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dc.contributor.authorFalcó Sancho, Álvaro
dc.contributor.otherAlonso-Muñoz, Laura
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Ciències de la Comunicació
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021ca_CA
dc.description.abstract1. Introduction The digital media about people and events in the literary field and talks by writers, book fairs, publicat news (normal news and statements news), info interviews (more inquisitive formats). The foundation of a cyber La pluma valenciana was considered urgent because literature, according to academies and philologists, is one of the greatest contributions of huma addition, the city of València lacks a newspaper specialized in this subject. Likewise, during the development of the project, other reasons have been found for which literature deserves a cyber that take place in the city and of individuals eager to be informed about them, and the scarcity of public in the events held work—, which makes indispensable the existence of a newspaper that transmits what happened to those who did no 2. Objectives and target audience As indicated in the "Conócenos" section of the website, the main objectives of the journal are as follows: 1. Publicize and advocate for the literature present in València through journalistic texts that encourage the consumption of culture. 2. To transfer to the readers a fervor for literature. 3. To practice mobile journalism (or MoJo) and prove its effectivene the performance of graphic journalism. The target audience are the for information about literary events in the city. Their age ranges between 60 and 80 years, which is the average age of those atten so it is likely that most of the target does not use the Internet and, therefore, 19 6. Resumen ejecutivo en inglés The digital media La pluma valenciana, since its creation, has reported about people and events in the literary field —book presentations, conferences and talks by writers, book fairs, publications of literary studies, etc. news (normal news and statements news), informative reports and objective interviews (more inquisitive formats). The foundation of a cyberwas considered urgent because literature, according to academies and philologists, is one of the greatest contributions of huma addition, the city of València lacks a newspaper specialized in this subject. Likewise, during the development of the project, other reasons have been found for which literature deserves a cyber-media: the abundance of literary events ace in the city and of individuals eager to be informed about them, and the scarcity of public in the events held —due to a negligent promotional , which makes indispensable the existence of a newspaper that transmits what happened to those who did not attend. 2. Objectives and target audience As indicated in the "Conócenos" section of the website, the main objectives of the journal are as follows: Publicize and advocate for the literature present in València through journalistic texts that encourage the consumption of culture. To transfer to the readers a fervor for literature. To practice mobile journalism (or MoJo) and prove its effectivene the performance of graphic journalism. are the residents of València who are book lovers looking for information about literary events in the city. Their age ranges between 60 and 80 years, which is the average age of those attending the events covered, so it is likely that most of the target does not use the Internet and, therefore, , since its creation, has reported book presentations, conferences ions of literary studies, etc.— through rmative reports and objective -media such as was considered urgent because literature, according to academies and philologists, is one of the greatest contributions of humanity. In addition, the city of València lacks a newspaper specialized in this subject. Likewise, during the development of the project, other reasons have been found media: the abundance of literary events ace in the city and of individuals eager to be informed about them, due to a negligent promotional , which makes indispensable the existence of a newspaper that transmits As indicated in the "Conócenos" section of the website, the main Publicize and advocate for the literature present in València through journalistic texts that encourage the consumption of culture. To practice mobile journalism (or MoJo) and prove its effectiveness for residents of València who are book lovers looking for information about literary events in the city. Their age ranges between 60 ding the events covered, so it is likely that most of the target does not use the Internet and, therefore, cannot receive information from the cyber pluma valenciana has set itself an additional goal: to instill intere in young people. 3. Structure and sections of the cyber The general structure of the cyber horizontal bar, with the different sections, which heads a vertical row of news items arranged in "tile" st to the media's newsletter. This layout of the home page tries to resemble the appearance of the digital version of the newspaper are also displayed in "tile" style, although its number of publications is higher This structure is intended to allow the reader to browse the site with ease and not to ignore any news. To this end, a search engine has section bar, so that the user can quickly find any content. Other elements added to the cyber-media include links to Twitter and Instagram accounts, a side menu with various news items, a button to immediately scroll to the top of the pag ("Subir", in the lower left corner) and another to send a message to the web author (sandwich icon, in the lower right corner). Each publication also has hyperlinks to adjective but related information, and options to like, share the piece on the Interne valenciana is divided into six sections which, although they share a common theme, have their own characteristics: 1. Inicio: despite being catalogued as a section, this category is rather a compilation of all the information in a vertical column. “Inicio” is the front page of the cyber cover that encourages the reader to enter the book. 2. Actualidad literaria particular publicati that they are the ones that can arouse the greatest curiosity in the target 20 cannot receive information from the cyber-media. To circumvent this pitfall, has set itself an additional goal: to instill intere 3. Structure and sections of the cyber-media The general structure of the cyber-media consists of a header on a horizontal bar, with the different sections, which heads a vertical row of news items arranged in "tile" style, at the end of which there is an option to subscribe to the media's newsletter. This layout of the home page tries to resemble the appearance of the digital version of the newspaper La Vanguardia are also displayed in "tile" style, although with smaller images and texts its number of publications is higher—. The sections have an identical structure. This structure is intended to allow the reader to browse the site with ease and not to ignore any news. To this end, a search engine has been added to the section bar, so that the user can quickly find any content. Other elements added media include links to Twitter and Instagram accounts, a side menu with various news items, a button to immediately scroll to the top of the pag ("Subir", in the lower left corner) and another to send a message to the web author (sandwich icon, in the lower right corner). Each publication also has hyperlinks to adjective but related information, and options to like, share the piece on the Internet and write comments. is divided into six sections which, although they share a common theme, have their own characteristics: : despite being catalogued as a section, this category is rather a compilation of all the information published, which appears successively in a vertical column. “Inicio” is the front page of the cyber cover that encourages the reader to enter the book. Actualidad literaria: this section contains the most common and less particular publications of the entire cyber-media. Their main attribute is that they are the ones that can arouse the greatest curiosity in the target media. To circumvent this pitfall, La has set itself an additional goal: to instill interest in literature media consists of a header on a horizontal bar, with the different sections, which heads a vertical row of news yle, at the end of which there is an option to subscribe to the media's newsletter. This layout of the home page tries to resemble the La Vanguardia, whose news with smaller images and texts —since . The sections have an identical structure. This structure is intended to allow the reader to browse the site with ease and been added to the section bar, so that the user can quickly find any content. Other elements added media include links to Twitter and Instagram accounts, a side menu with various news items, a button to immediately scroll to the top of the page ("Subir", in the lower left corner) and another to send a message to the web Each publication also has hyperlinks to adjective but related information, and t and write comments. La pluma is divided into six sections which, although they share a common : despite being catalogued as a section, this category is rather a published, which appears successively in a vertical column. “Inicio” is the front page of the cyber-media, the : this section contains the most common and less media. Their main attribute is that they are the ones that can arouse the greatest curiosity in the target audience, since they deal with very recent events or events that will determine the future of literature in Spain (as in the the European copyright directive). Here you can find news and photo galleries as well as the aforementioned report. 3. Paraules: this section recognizes the linguistic dualism of the city of València and it is a tribute to a language recalled, was cut out of the mouths of the people of València during the post-war period, which also led to the mutilation of literary production in this language. In this part you can find several news items. 4. Artífices: perhaps the most essential link in the cyber section contains several interviews with renowned authors from València and an expert in literary theory. Due to the lengthy duration of the conversations, all publications have been reduced to around (about five pages). 5. Iniciativas: because of the unifying character of reading and the urgent economic revitalization that the book sector needs, literary initiatives have proliferated in València. Book fairs, book clubs, humanistic research city. Therefore, it has been deemed appropriate to devote a section to address these proposals. This section is made up of several news items and a report. 6. Conócenos: this section details the corpora media: purpose, author, objectives and target audience. 4. Design and corporate identity To evoke professionalism, elegance and creativity, an been designed whose elements allude to these characteristics. párr. 4) defines imagotype "there is a pictographic element next to the text, which can be abstract or not. So we find ourselves with an element that we can read and another that we 21 audience, since they deal with very recent events or events that will determine the future of literature in Spain (as in the case of the report on the European copyright directive). Here you can find news and photo galleries as well as the aforementioned report. : this section recognizes the linguistic dualism of the city of València and it is a tribute to a language that, as the poet Vicent Camps recalled, was cut out of the mouths of the people of València during the war period, which also led to the mutilation of literary production in this language. In this part you can find several news items. erhaps the most essential link in the cyber section contains several interviews with renowned authors from València and an expert in literary theory. Due to the lengthy duration of the conversations, all publications have been reduced to around (about five pages). : because of the unifying character of reading and the urgent economic revitalization that the book sector needs, literary initiatives have proliferated in València. Book fairs, book clubs, humanistic research studies and invisible friends are multiplying in the city. Therefore, it has been deemed appropriate to devote a section to address these proposals. This section is made up of several news items : this section details the corporate identity of the cyber media: purpose, author, objectives and target audience. 4. Design and corporate identity To evoke professionalism, elegance and creativity, an imagotype been designed whose elements allude to these characteristics. Del imagotype as "the visual representation of a brand", in which "there is a pictographic element next to the text, which can be abstract or not. So we find ourselves with an element that we can read and another that we audience, since they deal with very recent events or events that will case of the report on the European copyright directive). Here you can find news and photo : this section recognizes the linguistic dualism of the city of that, as the poet Vicent Camps recalled, was cut out of the mouths of the people of València during the war period, which also led to the mutilation of literary production in this language. In this part you can find several news items. erhaps the most essential link in the cyber-media, this section contains several interviews with renowned authors from València and an expert in literary theory. Due to the lengthy duration of the conversations, all publications have been reduced to around 2500 words : because of the unifying character of reading and the urgent economic revitalization that the book sector needs, literary initiatives have proliferated in València. Book fairs, book clubs, studies and invisible friends are multiplying in the city. Therefore, it has been deemed appropriate to devote a section to address these proposals. This section is made up of several news items te identity of the cyberimagotype has Del Pozo (2015, as "the visual representation of a brand", in which "there is a pictographic element next to the text, which can be abstract or not. So we find ourselves with an element that we can read and another that we cannot". In the imagotype an isologue and the text is the logotype. The typography in the same element", while the logotype "is composed only of letters or typography" (Del Pozo, 2015 The logotype consists of the name of the cyber written in the font Amarillo (downloaded from the web page Dafont), size 50, bold, dark blue and framed in a form with a border of the same color and with a white background. The Comunitat Valenciana in a lighter blue color than the logotype, a black feather whose tip points to València, the initials of the header and a circle with the same properties as the previous frame: dark b 5. Social media To add interactivity to the cyber used. Twitter, according to Digital News Report (2020 network that "is growing in news use in Spain", as is Instagram, which is already the "fourth most used network for any purpose in Spain after WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube”. Although these three networks are more popular than Twitter and Instagram, they are also highly inappropriate for a media outlet such as La pluma valenciana number of telephone contacts and, therefore, you depend on the collaboration of others to disseminate your content primacy among social networks, is experiencing a gradual decline in notoriety —"the use of Facebook information drops 3 percentage points compared to the data of the Digital News Report 2019" (Digital News Report, 2 and YouTube requires high impact. Another reason for the use of Twitter and Instagram is the desire to fulfi above-mentioned goal of i to Digital News Report (2020 popular social networks in informational use among 18 22 imagotype of La pluma valenciana, the "pictographic element" is and the text is the logotype. The isologue "unifies image and typography in the same element", while the logotype "is composed only of letters or typography" (Del Pozo, 2015, párr. 6). consists of the name of the cyber-media, La pluma valenciana written in the font Amarillo (downloaded from the web page Dafont), size 50, bold, dark blue and framed in a form with a border of the same color and with a The isologue is made up of four elements: a map of Comunitat Valenciana in a lighter blue color than the logotype, a black feather whose tip points to València, the initials of the header and a circle with the same properties as the previous frame: dark blue border and white background. To add interactivity to the cyber-media, Twitter and Instagram have been used. Twitter, according to Digital News Report (2020, párr. 2 network that "is growing in news use in Spain", as is Instagram, which is already the "fourth most used network for any purpose in Spain after WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube”. Although these three networks are more popular than nstagram, they are also highly inappropriate for a media outlet such La pluma valenciana: the dissemination of WhatsApp is limited to your number of telephone contacts and, therefore, you depend on the collaboration of others to disseminate your content to third parties; Facebook, despite its primacy among social networks, is experiencing a gradual decline in notoriety "the use of Facebook information drops 3 percentage points compared to the data of the Digital News Report 2019" (Digital News Report, 2020 and YouTube requires high-quality audiovisual material to achieve social Another reason for the use of Twitter and Instagram is the desire to fulfi mentioned goal of instilling interest in literature in youth. Thus, acco to Digital News Report (2020, párr. 6), Instagram and Twitter are "the most popular social networks in informational use among 18-24 year olds (52%)". , the "pictographic element" is "unifies image and typography in the same element", while the logotype "is composed only of La pluma valenciana, written in the font Amarillo (downloaded from the web page Dafont), size 50, bold, dark blue and framed in a form with a border of the same color and with a is made up of four elements: a map of Comunitat Valenciana in a lighter blue color than the logotype, a black feather whose tip points to València, the initials of the header and a circle with the same lue border and white background. media, Twitter and Instagram have been , párr. 2), is a social network that "is growing in news use in Spain", as is Instagram, which is already the "fourth most used network for any purpose in Spain after WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube”. Although these three networks are more popular than nstagram, they are also highly inappropriate for a media outlet such : the dissemination of WhatsApp is limited to your number of telephone contacts and, therefore, you depend on the collaboration to third parties; Facebook, despite its primacy among social networks, is experiencing a gradual decline in notoriety "the use of Facebook information drops 3 percentage points compared to the 020, párr. 1)—, quality audiovisual material to achieve social Another reason for the use of Twitter and Instagram is the desire to fulfill the Thus, according ), Instagram and Twitter are "the most 24 year olds (52%)". 6. Conclusions At the end of my TFG, I feel the conviction that written journalism, whether digital or on paper, can please me as a months of journalistic work, I have noticed that I am satisfied with all the phases of the process: the selection of the topic, the choice of the approach, the contact with the sources, the writing... However, I must admit that the obstacles I encountered during my studies have persisted during the progress of the cyber media: delays in answering emails, refusals to interview requests, demands to suppress statements, etc. As far as Mobile Jou effectiveness in filming reports with a sharpness Nikon D5100 camera. It is true that accessories such as a portable tripod, recorder and microphone are required for the final prod the one of my professional camera, but with just a cell phone the result is not negligible. If I analyze it, I think that such as the scarcity of publications, the excessive interval between pi clumsy management of social networks. However, it also has some remarkable qualities. Above all, the care with which I have treated each publication and the desire for informative fidelity that moved me during the elaboration of the work. 23 At the end of my TFG, I feel the conviction that written journalism, or on paper, can please me as a work destination months of journalistic work, I have noticed that I am satisfied with all the phases of the process: the selection of the topic, the choice of the approach, the contact writing... However, I must admit that the obstacles I encountered during my studies have persisted during the progress of the cyber media: delays in answering emails, refusals to interview requests, demands to suppress statements, etc. As far as Mobile Journalism is concerned, I have seen its undeniable effectiveness in filming reports with a sharpness similar than the one of my Nikon D5100 camera. It is true that accessories such as a portable tripod, recorder and microphone are required for the final product to be comparable to professional camera, but with just a cell phone the result is not negligible. If I analyze it, I think that La pluma valenciana has several flaws, such as the scarcity of publications, the excessive interval between pi clumsy management of social networks. However, it also has some remarkable qualities. Above all, the care with which I have treated each publication and the desire for informative fidelity that moved me during the elaboration of the work.ca_CA
dc.format.extent33 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectGrau en Periodismeca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Periodismoca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Journalismca_CA
dc.titleLa pluma valencianaca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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