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dc.contributor.authorDominguez Cinta, Alejandro
dc.contributor.otherMora Sesma, Rafael
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Ciències de la Comunicació
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau en Periodisme. Codi: PE0932. Curs acadèmic: 2020/2021ca_CA
dc.description.abstract· Introduction El Polideportivo is a digital media specializing in sport, in particular the invisible or minority sports practiced in the province of Valencia, with the aim of increasing its visibility and knowledge, follow its sporting news and offer greater visibility to readers, as well as covering different outstanding sporting events taking place in the city of Valencia. In this digital media you can find a great variety of sports, clubs or athletes who also deserve to be news in the media, but who do not receive the necessary attention. The executor of the idea and the head of El Polideportivo it’s me, Alejandro Domínguez, journalist. I love sport and especially minority sport, which has little or no visibility. I have created The Sports Center to follow in the footsteps of those athletes and sports forgotten by the press, to show them the follow-up they deserve, to show that not only does there exist football, basketball or tennis, but there are many more of us. Momentarily the media is directed to the province of Valencia, but I would like to have information in the future throughout the Valencian Community. The treatment is given in the most objective way possible, but showing affection and respect for these sports and athletes. · Mission, vision and objectives In reference to the mission of El Polideportivo, what I want is that the invisible sports also have their space, in a prism of equality, in which one sport is not more important than another sport, all are situated in the same balance, because all athletes make the same effort to be news, and that is what we claim from El Polideportivo. The vision of the company is to be recognized in the long term as a reference medium of sport in the Valencian Community. To this end, it will have short-term objectives such as increasing the number of interested readers, increasing the number of followers on social networks, being present at important events this 19 summer and continuing to increase the flow of information offered daily, as well as the clubs and sports covered by the media. It’s important to grow slowly but firmly. Otherwise, the most outstanding objective of El Polideportivo is to make visible all the invisible clubs or athletes that are present in the city of Valencia or localities of the province, because their effort deserves to be news. In addition, other objectives also emerge, such as informing readers of different sports that cannot do so in other media, increasing the number of interested in these sports and helping clubs to increase their membership, show the situation in the city by the institutions and be a speaker for the different exclusive events that take place in Valencia, as well as facilitate the date and times of the matches that the clubs dispute. To achieve these goals, from El Polideportivo we have to be very constant in the flow of information and offer the maximum possible of the different sports that are news, as well as offering readers exclusive interviews and reports with the protagonists that add value to the readings in order to differentiate us from the competitors. Our competitive advantage is the constancy and great work of monitoring these sports and athletes, as well as the search for an added value to the texts, which is usually related to a human history behind the athlete that excites the reader. Not all media seek this differentiation, so we are different as to our competitors. · Competitors The current competitors of El Polideportivo are the following: - Nostresport would be direct competitor, because its content is based on the dissemination of a large part of sports in the three Valencian provinces, which would include volleyball, handball, rugby, motor, gymnastics or athletics among others, although the main difference is that they do deal with the subject of football and basketball above all others, occupying the front pages, something 20 that does not perform El Polideportivo, that has a plural treatment with all sports invisibilized and/or minority and does not deal with football or basketball. - YoSoyNoticia would be another that would carry out a direct competition with El Polideportivo, because in this case it has a plural treatment, which although it also covers football and basketball, does not give them more prominence than other sports, because its name is already a symbol of rebellion against the information inequality, because all sports and athletes are news. In this medium, created by the journalist Pedro Morata, you can also see that they cover a lot of sports that also covers The Sports Center, so it would be another competent medium in this sector. - The 'All Sports’ sections of Supedeporte, Las Provincias and Levante EMV would also be competitors. These media make news less assiduously, between 1 and 5 a day, but its content is highly visited given its level of followers. · Market opportunity, investment and revenue forecast In this sector, there is a great business opportunity, because there are not enough means to devote their time to making all sports visible at the same level of equality, since all deserve a fair and measured visibility, because in all their athletes or protagonists are doing a huge job for representing their clubs. In addition, these sports have many fans who have no information beyond the few that offer clubs or federations, as it is a sector to exploit and start working. Valencia is the land of sport, and the Valencian Community brings together thousands of successful athletes, who deserve once and for all to appear on the covers and be news. With the birth of El Polideportivo in February, these athletes and clubs have begun to be news. The initial investment will be 102 euros, corresponding to the purchase of the Business Plan of Wordpress and the purchase of the domain of the website. In reference to the revenue forecast, there have currently been no revenue, although there is the possibility of having them in the near future, as there could 21 be sponsors interested this summer to promote themselves on the web, as well as subsidies for talking about invisible sports and women’s sport. The Sports Center has a wide range of possibilities in terms of this, which will try to be exploited from summer. In addition, the project has attracted the attention of the director of Valencia Capital Radio, Paco Lloret, and it is possible to have an own program after the summer thanks to El Polideportivo. · Conclusion In conclusion, El Polideportivo is a dynamic and innovative media that offers a product that its competitors do not offer. This means of communication covers the needs of a sector of readers that is interested in these types of sports and with the journalistic offer that there was in the city they could not feel complete in terms of information. Now, thanks to El Polideportivo, they have been able to hear voices that were not represented in other media, they have been able to learn about the sports news every day and all the information that federations, clubs and athletes had to offer. The target audience of the media are athletes and fans of this type of sports, somewhat abandoned by the traditional media -invisibilizedand looking for a serious and reliable means to find interesting and current content, where we can find chronicles, exclusive news, reports and interviews, as well as audiovisual content that you will not find in other media. El Polideportivo has a very important mission, vision and goals in its philosophy: to grow little by little but with a firm step, to continue getting followers to increase the community and to offer daily information about the federations, clubs and athletes. Right now and after three months of work, El Polideportivo has managed to have a solid base of around 3,000 followers on all its social networks, So the growth is exponential and it is a media with a lot of future and with a large public to offer information. Every day the community is bigger and the business opportunity is obvious, as there are more and more sponsors interested in the invisible or minority sport, as it is a market opportunity for companies. Fans are turned to the 22 media, athletes are delighted that a media voice them and sponsors are interested in betting on something new. The first step is already taken, and from this summer El Polideportivo will begin to professionalize itself with the aim of reaching more people and making profits. There’s a real chance of getting it. The opportunity is perfect, because behind the project is someone focused on work, constant and with a long schedule of contacts thanks to the work done in recent months. Alejandro Domínguez has been trained at the Jaume I University in Castellón, where good journalists working in some of the main media in Spain have come out: COPE, Marca, LaSexta, RTVE… The bet is safe. El Polideportivo exists and has arrived to stay because it is a new project, dynamic and eager to contribute something new to the communityca_CA
dc.format.extent28 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.subjectGrau en Periodismeca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Periodismoca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Journalismca_CA
dc.titleEl polideportivoca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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