Ara mostrant els elements 22-41 d 859

    • closedAccess   A full probabilistic solution of the random linear fractional differential equation via the random variable transformation technique 

      Burgos Simón, Clara; Calatayud, Julia; Cortés, Juan Carlos; Navarro-Quiles, A. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2018-11-28)
      This paper provides a full probabilistic solution of the randomized fractionallinear nonhomogeneous differential equation with a random initial conditionvia the computation of the first probability density function of the ...
    • openAccess   A game development environment to make 2D games 

      Marin-Lora, Carlos; Chover, Miguel; Rebollo Santamaría, Cristina; Remolar, Inmaculada Universitat de Girona (2020)
      The creation of video games involves multidisciplinary processes that are not accessible to the general public. Currently, the development environments are very powerful tools, but they also require an advanced technical ...
    • openAccess   A game engine designed to simplify 2D video game development 

      Chover, Miguel; Marin-Lora, Carlos; Rebollo Santamaría, Cristina; Remolar, Inmaculada Springer Verlag (2020-01-14)
      In recent years, the increasing popularity of casual games for mobile and web has promoted the development of new editors to make video games easier to create. The development of these interactive applications is on its ...
    • openAccess   A game engine to make games as multi-agent systems 

      Marin-Lora, Carlos; Chover, Miguel; Martínez Sotoca, José; García Fernández, Luis Amable Elsevier (2020-02)
      Video games are applications that present design patterns that resemble multi-agent systems. Game objects or actors are like autonomous agents that interact with each other to describe complex systems. The purpose of this ...
    • openAccess   A Generative Method for Indoor Localization Using Wi-Fi Fingerprinting 

      Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Sansano-Sansano, Emilio; Caballer Miedes, Antonio; Montoliu Colás, Raul; García-Vidal, Rubén; Gascó Compte, Arturo MDPI (2021-03-30)
      Indoor localization is an enabling technology for pervasive and mobile computing applications. Although different technologies have been proposed for indoor localization, Wi-Fi fingerprinting is one of the most used ...
    • openAccess   A geotagged image dataset with compass directions for studying the drivers of farmland abandonment 

      Benito, Pedro J; Trilles, Sergio; Carrion, Daniela; Pérez Albert, Yolanda Elsevier (2020-12)
      In this work, we present a dataset containing a collection of pictures taken during the fieldwork of a farmland abandonment study. Data was taken in 2010 with a compact camera that incorporates GPS and a digital compass ...
    • openAccess   A GIS-based methodological framework to identify superficial water sources and their corresponding conduction paths for gravity-driven irrigation systems in developing countries 

      Valencia Gómez, Jefferson; Monserrate Rojas, Fredy Alexander; Casteleyn, Sven; Bax, Vincent; Francesconi, Wendy; Quintero, Marcela Elsevier Masson (2020-04-01)
      The limited availability of fresh water is a major constraint to agricultural productivity and livelihood security in many developing countries. Within the coming decades, smallholder farmers in drought-prone areas are ...
    • closedAccess   A hierarchical spatio-temporal model to analyze relative risk variations of COVID-19: a focus on Spain, Italy and Germany 

      Jalilian, Abdollah; Mateu, Jorge Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature (2021-04-23)
      The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has spread rapidly across the world in a short period of time and with a heterogeneous pattern. Understanding the underlying temporal and spatial dynamics in the spread of COVID-19 ...
    • openAccess   A high-resolution, integrated system for rice yield forecasting at district level 

      Pagani, Valentina; Guarneri, Tommaso; Busetto, Lorenzo; Ranghetti, Luigi; BOSCHETTI, MIRCO; Movedi, Ermes; Campos-Taberner, Manuel; García Haro, Francisco Javier; Katsantonis, Dimitrios; Stavrakoudis, Dimitris; Ricciardelli, Elisabetta; Romano, Filomena; Holecz, Francesco; Collivignarelli, Francesco; Granell, Carlos; Casteleyn, Sven; Confalonieri, Roberto Elsevier Masson (2019-01)
      To meet the growing demands from public and private stakeholders for early yield estimates, a high-resolution (2 km × 2 km) rice yield forecasting system based on the integration of the WARM model and remote sensing (RS) ...
    • openAccess   A Holistic Assessment of Directional Deafness in mmWave-Based Distributed 3D Networks 

      Chukhno, Olga; Chukhno, Nadezhda; Galinina, Olga; Andreev, Sergey; Gaidamaka, Yuliya; Samouylov, Konstantin; ARANITI, Giuseppe IEEE (2022-03-21)
      The adoption of abundant millimeter-wave (mmWave) spectrum offers higher capacity for short-range connectivity in various Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-centric communications scenarios. In contrast to the conventional ...
    • closedAccess   A Kalman filter method for estimation and prediction of space–time data with an autoregressive structure 

      Lagos Álvarez, Bernardo M.; Padilla-Solis, Leonardo Fabricio; Mateu, Jorge; Ferreira, Guillermo Elsevier (2019-03)
      We propose a new Kalman filter algorithm to provide a formal statistical analysis of space–time data with an autoregressive structure. The Kalman filter technique allows to capture the temporal dependence as well as the ...
    • openAccess   A Kinect-Based Interactive System for Home-Assisted Active Aging 

      Fuertes Muñoz, Gabriel; Mollineda, Ramón A.; Pla, Filiberto MDPI (2021)
      Virtually every country in the world is facing an unprecedented challenge: society is aging.Assistive technologies are expected to play a key role in promoting healthy lifestyles in the elderly.This paper presents a ...
    • openAccess   A literature review on the application of evolutionary computing to credit scoring 

      Marqués Marzal, Ana Isabel; García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
      The last years have seen the development of many credit scoring models for assessing the creditworthiness of loan applicants. Traditional credit scoring methodology has involved the use of statistical and mathematical ...
    • openAccess   A Location Aware Mobile Tool for Direct and Indirect Climate Data Sensors 

      Ramos, Jose Francisco; Monfort Muriach, Aida; Huerta, Joaquin Wiley (2014-06)
      Access to GIS data from mobile platforms continues to be a challenge and there is a wide range of fields where it is extremely useful. In this work, we combined three key aspects: climate data sensors, mobile platforms and ...
    • openAccess   A Low-Cost Control Occupancy Solution Using a Time-of-Flight Ranging Sensor Laser 

      Bartrés Jurado, Enric; Trilles, Sergio; Perez-Navarro, Antoni; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2022)
      The pandemic situation has driven to several measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. One of these measures is social distance and, as a consequence, limitation of capacity of indoor closed spaces. This makes necessary ...
    • openAccess   A lower bound for the area of Plateau foams 

      Gimeno, Vicent; Markvorsen, Steen; Martínez Sotoca, José Springer (2020-04-07)
      Real foams can be viewed as geometrically well-organized dispersions of more or less spherical bubbles in a liquid. When the foam is so drained that the liquid content significantly decreases, the bubbles become polyhedral-like ...
    • closedAccess   A mechanistic spatio-temporal modeling of COVID-19 data 

      Briz-Redón, Álvaro; Iftimi, Adina; Mateu, Jorge; Romero Garcia, Carolina Soledad Wiley-VCHGmbH (2022-08-07)
      Understandingtheevolutionofanepidemicisessentialtoimplementtimelyandefficient preventive measures. The availability of epidemiological data at a finespatio-temporal scale is both novel and highly useful in this regard. ...
    • openAccess   A Meta-Review of Indoor Positioning Systems 

      Mendoza-Silva, Germán Martín; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Huerta, Joaquin MDPI (2019)
      An accurate and reliable Indoor Positioning System (IPS) applicable to most indoor scenarios has been sought for many years. The number of technologies, techniques, and approaches in general used in IPS proposals is ...
    • openAccess   A Mobile Query Service for Integrated Access to Large Numbers of Online Semantic Web Data Sources 

      Van Woensel, William; Casteleyn, Sven Elsevier (2016-01)
      From the Semantic Web’s inception, a number of concurrent initiatives have given rise to multiple segments: large semantic datasets, exposed by query endpoints; online Semantic Web documents, in the form of RDF files; and ...
    • closedAccess   A Multiresolution Approach to Render 3D Models 

      Ramos, Jose Francisco; Chover, Miguel; Ripollés Mateu, Oscar Enrique IOS Press (2013)
      Image synthesis techniques are present in a wide range of applications as they leverage the amount of information required for creating realistic visualizations. For fast hardware rendering they usually employ a triangle-based ...