Ara mostrant els elements 260-279 d 289

    • openAccess   The role of formal institutions on economic inequality 

      Sastre Crespo, Jaime Universitat Jaume I (2019-07-17)
      This document will review the literature that provides information about growing inequality and formal institutions, taking as a starting point the evolution of inequality and then connecting it with formal institutions, ...
    • closedAccess   The role of individual characteristics in a complex and risky decision task 

      Manojlovic Dokanovic, Slavisa Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Different economic decisions among agents can be related to their different degree of risk aversion and carry a great weight in business strategies. The set of decisions taken by the business manager mutually affects each ...
    • closedAccess   The role of information on the strategies of traders in experimental asset markets 

      Le Berre Castillo, Xavier Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      In this paper, we analyse the behaviour of investors in experimental asset markets under different information treatments. This experiment is an extension of Alfarano et al. work (On the role of hereogeneous and imperfect ...
    • openAccess   The Role of Public Information on the Efficiency of Financial Markets 

      Centelles Moliner, Ruth Universitat Jaume I (2014)
      The current economic situation has sparked a debate about the role of the rating agencies in market performance. A crucial issue in the operation of this financial system is the way in which private and public information ...
    • openAccess   The role of trade fairs and exhibitions in the German economy 

      Müller Miñana, Sarah Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      The German trade fair industry is a world leader. On 25 exhibition grounds, around 2.8 million square meters of hall space is available for the realization of national and international trade fairs. Of the eight largest ...
    • openAccess   The role of unconventional monetary policy 

      Gil García, Mario Universitat Jaume I (2020-06-08)
      In recent years, central banks have used unconventional monetary policies to overcome the limitations imposed by the lower bound. In this work we review these measures, with special attention to QE and forward guidance. ...
    • closedAccess   The Saint Petersburg paradox 

      Romero Sanz, Albert Universitat Jaume I (2020-06-08)
      This essay is based on the Saint Petersburg paradox, a game where traders have to choose between a risky and a risk-free option, with the risky one to have an higher expected value. In order to recreate this experiment ...
    • closedAccess   The Spanish automotive industry as a factor of the economic growth 

      Matutano Aroca, Héctor Universitat Jaume I (2016-11-25)
      The automotive industry has become central for the sustainable economic growth of our country. The objective of this study is to investigate why Spain is an appealing country for foreign investors and to describe the ...
    • closedAccess   The Spanish crisis from a macroeconomics point of view 

      Aparici Escrig, Roberto Universitat Jaume I (2018-11-20)
      During the years prior to the crisis, in Spain there was a high expansion due to the accumulation of large imbalances. The start of the crisis, that began in 2007 in Spain, has its origin in the United States with Subprime ...
    • openAccess   The spanish economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and a comparative analysis 

      Martínez Gumbau, Javier Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-12)
      The aim of this paper is to look at the evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators during the Covid-19 pandemic in Spain and to compare the main policies implemented in different countries in order to discern whether ...
    • openAccess   The Spanish Household Indebtedness. The Role of Socio-demographic Factors and Economic Cycle 

      Romero López, José Universitat Jaume I (2015-07)
      The last decade has witnessed a big increase in households’ indebtedness. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of some socio-demographic factors and the economic cycle in determining the probability of holding debt ...
    • openAccess   The study of multinationals in international trade: Revisiting the literature 

      Safont Horna, Nerea Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-16)
      In this project, we focus on the theories of international trade and heterogeneous multinational firms. With these objectives in mind, we revisited the related literature. We try to show the developments in the theory ...
    • openAccess   The Term Structure as a Predictor of Real Economic Activity 

      Traver Ortells, Oriol Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-15)
      The inversion of the yield curve is interpreted by financial markets as the prelude to a forthcoming economic recession. The predictive ability of this economic instrument to predict future growth rates of real economic ...
    • closedAccess   The valencian industrialists in the face of the intervention of the first Franco regim 

      Fornals Quesada, Manuel Universitat Jaume I (2018-06-18)
      This essay shows the context in which the Valencian industrialists had to develop during the interventionist period of the first Franco regime, which lasted from the end of the Spanish Civil War to the 1959 Stabilisation ...
    • openAccess   Tourism and rural depopulation 

      Escuder Causanilles, Nuria Universitat Jaume I (2021-07-12)
      In this work, the evolution of rural tourism is analyzed through some variables such as the employment or the type of rural accommodation together with the depopulation of the interior areas of the Valencian Community ...
    • openAccess   Trade and road transport : spanish exports to the European Union 

      Mor Lecha, Laura Universitat Jaume I (2014)
      This work attempts to study the relationship between trade and costs of road transport. First, we analyze trade and transport in the world economy and then we focus in more detail on European transport. To analyze ...
    • openAccess   Trade and the Automobile sector 

      Fernández Torrejón, Manuel Universitat Jaume I (2021-06-14)
      The present work aims to study the tendency experienced in the global automobile sector and what is its current situation. To begin with, a review of the existing literature is explained and after that, the current ...
    • openAccess   Trade flows analysis in textile sector between China, EU-28 and selected group of countries (2008-2014). A gravity model 

      Giménez Méndez, Jairo Universitat Jaume I (2016-06-14)
      In an increasingly globalized world, political and economic relations between countries are of great importance. This article shows the existing business relationship between China and the European Union from 2008 to ...
    • openAccess   Trade flows between the European Union and Latin America : a gravity model 

      Macías Moles, Yovanna Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      The increase of the economic and political relations among countries allows us to direct our attention to the approximation of the European Union and the countries of Latin America. In this paper there are studied and ...
    • openAccess   Twin deficits hypothesis for European countries 

      Laborda Deltoro, Sandra Universitat Jaume I (2015)
      Recently, several European economies have suffered a deterioration in their fiscal and current account imbalances. The global crisis has contributed to possible linkages between fiscal and current account deficits. These ...