• openAccess   Arabidopsis thaliana is able to sense tomato Systemin promoting defense against fungal pathogens 

      Pastor Fernández, Julia; Sánchez-Bel, Paloma; Pastor, Victoria; Gamir, Jordi; Sanmartín, Neus; Flors, Victor Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas (IBMCP) (2019-11-10)
      Systemin is a small tomato peptide that regulates the plant response against herbivores and pathogenic fungi. It is released from a larger precursor upon wounding or pathogen attack and binds to a membrane receptor of the ...
    • openAccess   Breeding Tomato Hybrids for Flavour: Comparison of GWAS Results Obtained on Lines and F1 Hybrids 

      Bineau, Estelle; Rambla, José L.; Priego-Cubero, Santiago; Hereil, Alexandre; Bitton, Frédérique; Plissonneau, Clemence; Granell, Antonio; Causse, Mathilde MDPI (2021)
      Tomato flavour is an important goal for breeders. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are major determinants of tomato flavour. Although most tomato varieties for fresh market are F1 hybrids, most studies on the genetic ...
    • openAccess   Color Mutations Alter the Biochemical Composition in the San Marzano Tomato Fruit 

      Dono, Gabriella; Rambla, José L.; frusciante, sarah; Granell, Antonio; Diretto, Gianfranco; MAZZUCATO, Andrea MDPI (2020)
      San Marzano (SM) is a traditional Italian landrace characterized by red elongated fruits, originating in the province of Naples (Italy) and cultivated worldwide. Three mutations, yellow flesh (r), green flesh (gf) and ...
    • openAccess   Dually biofortified cisgenic tomatoes with increased flavonoids and branched-chain amino acids content 

      Vazquez-Vilar, Marta; Fernández-del-Carmen, Asun; Garcia-Carpintero, Victor; Drapal, Margit; Presa, Silvia; Ricci, Dorotea; Diretto, Gianfranco; Rambla, José L.; Fernandez-Muñoz, Rafael; Espinosa-Ruiz, Ana; Fraser, Paul; Martin, Cathie; Granell, Antonio; ORZAEZ, DIEGO Wiley (2023-09-25)
      Higher dietary intakes of flavonoids may have a beneficial role in cardiovascular disease prevention. Additionally, supplementation of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) in vegan diets can reduce risks associated to their ...
    • openAccess   Early Molecular Responses of Tomato to Combined Moderate Water Stress and Tomato Red Spider Mite Tetranychus evansi Attack 

      Arbona, Vicent; Ximénez-Embún, Miguel G.; Echavarri-Muñoz, Alberto; Martin-Sánchez, Marcos; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Ortego, Félix; Gonzalez-Guzman, Miguel MDPI (2020)
      Interaction between plants and their environment is changing as a consequence of the climate change and global warming, increasing the performance and dispersal of some pest species which become invasive species. Tetranychus ...
    • openAccess   Exogenous spermine alleviates the negative effects of combined salinity and paraquat in tomato plants by decreasing stress-induced oxidative damage 

      Soto Pascual, Lidia; López Climent, María Fernanda; Segarra, Clara; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; I Zandalinas, Sara Frontiers Media (2023)
      Plants are frequently exposed to different combinations of soil constraints including salinity and different herbicides. These abiotic conditions negatively affect photosynthesis, growth and plant development resulting in ...
    • openAccess   Exploiting tomato genotypes to understand heat stress tolerance 

      Fernández Crespo, Emma; Liu, Luisa; Albert Sidro, Carlos; Scalschi, Loredana; Llorens, Eugenio; González-Hernández, Ana I.; Crespo Villegas, Oscar; González-Bosch, Carmen; Camañes, Gemma; García Agustín, Pilar; Vicedo, Begonya MDPI (2022-11-19)
      Increased temperatures caused by climate change constitute a significant threat to agriculture and food security. The selection of improved crop varieties with greater tolerance to heat stress is crucial for the future of ...
    • closedAccess   Functional analysis of endo-1,4-b-glucanases in response to Botrytis cinerea and Pseudomonas syringae reveals their involvement in plant–pathogen interactions 

      Finiti, Iván; Leyva, María de la O; López Cruz, J.; Calderan Rodrigues, B.; Vicedo, Begonya; Angulo, C.; Benett, A. B.; Grant, M.; García Agustín, Pilar; González-Bosch, Carmen Wiley (2013)
      Plant cell wall modification is a critical component in stress responses. Endo-1,4-β-glucanases (EGs) take part in cell wall editing processes, e.g. elongation, ripening and abscission. Here we studied the infection response ...
    • openAccess   Identification of ABA-Mediated Genetic and Metabolic Responses to Soil Flooding in Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L. Mill) 

      de Ollas, Carlos; González-Guzmán, Miguel; Pitarch Sánchez, Zara; Matus, José Tomás; Candela, Héctor; Rambla, José L.; Granell, Antonio; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Arbona, Vicent Frontiers Media (2021-03-05)
      Soil flooding is a compound abiotic stress that alters soil properties and limits atmospheric gas diffusion (O2 and CO2) to the roots. The involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) in the regulation of soil flooding-specific ...
    • openAccess   Inheritance of Secondary Metabolites and Gene Expression Related to Tomato Fruit Quality 

      Bineau, Estelle; Rambla, José L.; Duboscq, Renaud; Corre, Marie-Noëlle; Bitton, Frédérique; lugan, raphael; Granell, Antonio; Plissonneau, Clémence; Causse, Mathilde MDPI (2022-05-31)
      Flavour and nutritional quality are important goals for tomato breeders. This study aimed to shed light upon transgressive behaviors for fruit metabolic content. We studied the metabolic contents of 44 volatile organic ...
    • openAccess   Jasmonic acid is required for tomato acclimation to multifactorial stress combination 

      Soto Pascual, Lidia; Mittler, Ron; Sinha, Ranjita; Peláez Vico, María Ángeles; López Climent, María Fernanda; Vives-Peris, Vicente; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; I Zandalinas, Sara Elsevier (2023-06-25)
      As a result of global warming and climate change, the number and intensity of weather events such as droughts, heat waves, and floods are increasing, resulting in major losses in crop yield worldwide. Combined with the ...
    • openAccess   Model parameters for FLWPR actions 

      Domingo-Morcillo, Elena; Escrig-Olmedo, Elena; Rivera-Lirio, Juana M.; Muñoz-Torres, María Jesus (2023)
    • openAccess   Optimization of electronic nose drift correction applied to tomato volatile profiling 

      Valcárcel, Mercedes; Ibáñez, Ginés; Martí, Raúl; Beltran Arandes, Joaquin; Cebolla-Cornejo, Jaime; Roselló, Salvador Springer (2021)
      E-noses can be routinely used to evaluate the volatile profile of tomato samples once the sensor drift and standardization issues are adequately solved. Short-term drift can be corrected using a strategy based on a ...
    • closedAccess   Plant exposure to herbivore-induced plant volatiles: a sustainable approach through eliciting plant defenses 

      Perez-Hedo, Meritxell; Alonso Valiente, Miquel; Vacas, Sandra; Gallego Giraldo, Carolina; Pons, Clara; Arbona, Vicent; Rambla, José L.; Navarro-Llopis, Vicente; Granell, Antonio; Urbaneja, Alberto Springer (2021-02-25)
      Modern agricultural policies across the globe are committed to a significant reduction in chemical pesticide dependency; however, pest management strategies are still based on the use of synthetic pesticides. There is an ...
    • openAccess   Plant feeding by Nesidiocoris tenuis: Quantifying its behavioral and mechanical components 

      Chinchilla-Ramírez, Milena; Garzo, Elisa; Ferreres, Alberto; Gavara Vidal, Jorge; ten Broeke, Cindy; van Loon, Joop J.A.; Urbaneja, Alberto; Perez-Hedo, Meritxell Elsevier (2021-01)
      Zoophytophagous predators play an important, though sometimes controversial, role in pest management programs in different crops. In tomato crops, damage caused by phytophagy of the mirid Nesidiocoris tenuis has mainly ...
    • openAccess   Response of tomato-pseudomonas pathosystem to mild heat stress 

      Scalschi, Loredana; Fernández-Crespo, Emma; Pitarch Marín, Marcel; Llorens, Eugenio; González-Hernández, Ana I.; Camañes, Gemma; Vicedo, Begonya; García Agustín, Pilar (2022)
      Higher plants suffer from mild heat stress when temperatures increase by 5 ◦C above optimum growth temperatures. This produces changes at the cellular and metabolic levels, allowing plants to adapt to heat conditions. ...
    • openAccess   Specific ABA-independent tomato transcriptome reprogramming under abiotic stress combination 

      Pardo-Hernández, Miriam; Arbona, Vicent; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Rivero, Rosa M Wiley (2024-01-29)
      Crops often have to face several abiotic stresses simultaneously, and under these conditions, the plant's response significantly differs from that observed under a single stress. However, up to the present, most of the ...
    • openAccess   The Histone Marks Signature in Exonic and Intronic Regions Is Relevant in Early Response of Tomato Genes to Botrytis cinerea and in miRNA Regulation 

      Crespo, Óscar; Sánchez-Giménez, Lorena; López-Galiano, María José; Fernández Crespo, Emma; Scalschi, Loredana; Garcia-Robles, Inmaculada; Rausell, Carolina; Real, María Dolores; González-Bosch, Carmen MDPI (2020)
      Research into the relationship between epigenetic regulation and resistance to biotic stresses provides alternatives for plant protection and crop improvement. To unravel the mechanisms underlying tomato responses to ...
    • openAccess   The nitrogen availability interferes with mycorrhiza-induced resistance against botrytis cinerea in tomato 

      Sánchez-Bel, Paloma; Troncho, Pilar; Gamir, Jordi; Pozo, Maria J.; Camañes, Gemma; Cerezo García, Miguel; Flors, Victor Frontiers Media (2016)
      Mycorrhizal plants are generally quite efficient in coping with environmental challenges. It has been shown that the symbiosis with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can confer resistance against root and foliar pathogens, ...
    • closedAccess   The transcription factor AREB1 regulates primary metabolic pathways in tomato fruits 

      Bastías, Adriana; Yañez, Mónica; Osorio, Sonia; Arbona, Vicent; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Fernie, Alisdair R.; Casaretto, José A. Oxford Universty Press (2014-03)
      Tomato fruit development is regulated both by the action of plant hormones and by tight genetic control. Recent studies suggest that abscisic acid (ABA) signalling may affect different aspects of fruit maturation. Previously, ...