• openAccess   Folklore i llengua: les paraules de la dansa 

      Gimeno Betí, Lluís Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1994)
      According to the title, this article tries to show the intimate connection between popular culture and language. The first part is a short methodological introduction of this connection through, mainly, the school of Worter ...
    • openAccess   Les preposicions catalanes per i per a: un cas conflictiu de la normativa lingüística 

      Andreu Bellés, Joan Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1994)
      This article, after showing, from the ethymological, historical and dialectical point of view, the problem about the prepositions per and per a in Catalonian, analyzes critically the various normative proposals made, as ...
    • openAccess   Sobre les Vides de sant Vicent Ferrer compilades per Ranzano, Antonino i Miquel Peres 

      Wittlin, Curt Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (1994)
      This article describes the historical background of the canonization of the famous Valencian preacher and analyses his first hagiographies, showing how earlier texts influenced later ones. Miquel Peres' Vida is analysed ...