• openAccess   W-NetPan: Double-U network for inter-sensor self-supervised pan-sharpening 

      Fernandez-Beltran, Ruben; Fernandez-Botran, Rafael; kang, jian; Pla, Filiberto Elsevier ScienceDirect (2023-02-08)
      The increasing availability of remote sensing data allows dealing with spatial-spectral limitations by means of pan-sharpening methods. However, fusing inter-sensor data poses important challenges, in terms of resolution ...
    • openAccess   Wage adjustment in Spain 

      Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (European Commission) (2015-01-20)
    • openAccess   Wages determinants in the European Union Evidence from structure of earnings survey (SES 2014) data : 2020 edition 

      Comisión Europea. Eurostat; Henrion, Thibaut; Alcántara Ortega, Javier; Leythienne, Denis Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea (2020)
      Since the turn of the millennium, the European Commission (Eurostat) has published detailed and harmonized information on the nominal wages paid by the employers to their employees. This information, collected with the ...
    • closedAccess   Wages, education and gender discrimination. An empirical investigation 

      Vidal Pitarch, Andrea Universitat Jaume I (2017-11-21)
      One of the most important factors of economic growth and development is human capital. Investing in education, we achieve an improvement in productivity, skills and quality of life. Education plays a very important role ...
    • closedAccess   WalKilo : modalidad B. Proyecto empresarial 

      Mengual Morera, Lorena; Morcillo Sevilla, Aitor Universitat Jaume I (2016-07-13)
      Para la realización del Trabajo de Final de Grado, hemos decidido elegir la modalidad de proyecto empresarial. Se trata de una aplicación o página web a la cual hemos decidido llamar WalKilo. Nuestra empresa, WalKilo ...
    • closedAccess   Wallace Thurman’s The Blacker the Berry and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye . Beauty standards and their influence on the main characters’ lives 

      Berghezan, Rebeca Ana Universitat Jaume I (2019-06-11)
      White beauty standards have influenced American society and contributed to the development of racism, colorism and even, sexism. African American women have been disfavored due to their blackness, either among the white ...
    • closedAccess   WANDERER WOOD. Diseño de un mueble polivalente para una furgoneta camperizada 

      Grau Canovas, Guillermo Universitat Jaume I (2019-10)
      Con este proyecto se pretende crear un diseño que pueda servir a un numeroso grupo de usuarios. Nos explicamos: los interiores de este tipo de furgonetas son ad hoc; y sólo sirven para una o varias furgonetas. Por ejemplo, ...
    • openAccess   Warland 03, 2003 

      al Quadrat, Art Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2013)
    • openAccess   Warland 04, 2003 

      al Quadrat, Art Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2013)
    • openAccess   Warland 12, 2003 

      al Quadrat, Art Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2013)
    • openAccess   Warriors and Civilians in the Crusade Movement. Military ldentities and Status in the Liberation and Defence of the Holy Land (1096-1204) 

      Murray, Alan V. Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I (2017)
      In terms of their social composition, the crusades to Palestine and Syria were unlike any other military campaigns in the Middle Ages or the modern world. The liberation and defence of the Holy Land required primarily the ...
    • openAccess   Wars and long-run growth in european economies 

      O'Brien, Patrick Fundación Ramón Areces (2015-07)
      El análisis de cuestiones como el impacto de las guerras, las catástrofes, el colonialismo o las políticas económicas se enriquece cuando se tratan con la profundidad que da una perspectiva a largo plazo. El enfoque de la ...
    • openAccess   Washitaster delgadoi (Echinoidea) a l’Albià de Cabanes de l’Arc (subconca de la Salzedella) 

      Navarro, Dori; Segura, Javier; Segura Collado, Joaquín; Forner, Enric Ateneu de Natura (2022)
      Aquest nota dona a conèixer la troballa de la primera autora del poc freqüent equínid, l‘Spatangoida (Equinoidea) Washitaster delgadoi (de Loriol, 1884) a l’Albià de la comarca de la Plana Alta, on fins ara no s’havia ...
    • closedAccess   Waste electric and electronic toys: management practices and characterisation 

      Bovea, María D; Gómez Parra, Ana María; Pérez-Belis, Victoria Elsevier (2013)
      The main objective of this paper is to characterise, both physically and chemically, waste electric and electronic toys, belonging to the category 7 of the Directive, 2012/19/UE, in order to obtain information about the ...
    • openAccess   Waste Map of the province of Castellón 

      Moliner Santisteve, Enrique; Muñoz Marzá, Carlos; Gasch, Cristina; Vidal, Rosario; Garraín Cordero, Daniel; Rubio, Victoria Asociación Española de Dirección e Ingeniería de Proyectos (AEIPRO) (2011)
      The problem of the ever-increasing generation of waste becomes more acute with inadequate environmental management, leads to environmental problems and highlights the ineffectiveness of society when using its resources. This ...
    • openAccess   Wastes from industrial processes introduced as chamottes in ceramic membranes 

      Lorente Ayza, Maria Magdalena; Bordes Navarro, Mari Carmen; Sales Pla, Sonia; Sánchez-Vilches, Enrique; Ugarte, P.; Ramo, A.; Menéndez, M.; Peña, J. A.; Zuriaga Agustí, E.; Santateresa, E.; Gosalbo Nebot, Ana; Rubert, J.; Sos, O.; Basiero, José Antonio Universitat Politècnica de València. Research Institute for Industrial, Radiophysical and Environmental Safety (ISIRYM). Prometeo Research Group (Membrane Processes and Environmental Effluent Treatment) (2018-07-09)
      In the present work, chamottes generated as subproducts by different industrial processes have been used to obtain low-cost ceramic membranes.
    • openAccess   Wastewater monitoring of a community COVID-19 outbreak in a Spanish municipality 

      Barberá-Riera, María; de Llanos Frutos, Rosa; Barneo-Muñoz, Manuela; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Celma, Alberto; Comas, Iñaki; Gomila, Bárbara; Gonzalez-Candelas, Fernando; Goterris-Cerisuelo, Rafael; Martinez-Garcia, Fernando; Santateresa, Ernesto; Torres-Puente, Manuela; Zamorano-Lopez, Núria; Bretón-Ramos, Rafael; Aguilar-Perdiguer, Eduardo; Rebagliato, Marisa; Bellido-Blasco, Juan Bautista; Hernández, Félix OAE Publishing (2023-08-29)
      Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) wastewater surveillance has become an increasingly important tool since the initial moments of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, mainly conducted at ...
    • openAccess   Wastewater treatment via H2O2 activation and 4-nitrophenol oxidation with iron-doped nickel-azolate frameworks 

      Martín, Nuria; López-Maya, Elena; Maireles Porcar, Miguel; Garcia Alvarez, Mayra; Llorca, Jordi; Altava, Belen; Garcia-Verdugo, Eduardo; Cirujano, Francisco Elsevier B.V. (2024-08-01)
      An advanced oxidation heterogeneous process completely degrades 4-nitrophenol in weak acid ambient aqueous conditions using post-synthetically iron-doped nickel azolate frameworks. The framework crystallinity, porosity and ...
    • closedAccess   Wastewater-Based Epidemiology as a Novel Biomonitoring Tool to Evaluate Human Exposure To Pollutants 

      GRACIA LOR, EMMA; Rousis, Nikolaos I; Hernandez, Felix; Zuccato, Ettore; Castiglioni, Sara ACS (2018-08-27)
      Humans are continuously exposed to pollutants by different routes, and human biomonitoring (HBM) is the tool commonly used to assess exposure to chemicals by measuring parent substances or metabolites in human specimens. ...
    • closedAccess   Wastewater-based epidemiology as a novel tool to evaluate human exposure to pesticides: Triazines and organophosphates as case studies 

      Rousis, Nikolaos I; GRACIA LOR, EMMA; Hernandez, Felix; Poretti, Francesco; Santos, Miguel M.; Zuccato, Ettore; Castiglioni, Sara Elsevier ScienceDirect (2021-06-22)
      Production and application of pesticides have risen remarkably in the last few decades. Even if they provide many benefits, they can be hazardous for humans and ecosystems when they are not used cautiously. Human exposure ...