• openAccess   MonTI, un pari sur la rigueur et le pluralisme 

      Franco Aixelá, Javier; Masseau, Paola Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Presentation of the journal MonTI
    • openAccess   MonTI, una aposta pel rigor i el pluralisme 

      Franco Aixelá, Javier; Bernabeu Molina, Gloria (trad.) Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Presentation of the journal MonTI
    • openAccess   MonTI, wir setzen auf wissenschaftliche Akribie und Pluralismus 

      Franco Aixelá, Javier; Albaladejo Martínez, Juan Antonio Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
    • openAccess   MonTI, una apuesta por el rigor y el pluralismo 

      Franco Aixelá, Javier Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
    • openAccess   MonTI, a commitment to rigour and plurality 

      Franco Aixelá, Javier Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Presentation of the journal MonTI
    • openAccess   The cognitive shift in terminology and specialized translation 

      Faber, Pamela Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      This article offers a critical analysis and overview of terminology theories with special reference to scientific and technical translation. The study of specialized language is undergoing a cognitive shift, which is ...
    • openAccess   Reviews / Reseñas 

      Comité Editorial MonTI (2009)
    • openAccess   Interpreting studies: a critical view from within 

      Gile, Daniel Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      The paper describes and discusses the historical evolution of IS from a profession-driven, narrow-focused independent entity towards a wider academic discipline addressing all types of interpreting within the discipline ...
    • openAccess   Old concepts, new ideas: approaches to translation shifts 

      Cyrus, Lea Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      This paper traces the development of the translation shift concept from its origins in the linguistics-oriented era of translation studies to its current revival in computer-based approaches: after a presentation of the ...
    • openAccess   Contemporary hermeneutics and the role of the self in translation 

      Hemmat, Amrollah Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Hermeneutic investigations, which gained momentum by Schleiermacher in the early nineteenth century, seem to have led, by the close of the twentieth century, to a much deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the ...
    • openAccess   Postcolonial studies and translation theory 

      Shamma, Tarek Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      What distinguishes postcolonial approaches to translation is that they examine intercultural encounters in contexts marked by unequal power relations. Herein lie their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Their major ...
    • openAccess   A vueltas con la traducción en el siglo XXI 

      Vidal Claramonte, María del Carmen África Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      El concepto de traducción ha cambiado muchísimo durante las últimas décadas: hemos pasado de la equivalencia absoluta a la ampliación de la definición de este campo hasta límites a veces insospechados. Y es que, efectivamente, ...
    • openAccess   Understanding the meaning 

      Nida, Eugene Albert Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      This article provides an overview of the nature of meaning, emphasizing the associative character of lexical meanings. The essay also comments on the meaning-related difficulties the translator must often overcome in order ...
    • openAccess   Rethinking translation in the 21st century 

      Vidal Claramonte, María del Carmen África Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      In the latest decades the concept of translation has dramatically changed: we have gone from absolute equivalence to a widening of the definition of this field which sometimes reaches unforeseen limits. Translation certainly ...
    • openAccess   (Re)examinando horizontes en los estudios feministas de traducción: ¿hacia una tercera ola? 

      Castro Vázquez, Olga Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Los feminismos son una de esas teorías marco cuyas contribuciones son perceptibles en todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, incluidos los estudios de traducción. La materialización más evidente de esta interacción es el ...
    • openAccess   (Re-)examining horizons in feminist translation studies: towards a third wave 

      Castro Vázquez, Olga; Andrews, Mark Universitat d'Alacant (2009)
      Feminisms are one of those framework theories that have contributed powerfully to all areas of society, including Translation Studies. The most evident outcome of this interplay is the emergence, in the 1980s, of a Feminist ...
    • openAccess   Translation as a measure of literary domination: the case of Quebec literature translated in Spain (1975-2004) 

      Córdoba Serrano, María Sierra Universitat d'Alacant (2010)
      Recent literary manifestos claim that “the center is no longer the center” (Le Devoir 2007). Indeed, it is generally admitted that Quebec literature has been more or less independent from the French field since the 1970’s. ...
    • openAccess   Is translation an autopoietic system? 

      Tyulenev, Sergey Universitat d'Alacant (2010)
      Translation is analyzed from the standpoint of its systemic properties. Translation is shown to have the capacity to observe itself and its difference from the environment. Observation being a major autopoietic factor, ...
    • openAccess   La multitraducció als estàndards català i valencià: el cas de Harry Potter i la pedra filosofal 

      Cabeza Cáceres, Cristóbal Universitat d'Alacant (2010)
      En aquest article, en primer lloc definim la multitraducció i fem una classificació selectiva dels principals productes multitraduïts en llengua catalana. Després de situar la multitraducció com a objecte d’estudi de la ...
    • openAccess   The sociology of translation: outline of an emerging field 

      Bielsa Mialet, Esperança Universitat d'Alacant (2010)
      This article explores the emerging field of the sociology of translation, focusing especially on two key areas: literary translation and news translation. While literary translation is a major area in translation studies, ...