• openAccess   Neuro-Robótica 

      Falomir, Zoe Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2006-10)
      This technical report presents a state of the art in neuro-robotics based on well-known European researchers' lectures wich took place at 5th International UJI Robotics School (IURS'2005) on Robotics and Neuroscience. Some ...
    • openAccess   Sensores de Identificación por Radio-Frecuencia (RFID) 

      Falomir, Zoe Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2006-10)
      This technical report presents an introduction to radio frequency identification (RFID) sensors and a state of the art in robotics applications where this kind of sensors was used.
    • openAccess   Ontología del mapa de la planta de un edificio con Protégé-OWL 

      Falomir, Zoe Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2006-10)
      This technical report presents an ontology of a building floor map which could help a mobile robot to organize its knowledge about a building floor and to navigate through it. This ontology defines rooms, corridors and ...
    • openAccess   Robots Humanoides 

      Falomir, Zoe Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2006-10)
      This technical report presents a state of the art in humanoid robots based on well-known European researchers' lectures wich took place at 6th International UJI Robotics School (IURS'2006) on Humanoid Robots. Some of the ...
    • openAccess   Métodos de acceso para bases de datos multimedia y sus paralelizaciones 

      Artigas Fuentes, Fernando; Badía, José Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2007-04)
      Similarities queries are very important in data mining, and specially in text mining. The goal of this type of query is searching for all the objects in the database which are similar to a given object. Most similarity ...
    • openAccess   Evaluation and Tuning of the Level 3 CUBLAS for Graphics Processors 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-01)
      The increase in performance of the last generations of graphics processors (GPUs) has made this class of platform a coprocessing tool with remarkable success in certain types of operations. In this paper we evaluate the ...
    • openAccess   Attaining High Performance in General-Purpose Computations on Current Graphics Processors 

      Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-01)
      The increase in performance of the last generations of graphics processors (GPUs) has made this class of hardware a coprocessing platform of remarkable success in certain types of operations. In this paper we evaluate ...
    • openAccess   GLAME@lab: An M-script API for Linear Algebra Operations on Graphics Processors 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-02)
      We propose two high-level application programming interfaces (APIs) to use a graphics processing unit (GPU) as a coprocessor for dense linear algebra operations. Combined with an extension of the FLAME API and an ...
    • openAccess   Solving Dense Linear Systems on Graphics Processors 

      Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-02)
      We present several algorithms to compute the solution of a linear system of equations on a GPU, as well as general techniques to improve their performance, such as padding and hybrid GPU-CPU computation. We also show how ...
    • openAccess   Adding camera functions to the Webots OPEN-R wrapper object for Aibo robots 

      Peris Broch, Juan Carlos; Grande, Jorge; Escrig Monferrer, María Teresa Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-05)
      We use the Webots TM mobile robot simulation software for testing controllers and for using a common interface for all our robotic platforms. In the case of the Aibo TM robots we use cross-compilation to combine the Webots ...
    • openAccess   Out-of-Core Solution of Linear Systems on Graphic Processors 

      Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Igual, Francisco; Mayo, Rafael; Rubio, Rafael; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2008-05)
      We combine two high-level application programming interfaces to solve large-scale linear systems with the data stored on disk using current graphics processors. The result is a simple yet powerful tool that enables a ...
    • openAccess   Solving “Large” Dense Matrix Problems on Multi-Core Processors and GPUs 

      Marqués-Andrés, Mercedes; Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S.; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2009-01)
      Few realize that, for large matrices, many dense matrix computations achieve nearly the same performance when the matrices are stored on disk as when they are stored in a very large main memory. Similarly, few realize ...
    • openAccess   Level-3 BLAS on a GPU: Picking the Low Hanging Fruit 

      Quintana-Ortí, Gregorio; Van de Geijn, Robert A. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2009-04)
      The arrival of hardware accelerators has created a new gold rush to be the rst to deliver their promise of high performance for numerical applications. Since they are relatively hard to program, with limited language ...
    • openAccess   DVFS-Technique for Dense Linear Algebra Operations on Multi-Core Processors 

      Alonso-Jordá, Pedro; Dolz, Manuel F.; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2011-05)
      This paper addresses the efficient explotation of task-level parallelism, present in many dense linear algebra operations, from the point of view of both computational performance and energy consumption. In particular, ...
    • openAccess   Reducing Power Consumption of the LU Factorization with Partial Pivoting on Multi-Core Processors 

      Alonso-Jordá, Pedro; Dolz, Manuel F.; Mayo, Rafael; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2011-07)
      In this paper we analyze the trade-off between energy and performance for a data- parallel execution of the LU factorization with partial pivoting on a multi-core proces- sor. To improve power efficiency, we adapt the ...
    • openAccess   Design of high quality, efficient simulation environments for USARSim 

      Alemany, Jaume Departament d' Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2011-10)
      This report describes how USARSim and MATLAB have been combined with some graphic design tools such as 3D Studio Max and Adobe Photoshop producing a personalized simulator which combines a high level of detail with a ...
    • openAccess   Concurrent and Accurate RNA Sequencing on Multicore Platforms 

      Martínez Pérez, Héctor; Tárraga, Joaquín; Medina, Ignacio; Barrachina Mir, Sergio; Castillo Catalán, María Isabel; Dopazo, Joaquín; Quintana-Orti, Enrique S. Departament d'Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors, Universitat Jaume I (2013-04-02)
      In this paper we introduce a novel parallel pipeline for fast and accurate mapping of RNA sequences on servers equipped with multicore processors. Our software, named HPG-aligner1, leverages the speed of the Burrows-Whe ...
    • openAccess   MERBOTS: New approach for semi-autonomous underwater manipulation using force sensing in archaeological scenarios 

      Peñalver Monfort, Antonio; Sanz, Pedro J Universitat Jaume I. Departament d'Enginyeria i Ciència dels Computadors (2016-06-14)