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dc.contributorArnau Paradís, Andreu
dc.contributor.authorRamón Padilla, Debora
dc.contributor.otherUniversitat Jaume I. Departament de Finances i Comptabilitat
dc.descriptionTreball de Final de Grau en Finances i comptabilitat. Codi: FC1049. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016ca_CA
dc.description.abstractThis work speaks of accounting and taxation of non-profit entity. This analysis focuses on the comparison of the financial statements of a charity with the financial statements of a business company, and also, it explains tax legislation enjoyed by such entities. To carry out this comparative analysis I have made an extensive study of the Accounting General Plan and the Adaptation of the Accounting Plan to non-profit entities. On the other hand, to explain the taxation of an entity, specifically the corporate income tax and the value added tax, I have resorted to laws (Law 27/2014 and Law 37/1992, respectively). Also, the study which I have made to know whether non-profit entities require a new accounting rules by their special differences it will be observing in the course of work. And finally, you will know what the charities have not the same fiscal regulation as the commercial enterprise and you are able to understand the reason of it.ca_CA
dc.format.extent33 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Jaume Ica_CA
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Spain*
dc.subjectGrau en Finances i Comptabilitatca_CA
dc.subjectGrado en Finanzas y Contabilidadca_CA
dc.subjectBachelor's Degree in Finance and Accountingca_CA
dc.titleAccounting and taxation of nonprofit entitiesca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Gradoca_CA

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Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 Spain
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