• openAccess   Correlating activities and defects in (photo)electrocatalysts using in-situ multi-modal microscopic imaging 

      Mesa, Camilo A.; Sachs, Michael; Pastor , Ernest; Gauriot, Nicolas; Merryweather, Alice; Gomez Gonzalez, Miguel Angel; Ignatyev, Konstantin; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; Rao, Akshay; Durrant, James; Pandya, Raj Springer Nature (2024-05-09)
      Photo(electro)catalysts use sunlight to drive chemical reactions such as water splitting. A major factor limiting photocatalyst development is physicochemical heterogeneity which leads to spatially dependent reactivity. ...
    • openAccess   Coupling between Ion Drift and Kinetics of Electronic Current Transients in MAPbBr3 Single Crystals 

      García-Batlle, Marisé; Mayén Guillén, Javier; Chapran, Marian; Baussens, Oriane; Zaccaro, Julien; Verilhac, Jean‐Marie; Gros-Daillon, Eric; Guerrero, Antonio; Almora Rodríguez, Osbel; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà American Chemical Society (2022-03-11)
      The optoelectronic properties of halide perovskite materials have fostered their utilization in many applications. Unravelling their working mechanisms remains challenging because of their mixed ionic–electronic conductive ...
    • openAccess   Crystalline Clear or Not: Beneficial and Harmful Effects of Water in Perovskite Solar Cells 

      Aranda Alonso, Clara; Guerrero, Antonio; Bisquert, Juan Wiley (2019-10-16)
      Clarification of how water affects the photovoltaic performance of perovskite solar cells is one of the major challenges to successfully develop a large‐scale low‐cost fabrication process. Many authors have reported ...
    • openAccess   Crystalline-Size Dependence of Dual Emission Peak on Hybrid Organic Lead-Iodide Perovskite Films at Low Temperatures 

      Chulia-Jordan, Raquel; Mas, Elena; Segura, Alfredo; Bisquert, Juan; Martínez-Pastor, Juan P. American Chemical Society (2018-09)
      In this work, we have investigated the crystalline-size dependence of optical absorption and photoluminescence emission of CH3NH3PbI3 films, which is necessary to identify the potential practical applications of the gadgets ...
    • openAccess   Current Challenges in the Development of Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells 

      Mora-Sero, Ivan Wiley (2020-07)
      Quantum dot sensitized solar cells (QDSSCs) have experienced a continuous performance growth in the past years presenting a photoconversion efficiency > 13%. QDSSCs constitute a smart approach to take advantage of the ...
    • openAccess   Current-controlled memristors: resistive switching systems with negative capacitance and inverted hysteresis 

      Bisquert, Juan American Physical Society (2023)
      Resistive switching in memristors is being amply investigated for different applications in non-volatile memory (RRAM), neuromorphic computing and programmable logic devices. Memristors are conducting devices in which ...
    • openAccess   Deciphering the Role of Quantum Dots Size in the Ultrafast Charge Carrier Dynamics at the Perovskite-Quantum Dots Interface 

      Piatkowski, Piotr; Masi, Sofia; Galar, Pavel; Gutiérrez Tovar, Mario; Ngo, Thi Tuyen; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Douhal, Abderrazzak Royal Society of Chemistry (2020-09)
      Understanding the behaviour of electrons and holes (e, h) diffusion and transfer at the interfaces of photoexcited hybrid materials at different densities of photoexcited charge carriers is paramount to the development of ...
    • openAccess   Decoupling manufacturing from application in additive manufactured antimicrobial materials 

      Wales, Dominic; Miralles-Comins, Sara; Franco Castillo, Isabel; Cameron, Jamie; Cao, Qun; Karjalainen, Erno; Alves Fernandes, Jesum; Newton, Graham; Mitchell, Scott George; Sans, Victor Royal Society of Chemistry (2021-05-11)
      3D printable materials based on polymeric ionic liquids (PILs) capable of controlling the synthesis and stabilisation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and their synergistic antimicrobial activity are reported. The ...
    • closedAccess   Defect migration in methylammonium lead iodide and its role in perovskite solar cell operation 

      Azpiroz, Jon M.; Mosconi, Edoardo; Bisquert, Juan; De Angelis, Filippo Royal Society of Chemistry (2015)
      In spite of the unprecedented advance of organohalide lead perovskites in the photovoltaics scenario, many of the characteristics of this class of materials, including their slow photoconductivity response, solar cell ...
    • openAccess   Defect tolerant perovskite solar cells from blade coated non-toxic solvents 

      Bi, Zhuoneng; Rodríguez-Martínez, Xabier; Aranda Alonso, Clara; Pascual-San-José, Enrique; Goñi, Alejandro R.; XU, XUEQING; Guerrero, Antonio Royal Society of Chemistry (2018-09)
      The process of crystallization of lead halide perovskites by industrially relevant techniques involving non-toxic solvents is not understood completely and needs improvement. To this date, devices with the highest efficiency ...
    • closedAccess   Degradation analysis of perovskite solar cells doped with MABr3 via electrochemical impedance 

      Valle-Pulido, Juan; Solis, Omar E.; Esparza, Diego; Rodríguez-Rojas, Rubén; Turren Cruz, Silver Hamill; Rivas Martínez, Jesús Manuel; Zarazúa Macías, Isaac Elsevier (2023)
      In this study, perovskite solar cells with a structure CsyFA1-xMAxCS0.05Pb(I1.05-xBrx)3, with X = 0 (no doping was added to the base structure CsFAPbI3) and X = 0.085 (CsFAPbI3 was doped with 8.5% MABr3) were prepared ...
    • openAccess   Degradation Analysis of Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy 

      Torres, Jeevan; Zarazua, Isaac; Esparza, Diego; Rivas Martínez, Jesús Manuel; Saliba, Michael; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Turren Cruz, Silver Hamill; Abate, Antonio American Chemical Society (2022)
      In this work, the electrical properties of different triple-cation compositions with the formula Cs0.05FA1–XMAXPb(I1–XBrX)3 have been analyzed using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The perovskite solar cells were ...
    • closedAccess   Degradation through Directional Self-Doping and Homogeneous Density of Recombination Centers Hindered by 1,8-Diiodooctane Additive in Non-Fullerene Organic Solar Cells 

      Almora Rodríguez, Osbel; Wiegand, Julius; López Varo, Pilar; Matt, Gebhard Josed; Brabec, Christoph J. Wiley (2021-03-01)
      Non-fullerene-based organic solar cells (OSCs) have recently proven to perform with efficiencies above 18%. This is an important milestone for one of the most promising technologies in the fields of flexible and ...
    • openAccess   Dehydrative coupling of alcohols by Iridium(III) complexes with N-Heterocyclic-Pyridine chelating ligands decorated with Naphthalene-Diimide 

      Gutiérrez Peña, Cristian Leonardo; Poyatos, Macarena; Peris, Eduardo American Chemical Society (2023-05-25)
      A series of dimetallic and monometallic Cp*Ir(III) complexes bearing naphthalene-diimide-decorated N-heterocyclic carbene/pyridine [NDI-(NHC-pyridine)] ligands were prepared and characterized. The complexes show a C,C-chelating ...
    • closedAccess   Deleterious Effect of Negative Capacitance on the Performance of Halide Perovskite Solar Cells 

      Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco; Kulbak, Michael; Zohar, Arava; Vallés Pelarda, Marta; Hodes, Gary; Mora-Sero, Ivan American Chemical Society (2017)
      Negative capacitance in photovoltaic devices has been observed and reported in several cases, but its origin, at low or intermediate frequencies, is under debate. Here we unambiguously demonstrate a direct correlation ...
    • openAccess   Development of high-resolution 3D printable polymerizable ionic liquids for antimicrobial applications 

      Miralles-Comins, Sara; Zanatta, Marcileia; García-Embid, Sonia; Alleva, Maria; Chiappone, Annalisa; Roppolo, Ignazio; Mitchell, Scott George; Sans, Victor Elsevier (2023)
      In recent years, 3D printing has undergone a significant transformation, expanding beyond its initial niche applications, such as rapid prototyping and hobbyist projects. This evolution has been characterized by advancements ...
    • closedAccess   Device performance and light characteristics stability of quantum-dot-based white-light-emitting diodes 

      Clasen Hames, Bruno; Mora-Sero, Ivan; S. Sánchez, Rafael Springer Verlag (2017)
      Advances in image quality in recent decades have made it necessary to develop new technologies for producing displays to meet remarkably stricter standards. The display market is governed mainly by liquid crystal display ...
    • openAccess   Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 2) 

      Almora Rodríguez, Osbel; Baran, Derya; Bazan, Guillermo; Berger, Christian; Cabrera, Carlos I.; Et al. Wiley-VCH Verlag (2021-11-11)
      Following the 1st release of the “Emerging photovoltaic (PV) reports”, the best achievements in the performance of emerging photovoltaic devices in diverse emerging photovoltaic research subjects are summarized, as reported ...
    • openAccess   Device Performance of Emerging Photovoltaic Materials (Version 2) 

      Almora Rodríguez, Osbel; Baran, Derya; Bazan, Guillermo; Berger, Christian; Cabrera, Carlos I.; Catchpole, Kylie; Erten Ela, Sule; Guo, Fei; Hauch, Jens; Ho-Baillie, Anita; Jacobsson, Jesper; Janssen, Rene; Kirchartz, Thomas; Kopidakis, Nikos; Li, Yongfang; Loi, Maria Antonietta; Lunt, Richard; Mathew, Xavier; McGehee, Michael; Min, Jie; Mitzi, David; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Nelson, Jenny; Nogueira, Ana Flavia; Paetzold, Ulrich Wilhelm; Park, Nam-Gyu; Rand, Barry; Rau, Uwe; Snaith, Henry; Unger, Eva; Vaillant Roca, Lidice; Yip, Hin-Lap; Brabec, Christoph J. Wiley (2021-11-11)
      Following the 1st release of the “Emerging photovoltaic (PV) reports”, the best achievements in the performance of emerging photovoltaic devices in diverse emerging photovoltaic research subjects are summarized, as reported ...
    • openAccess   Device Physics of Hybrid Perovskite Solar cells: Theory and Experiment 

      Lopez-Varo, Pilar; Jiménez Tejada, Juan Antonio; Garcia-Rosell, Manuel; Ravishankar, Sandheep; Garcia-Belmonte, Germà; Bisquert, Juan; Almora Rodríguez, Osbel Wiley (2018)
      Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) exhibit a series of distinctive features in their optoelectronic response which have a crucial influence on the performance, particularly for long-time response. Here, a survey of recent ...