• openAccess   Empirical modelling of a semihermetic reciprocating compressor for different CO2-based mixtures 

      Sánchez García-Vacas, Daniel; Larrondo Sancho, Rafael; Vidan-Falomir, Francisco; Cabello López, Ramón Elsevier (2024-08-01)
      Mixing CO2 with other refrigerants gives carbon dioxide new thermophysical properties, such as higher critical temperature or lower working pressures. However, most of these new mixtures have not yet been evaluated ...
    • openAccess   Fuzzy-Based Time Series Forecasting and Modelling: A Bibliometric Analysis 

      Palomero, Luis; García, Vicente; Sánchez Garreta, Josep Salvador MDPI (2022-07-07)
      The purpose of this paper is to present the results of a systematic literature review regarding the development of fuzzy-based models for time series forecasting in the period 2017–2021. The study was conducted using a ...
    • openAccess   Health risk assessment from exposure to particles during packing in working environments 

      Ribalta, Carla; López Lilao, Ana; Estupiña, S.; Fonseca, A.S.; Tobías, A.; García-Cobos, Aroa; Minguillón, María Cruz; Monfort, Eliseo; Viana, Mar Elsevier (2019-06-25)
      Packing of raw materials in work environments is a known source of potential health impacts (respiratory, cardiovascular) due to exposure to airborne particles. This activity was selected to test different exposure and ...
    • closedAccess   Intervención individualizada en habilidades comunicativas: uso de fórmulas de cortesía y peticiones en un alumno con Trastorno del Espectro Autista 

      Casino Segarra, Reyes Universitat Jaume I (2020-07-20)
      El presente trabajo de final de máster muestra el proceso seguido con la finalidad de realizar una intervención individualizada en un participante de 5 años que presenta Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA). De este modo, ...
    • openAccess   La modelización en la Econometría 

      Alguacil, Maite; Jiménez-Fernández, Eduardo Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2017)
      El entorno econ´omico actual, as´ı como las bajas calificaciones obtenidas por nuestros/as estudiantes en los ´ultimos a˜nos, hace necesaria la incorporaci´on a la docencia de nuevos m´etodos de ense˜nanza m´as acordes con ...
    • openAccess   Modelling and experimental validation of a CO2 concentric tube evaporator using heat transfer correlations and flow pattern maps 

      Sáez Pastor, Alejandro; Patiño Pérez, Jorge; Prades Martell, Lledó; Monrós Andreu, Guillem; Marín, Enrique; Sánchez García-Vacas, Daniel; Llopis, Rodrigo; Cabello López, Ramón Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (2022)
      Las regulaciones en materia de medio ambiente adoptan medidas cada vez más restrictas en aras de reducir la contaminación medioambiental, principalmente regulan dos aspectos en el mundo de la refrigeración, la carga ...
    • closedAccess   Paintball, The Game. A multiplayer online first person shooter game 

      Villarino García, Borja Universitat Jaume I (2016-07-06)
      This document describes the development of an online multiplayer first person shooter game inspired by the sport known as paintball. The areas explored in the project are character designing (art and animations), gameplay ...
    • openAccess   Parametric analysis of hybrid elastocaloric – CO2 cooling system 

      Nebot-Andres, Laura; Petruzziello, Fabio; Aprea, Ciro; Llopis, Rodrigo; Žerovnik, Andrej; Maiorino, Angelo; Tušek, Jaka Elsevier (2024-09-15)
      This study examines the potential application of elastocaloric refrigeration (eC) technology for the subcooling of CO2 in transcritical single-stage refrigeration cycles. Elastocaloric refrigeration, a solid-state refrigeration ...
    • openAccess   Vapour compression and caloric refrigeration in combination for a new hybrid refrigeration system 

      Nebot-Andres, Laura; Del Duca, Manuel Gesù; APREA, CIRO; Tušek, Jaka; Žerovnik, Andrej; Maiorino, Angelo International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR) (2023-08-21)
      Although caloric refrigeration systems, such as magnetic and elastocaloric ones have shown promising potential in the last decade, their application in stand-alone applications remains scarce. Namely, they can provide ...