• openAccess   Data Visualisation For Teachers: How To Read, Interpret And Show Data Correctly 

      Ramos, Jose Francisco; Iskandaryan, Ditsuhi; Koribska, Iva International Academy of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) (2022)
      Nowadays, visual information such as charts, diagrams, infographics and so forth are omnipresent in social media, presentations, online scientific papers, that is, in the digital world. We have all heard the well-known ...
    • closedAccess   Pecha Kucha Nights: an Analysis of 10 Performances 

      Albert Mas, Neus Universitat Jaume I (2020-06-04)
      A new way of presenting has been invented under the name of Pecha Kucha, an innovative presentation format. As in traditional presentations, the message has to be clear and well presented. For this reason, there are some ...