• openAccess   Evolution of vertebrate survival circuits 

      Martinez-Garcia, Fernando; Lanuza, Enrique Elsevier (2018-12)
      Evolution selects those adaptive features that increase reproductive probabilities and facilitate survival. Analysing the brain circuits mediating risk-avoidance (e.g. defense) and those allowing reward-seeking (motivated) ...
    • closedAccess   Intraspecific Communication Through Chemical Signals in Female Mice: Reinforcing Properties of Involatile Male Sexual Pheromones 

      Martínez-Ricós, Joana; Agustín-Pavón, Carmen; Lanuza, Enrique; Martinez-Garcia, Fernando Oxford University Press (2007)
      In rodents, social and reproductive behaviors critically depend on chemical signals, including sexual pheromones that have been suggested (but not demonstrated) to be rewarding. In this work, we analyze this issue by ...
    • closedAccess   Role of AMPA glutamate receptors in the conditioned rewarding effects of MDMA in mice 

      García-Pardo, M.P.; Miñarro, Josse; Aguilar, M.A. Elsevier (2018-07-16)
      Currently, there is not an effective treatment for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) dependence but pharmacotherapies targeting glutamate neurotransmission are a promising strategy. Previously, we showed that blockade ...
    • closedAccess   Role of the vomeronasal system in intersexual attraction in female mice 

      Martínez-Ricós, Joana; Agustín-Pavón, Carmen; Lanuza, Enrique; Martinez-Garcia, Fernando Elsevier (2008-05)
      Although it is generally accepted that rodents' sociosexual behavior relies mainly on chemosignals, the specific roles played by the vomeronasal and olfactory systems in detecting these signals are presently unclear. This ...