• openAccess   Bioactive zinc-doped sol-gel coating modulates protein adsorption patterns and in vitro cell responses 

      Cerqueira, Andreia; Romero-Gavilán, Francisco J; García-Arnáez, Iñaki; Martinez Ramos, Cristina; Ozturan, Seda; Iloro, Ibon; Azkargorta, Mikel; Elortza, Felix; Izquierdo Escrig, Raul; Gurruchaga, Mariló; Goñi, Isabel; Suay, Julio Elsevier (2020-12-30)
      Zinc is an essential element with an important role in stimulating the osteogenesis and mineralization and suppressing osteoclast differentiation. In this study, new bioactive ZnCl2-doped sol-gel materials were designed ...
    • openAccess   Evaluation of bioactive coatings for titanium surfaces: a proteomic approach 

      Cerqueira, Andreia Filipa Lages Universitat Jaume I (2022-04-04)
      Titanium is among the most commonly used metals as a standard treatment for bone defects. Despite its excellent mechanical and biocompatibility properties, Ti is relatively bioinert and surface modifications are necessary ...
    • openAccess   Facing Climate Change: Biotechnology of Iconic Mediterranean Woody Crops 

      de Ollas, Carlos; Morillon, Raphael; Fotopoulos, Vasileios; Puértolas, Jaime; Ollitrault, Patrick; Gomez-Cadenas, Aurelio; Arbona, Vicent Frontiers Media (2019-04-16)
      The Mediterranean basin is especially sensitive to the adverse outcomes of climate change and especially to variations in rainfall patterns and the incidence of extremely high temperatures. These two concurring adverse ...
    • openAccess   Identification of proteomic biomarkers for the prediction of implant biological responses 

      Romero Gavilán, Francisco Javier Universitat Jaume I (2018-12-11)
      Dada la creciente necesidad en implantología de desarrollar biomateriales con mejores propiedades, resulta crucial su óptima producción y caracterización. Así tras su implantación en el cuerpo, estos entran en contacto ...
    • openAccess   Protein adsorption and macrophage polarization as biocompatibility markers for biomaterial design 

      Araujo da Cunha Gomes, Nuno Miguel Universitat Jaume I (2019-01-15)
      The standard protocol before proceeding to clinical trials of a biomaterial is to follow a battery of determined in vitro following in vivo experimentation. The lack of correlation between in vitro and in vivo experimentation ...