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dc.contributor.authorLópez Casanova, María Belén
dc.contributor.authorNadal García, Icíar
dc.identifier.citationLópez Casanova, B., & Nadal García, I. (2020). El practicum en Educación Infantil: implicaciones de la música y el lenguaje. ARTSEDUCA, (28), 38-51.
dc.description.abstractSe presenta un estudio llevado a cabo con estudiantes de grado de maestro en Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Zaragoza, durante el periodo de practicum III. Los principales objetivos de este estudio son: analizar, describir, contrastar y poner en práctica las competencias adquiridas en referencia al desarrollo de la Expresión Musical y el Lenguaje, a través de la observación y análisis de la realidad escolar, en el aula de Educación Infantil. Se utiliza la tabla de observación como técnica de recogida de datos sobre el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje. En los resultados obtenidos se constata la necesidad de incidir en aspectos relacionados con los parámetros sonoros, sobre percepción y discriminación auditiva y expresión vocal y canto. Los maestros trabajan la percepción y expresión musical de manera espontánea e instintiva en su aula y demandan una mayor formación en conocimientos, didáctica y pedagogía musical.ca_CA
dc.description.abstractA study by students of the Degree of Teacher Training in Childhood Education at the Universidad de Za-ragoza (Spain) during Practicum III, is presented. Our main study objective was to know, describe and analyse by direct observations the students of the Childhood Education degree, music and language prac-ticums in a real context. The students participated in this research by collecting data during their academic practicum period. The observation table was used as the technique to collect data about the teaching-lear-ning process. Eighty-eight Childhood and Primary Education centres from Zaragoza and its province were included in the sample, which involved 136 students from the Practicum III subject of the Degree of Teacher Training in Childhood Education. The students had the chance to observe teaching experiences linked with the music domain in relation to perception and auditory discrimination, vocal expression and singing. Tables were prepared ad hoc, and validated by experts, to make observations in Childhood Edu-cation classes. The obtained results indicated that teachers are aware of the importance of working music and language together. It was found that certain aspects could improve: e.g., motivation to develop and acquire musical and language phrasing. It is necessary to stress perception, auditory discrimination, vocal expression and singing via the sound parameters duration, pitch, intensity and timbre. We conclude that childhood Education teachers work musical perception and expression spontaneously and intuitively, and expect better training in knowledge, didactics and musical pedagogy.ca_CA
dc.format.extent14 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherPublicacions de la Universitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfArtseduca, 2021, 28ca_CA
dc.subjectprácticas escolaresca_CA
dc.subjecteducación musical en Infantilca_CA
dc.subjectlenguaje y músicaca_CA
dc.subjectobservación en la escuelaca_CA
dc.subjectchildhood educationca_CA
dc.subjectlanguaje and musicca_CA
dc.subjectobservation at schoolca_CA
dc.titleEl practicum en Educación Infantil: implicaciones de la música y el lenguajeca_CA

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