• openAccess   Are the Accompanying Cations of Doping Anions Influential in Conducting Organic Polymers? The Case of the Popular PEDOT 

      Fuentes, Isabel; Mostazo-López, María José; Kelemen, Dr. Zsolt; Compañ, Vicente; Andrio, Andreu; Morallón, Emilia; Cazorla-Amoros, Diego; Viñas, Clara; Teixidor, Francesc Wiley (2019-11-13)
      Conducting organic polymers (COPs) are made of a conjugated polymer backbone supporting a certain degree of oxidation. These positive charges are compensated by the doping anions that are introduced into the polymer synthesis ...
    • openAccess   Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate on BiVO4 Photoanodes for Robust Water Splitting 

      Hegner, Franziska; Herraiz Cardona, Isaac; Cardenas-Morcoso, Drialys; López, Núria; Galan-Mascaros, Jose Ramon; Giménez Juliá, Sixto (2017-11-01)
      The efficient integration of photoactive and catalytic materials is key to promoting photoelectrochemical water splitting as a sustainable energy technology built on solar power. Here, we report highly stable water splitting ...
    • openAccess   Diffusion-Recombination Impedance Model for Solar Cells with Disorder and Nonlinear Recombination 

      Bisquert, Juan; Mora-Sero, Ivan; Fabregat-Santiago, Francisco Wiley-VCH (2013-09-23)
      The diffusion–recombination model is a key tool in understanding the photovoltaic operation of solar cells. Dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, and inorganic semiconductor solar cells are systems affected by ...
    • openAccess   Electrochemical Oscillatory Baffled Reactors Fabricated with Additive Manufacturing for Efficient Continuous-Flow Oxidations 

      Alvarez, Elena; Romero-Fernandez, Maria; Iglesias, Diego; Martinez Cuenca, Raul; Okafor, Obinna; Delorme, Astrid E.; Lozano, Pedro; Goodridge, Ruth; Paradisi, Francesca; Walsh, Darren; Sans, Victor American Chemical Society (2022-02-21)
      Electrochemical continuous-flow reactors offer a great opportunity for enhanced and sustainable chemical syntheses. Here, we present a novel application of electrochemical continuous-flow oscillatory baffled reactors ...
    • openAccess   Emerging trends in flow chemistry enabled by 3D printing: Robust reactors, biocatalysis and electrochemistry 

      Sans, Victor Elsevier (2020-10)
      This contribution reviews the state of the art in the employment of additive manufacturing for the development of continuous-flow reactors, highlighting their potential for developing green and sustainable chemical processes. ...
    • closedAccess   Highly porous Ti-Ni anodes for electrochemical oxidations 

      El Guenani Mir, Nihal Universitat Jaume I (2020-09-28)
      The hydrogen rising economy is demanding an active and durable electrocatalysts based on low-cost, earth abundant materials for water electrolysis. Oxygen electrochemistry plays a key role in renewable energy technologies, ...
    • openAccess   Interfacial role of Cesium in Prussian Blue Films 

      Catalán, R.; Agrisuelas, Jerónimo; Cuenca, A.; García-Jareño, J.J.; Roig-Navarro, Antoni F.; Vicente, F. ECS (2015)
      The simultaneous measurement of current, mass, motional resistance and absorbance magnitudes allows the electrochemical cation insertion process to be explained during successive voltammograms around the Prussian Blue ⇄ ...
    • openAccess   Level Alignment as Descriptor for Semiconductor/Catalyst Systems in Water Splitting: The Case of Hematite/Cobalt Hexacyanoferrate Photoanodes 

      Hegner, Franziska; Cardenas-Morcoso, Drialys; Giménez Juliá, Sixto; López, Núria; Galan-Mascaros, Jose Ramon (2017-11-23)
      The realization of artificial photosynthesis may depend on the efficient integration of photoactive semiconductors and catalysts to promote photoelectrochemical water splitting. Many efforts are currently devoted to the ...
    • openAccess   Memristive arrangements of nanofluidic pores 

      Ramirez, Patricio; Portillo Pous, Sergio; Cervera, Javier; Bisquert, Juan; Mafe, Salvador American Physical Society (2024-04-24)
      We demonstrate that nanofluidic diodes in multipore membranes show a memristive behavior that can be controlled not only by the amplitude and frequency of the external signal but also by series and parallel arrangements ...
    • closedAccess   Photogeneration of Hydrogen from Water by Hybrid Molybdenum Sulfide Clusters Immobilized on Titania 

      Recatalá Ferrandis, David; Llusar, Rosa; Gushchin, Artem L.; Kozlova, Ekaterina A.; Laricheva, Yuliya A.; Abramov, Pavel A.; Sokolov, Maxim; Gómez, Roberto; Lana-Villarreal, Teresa John Wiley & Sons (2015)
      Two new hybrid molybdenum(IV) Mo3S7 cluster complexes derivatized with diimino ligands have been prepared by replacement of the two bromine atoms of [Mo3S7Br6]2− by a substituted bipyridine ligand to afford heteroleptic ...
    • closedAccess   Synthesis of metal oxide catalysts for water splitting 

      El Guenani Mir, Nihal Universitat Jaume I (2019-10)
      The hydrogen rising economy is demanding an active and durable electrocatalysts based on low-cost, earth abundant materials for water electrolysis. Oxygen electrochemistry plays a key role in renewable energy technologies, ...
    • closedAccess   Tuning the Reactivity of TEMPO during Electrocatalytic Alcohol Oxidations in Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids 

      Delorme, Astrid E.; Sans, Victor; Licence, Peter; Walsh, Darren (2019-05-22)
      2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl (TEMPO) is a promising, sustainable, metal-free mediator for oxidation of alcohols. In this contribution, we describe how the selectivity of TEMPO for electrocatalytic alcohol oxidations ...