; Paoletti, Mercedes Eugenia; Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Plaza, Javier; Plaza, Antonio; Li, Jun IEEE (2019-03)
      This letter introduces a novel remote sensing single-image superresolution (SR) architecture based on a deep efficient compendium model. The current deep learning-based SR trend stands for using deeper networks to improve ...
    • openAccess   Remotely Sensed Data Fusion for Spatiotemporal Geostatistical Analysis of Forest Fire Hazard 

      Sakellariou, Stavros; Cabral, Pedro; Caetano, Mario; Pla, Filiberto; Painho, Marco; Christopoulou, Olga; Sfougaris, Athanassios; Dalezios, Nicolas; Vasilakos, Christos MDPI (2020)
      Forest fires are a natural phenomenon which might have severe implications on naturaland anthropogenic ecosystems. Future projections predict that, under a climate change environment,the fire season would be lengthier with ...
    • closedAccess   Reply to Ollinger et al.: Remote sensing of leaf nitrogen and emergent ecosystem properties (Letter) 

      Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Knyazikhin, Yuri; Lewis, Philip; Disney, Mathias I.; Mõttus, Matti; Stenberg, Pauline; Rautiainen, Miina; Kaufmann, Robert K.; Marshak, Alexander; Schull, Mitchell A.; Vanderbilt, Vern; Davis, Anthony B.; Baret, Frédéric; Jacquemoud, Stéphane; Lyapustin, Alexei; Yang, Yan; Myneni, Ranga B. National Academy of Sciences (2013)
      Various physical, chemical, and physiological processes, including canopy structure, impact surface reflectance. Remote sensing aims to derive ecosystem properties and their functional relationships, given these impacts. ...
    • openAccess   Reply to Townsend et al.: Decoupling contributions from canopy structure and leaf optics is critical for remote sensing leaf biochemistry (Letter) 

      Latorre Carmona, Pedro; Knyazikhin, Yuri; Lewis, Philip; Disney, Mathias I.; Stenberg, Pauline; Mõttus, Matti; Rautiainen, Miina; Kaufmann, Robert K.; Marshak, Alexander; Schull, Mitchell A.; Vanderbilt, Vern; Davis, Anthony B.; Baret, Frédéric; Jacquemoud, Stéphane; Lyapustin, Alexei; Yang, Yan; Myneni, Ranga B. National Academy of Sciences (2013)
      Townsend et al. (1) agree that we explain the observed relationship (2) between foliar nitrogen (%N) and near-infrared (NIR) canopy reflectance is largely due to structure - i.e., structural variation due to fraction of ...
    • openAccess   Representation of Group Isomorphisms: The Compact Case 

      Ferrer González, María Vicenta; Gary Gutierrez, Margarita; Hernández, Salvador Hindawi Publishing Corporation (2015)
      Let 𝐺� be a discrete group and let A and B be two subgroups of 𝐺�-valued continuous functions defined on two 0-dimensional compact spaces 𝑋� and 𝑌�. A group isomorphism 𝐻� defined between A and B is called separating ...
    • openAccess   Reproducibilidad en AGILE: Experiencias, logros y recomendaciones 

      Granell, Carlos; Hofer, Barbara; Nüst, Daniel; Ostermann, Frank; Sileryte, Rusne Comisión de Cartografía del Instituto Panamericano de Geografía e Historia (IPGH) (2020)
      Este artículo describe las experiencias, actividades realizadas, recursos generados y recomendaciones para la promoción e incentivación de prácticas en investigación reproducible en el campo de la ciencia de la información ...
    • openAccess   Reproducible research and GIScience: an evaluation using AGILE conference papers 

      Nüst, Daniel; Granell, Carlos; Hofer, Barbara; Konkol, Markus; Ostermann, Frank; Sileryte, Rusne; Cerutti, Valentina PeerJ (2018)
      The demand for reproducible research is on the rise in disciplines concerned with data analysis and computational methods. Therefore, we reviewed current recommendations for reproducible research and translated them into ...
    • openAccess   Reproducible Research and GIScience: An Evaluation Using GIScience Conference Papers 

      Ostermann, Frank; Nüst, Daniel; Granell, Carlos; Hofer, Barbara; Konkol, Markus Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik GmbH (2021-09-14)
      GIScience conference authors and researchers face the same computational reproducibility challenges as authors and researchers from other disciplines who use computers to analyse data. Here, to assess the reproducibility ...
    • openAccess   Resample-smoothing of Voronoi intensity estimators 

      Moradi, Mehdi; Cronie, Ottmar; Rubak, Ege; Lachieze-Rey, Raphael; Mateu, Jorge Springer (2019)
      Voronoi estimators are non-parametric and adaptive estimators of the intensity of a point process. The intensity estimateat a given location is equal to the reciprocal of the size of the Voronoi/Dirichlet cell containing ...
    • openAccess   Resilience in Teachers: Validation of the Spanish Version of the CD-RISC10© Scale in Early Childhood, Primary and Special Education Teachers 

      Flores Buils, Raquel; Caballer Miedes, Antonio; Mateu Pérez, Rosa MDPI (2022-09-22)
      Schools are a fundamental context for processes of promotion and generation of resilience, since they focus not only on aspects of academic development, but also of personal and social development. Resilience in the ...
    • openAccess   Resolution analysis in computational imaging with patterned illumination and bucket detection 

      Rodríguez Jiménez, Ángel David; Clemente Pesudo, Pedro Javier; Irles, Esther; Tajahuerce, Enrique; Lancis, Jesús Optical Society of America (2014)
      In computational imaging by pattern projection, a sequence of microstructured light patterns codified onto a programmable spatial light modulator is used to sample an object. The patterns are used as generalized measurement ...
    • openAccess   Revisiting the Design Intent Concept in the Context of Mechanical CAD Education 

      Otey, Jeffrey; Company, Pedro; Contero, Manuel; Dorribo Camba, Jorge Taylor & Francis (2018-01)
      Design intent is generally understood simply as a CAD model’s anticipated behavior when altered. However, this representation provides a simplified view of the model’s construction and purpose, which may hinder its general ...
    • openAccess   Revisiting the Dissimilarity Representation in the Context of Regression 

      García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador; Martínez-Peláez, Rafael; Méndez-González, Luis Carlos IEEE (2021-12-02)
      In machine learning, a natural way to represent an instance is by using a feature vector. However, several studies have shown that this representation may not accurately characterize an object. For classification problems, ...
    • closedAccess   Revisiting the random shift approach for testing in spatial statistics 

      Mrkvicka, Tomas; Dvořák, Jiří; González, Jonatan A.; Mateu, Jorge Elsevier (2020)
      We consider the problem of non-parametric testing of independence of two components of a stationary bivariate spatial process. In particular, we revisit the random shift approach that has become the standard method for ...