Now showing items 65-84 of 85

    • openAccess   Sucre4stem's Dual Approach To Enhancing Computational Thinking And Programming Skills 

      Trilles, Sergio; Granell, Carlos; Ramos, Jose Francisco International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2024)
      This article highlights recent advancements in the Sucre4Stem initiative, a key component of the broader Sucre project designed to kindle interest in computational thinking and programming among K-12 students. At its core, ...
    • openAccess   Superando los principales inconvenientes de la clase al revés 

      Amengual Argudo, Juan Carlos; Castellanos López, Antonio; Aibar Ausina, Juan Pablo; González-Pérez, Alberto (2022-07)
      El esquema de clase al revés es cada vez más utilizado. Grosso modo, el estudiantado prepara ciertos contenidos y realiza un trabajo centrado en su aplicación, que entrega antes de la clase correspondiente. El profesorado, ...
    • closedAccess   Temporal stability on human activity recognition based on Wi-Fi CSI 

      Matey-Sanz, Miguel; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Moreira, Adriano IEEE (2023-12-06)
      Over the last years, numerous studies have emerged using Wi-Fi channel state information, enabling device-free (passive) sensing for applications such as motion detection, indoor positioning or human activity recognition. ...
    • openAccess   Testing wave function collapse to represent behaviors in video games 

      Ramos Boira, Adrián; Martin, Micaela Yanet; Chover, Miguel CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2022)
      One avenue of research with great viability for the development of video games is that of methods that allow the generation of procedural content. In recent years, the use of the Wave Function Collapse algorithm to create ...
    • openAccess   The "study and research" program of the Jaume I University: description of the program and experiences in student mentoring 

      Coltell, Oscar; Usó Guiral, Inmaculada International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2019-11-11)
      The "Study and research at the UJI" program, is an initiative of the Jaume I University (UJI) which offers to students the possibility of obtaining research and academic training out of regular studies, and allows them to ...
    • openAccess   The Gln241His polymorphism in the carbohydrate response element binding protein (MLXIPL) gene 

      CAROLINA, ORTEGA-AZORÍN; Carrasco, Paula; Sorlí, José V; Coltell, Oscar; Asensio, Eva Maria; Luna, C.; González, José I.; Corella, Dolores Nature Publishing Group (2009-06)
    • openAccess   The importance of introducing electronic administration in the training of public administrators: experiences in the Degree of Public Management and Administration of the University Jaume I 

      Coltell, Oscar; Boronat, Pablo; Oller Rubert, Marta International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2019-11-11)
      In Europe, Spain and Italy are almost the only countries where there are specific studies of Public Management and Administration (PMA), with a heavy load of contents in law, mainly public administrative law in Spain, ...
    • openAccess   The Percepción Smart Campus system 

      Martínez-Hinarejos, Carlos-D.; Granell, Emilio; Rambla Risueño, David; Calia, Andrea; Luján, Alejandro; Amat, Guillermo; Ramos, Ángel; Benedí, José-Miguel; Sanchis, Alberto IberSpeech (2014-11)
      This paper presents the capabilities of the Smart Campus system developed during the Percepcion project. The Smart Campus system is able to locate the user of the application in a limited environment, including indoor ...
    • openAccess   The Role of Face Parts in Gender Recognition 

      Mollineda, Ramón A.; Andreu Cabedo, Yasmina Springer Verlag (2008)
      This paper evaluates the discriminant capabilities of face parts in gender recognition. Given the image of a face, a number of subimages containing the eyes, nose, mouth, chin, right eye, internal face (eyes, nose, ...
    • openAccess   Towards Semantic Digital Twins for Social Networks 

      Berlanga Llavori, Rafael; Museros, Lledó; Llidó Escrivá, Dolores María; Sanz, Ismael; Aramburu Cabo, María José CEUR Workshop Proceedings (2021-09-03)
      This position paper proposes a platform for the creation of digital twins for social networks as semantic digital twins for people. These are mainly aimed at simulating human behavior from a cognitive point of view. The ...
    • openAccess   Towards social paradigms for mobile context-aware computing in smart cities 

      Kamberov, Rustam; Santos, Vitor; Granell, Carlos AISTI (Associaçao Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informaçao) (2016)
      Mobile context-aware computing is an essential component of the smart cities infrastructure. Attempts were made to develop a model that can effectively represent a system in device to support context-aware behavior. ...
    • openAccess   Towns Conquer : A Gamified application to collect geographical names (vernacular names/toponyms) 

      Castellote, Jesús; Huerta, Joaquin; Pescador, Javier; Brown, Michael AGILE (2013)
      The traditional model for geospatial crowd sourcing asks the public to use their free time collecting geospatial data for no obvious reward. This model has shown to work very well on projects such as Open ...
    • openAccess   UJI Probes: dataset of Wi-Fi probe requests 

      Bravenec, Tomáš; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Gould, Michael; Fryza, Tomas IEEE (2023-12-06)
      This paper focuses on the creation of a new, publicly available Wi-Fi probe request dataset. Probe requests belong to the family of management frames used by the 802.11 (Wi-Fi) protocol. As the situation changes year by ...
    • openAccess   UJI Smart Campus: Un ejemplo de integración de recursos en la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló 

      Benedito-Bordonau, Mauri; Gargallo, Diego; Avariento, Joan; Sanchis, Ana; Gould, Michael; Huerta, Joaquin Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (2013-11)
      UJI Smart Campus es un visor web basado en mapas, que usa tecnologías ESRI y que permite localizar áreas de interés y consultar información útil. Diseñado como un sitio web, sigue las directrices de modelos responsive para ...
    • openAccess   UJI Smart Venues: Gestión de eventos en la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló 

      Avariento, Joan; Rambla Risueño, David; Sanchis, Ana; Gargallo, Diego; Benedito-Bordonau, Mauri; Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Huerta, Joaquin Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (2014-11)
      UJI SmartVenue es una aplicación móvil que se benef icia de los servicios de la implantación de una IDE (Infraestructura de Datos E spaciales) sectorial basada en la plataforma ArcGIS y los aplica a la ge stión ...
    • openAccess   UJIIndoorLoc-Mag: A New Database for Magnetic Field-Based Localization Problems 

      Torres-Sospedra, Joaquín; Rambla Risueño, David; Montoliu Colás, Raul; Belmonte-Fernández, Óscar; Huerta, Joaquin IEEE (2015)
      Indoor localization is a key topic for mobile computing. However, it is still very difficult for the mobile sensing community to compare state-of-art Indoor Positioning Systems due to the scarcity of publicly available ...
    • openAccess   Untargeted metabolomics based on ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-ion mobility-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry for biomarker discovery of orange intake in a cross-over trial 

      Portoles, Tania; Coltell, Oscar; Lacalle-Bergeron, Leticia; Sancho, Juan V; Lopez, Francisco; CAROLINA, ORTEGA-AZORÍN; Asensio, Eva Maria; Corella, Dolores Gordon Research Conferences (2019-02-03)
      Diet is one of the most important lifestyle factors associated with health status. Currently, one of the main limitations of nutritional epidemiology and nutritional genomics is the difficulty in the measurements of dietary ...
    • openAccess   Virtual Reality for Detailed Visualization and Generation of Proximal and Distal Bone Fracture Patterns 

      Jiménez Delgado, Juan José; Pérez Cano, Francisco Daniel; Parra Cabrera, Gema; Remolar, Inmaculada SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. (2024-02-28)
      This paper articulates the application of virtual reality (VR) in facilitating the study of bone fractures, particularly those affecting the proximal and distal end segments of long bones, areas of the bone in which there ...
    • openAccess   viscaUJI: campus inteligente como IDE local 

      Sanchis, Ana; Alexandre, Arnal; Molina, Walter; Sanchis, Vallivana; Díaz Sánchez, Laura; Huerta, Joaquin; Gould, Michael Centro Nacional de Información Geográfica (2012-10)
      Con el objetivo de mejorar la monitorización y gestión de los recursos del Campus este proyecto integra la información disponible en un sistema de información que permite el acceso y la ...
    • openAccess   Visualization of Sensor Data in Virtual Globes 

      Rodríguez-Pupo, Luis E.; Tamayo Fong, Alain; Beltran Fonollosa, Arturo; Huerta, Joaquin AGILE (2012)
      Virtual Globes have become a common platform for visualizing geographical data. The capability for customization, extensibility and the support of interaction with the visualized elements are some of the ...