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dc.contributor.authorPérez Soler, Javier
dc.contributor.authorFornas Garcia, David
dc.contributor.authorMarin, Raul
dc.contributor.authorSanz, Pedro J
dc.identifier.citationPérez, Javier, et al. "UWSim, an underwater robotic simulator on the cloud as educational tool." Revista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 2018, vol. 15, núm. 1, p. 70-78ca_CA
dc.description.abstractLa creciente demanda social de nuevas aplicaciones de la rob´otica, desde robots dom´esticos a coches aut´onomos, confirma la conveniencia de utilizar dicha tecnolog´ıa como factor motivante en el contexto educacional. As´ı, el presente trabajo analiza c´omo canalizar esta motivaci´on hacia fines productivos, poniendo el ´enfasis en las posibilidades que ofrecen los simuladores de robots submarinos. En particular, se propone un entorno de aprendizaje en la nube con un simulador capaz de evaluar al alumno como eje central del sistema. Utilizando este tipo de herramientas tan solo es necesario un dispositivo capaz de acceder a Internet a trav´es de un navegador para alcanzar una cantidad virtualmente ilimitada de recursos. Como caso de estudio, se detallan las mejoras implementadas, en una aplicaci´on de seguimiento de tuber´ıas submarinas, creando un entorno de comparaci´on en la nube que permite a los alumnos competir por obtener el mejor resultado posible. Finalmente, es importante destacar que se aporta una primera experiencia de aplicaci´on en un contexto de ense˜nanza real de la herramienta propuesta, demostr´andose la viabilidad e idoneidad de la misma para el aprendizaje de rob´otica y ROS.ca_CA
dc.description.abstractDue to the introduction of robotic applications in the modern society, such as service robots or self-driving cars, it is possible to use this trend as motivating factor in the learning process of robotics. Several possibilities about how to use this motivation to increase learning rate are analysed, focusing on underwater robotic simulators. Moreover, a cloud learning environment able to evaluate the students with a robotic simulator is proposed as key element of the system. These kinds of tools can be used with just an Internet-capable system through a web browser, reaching a virtually unlimited amount of resources. The implemented features are used in a underwater pipe following application, creating a comparison environment on the cloud that immerse students in a competition to reach the best possible result. Finally, a first experience in a real educational environment using the proposed tool is detailed, demonstrating the viability and suitability of the proposed toolca_CA
dc.description.abstractDue to the introduction of robotic applications in the modern society, such as service robots or self-driving cars, it is possible to use this trend as motivating factor in the learning process of robotics. Several possibilities about how to use this motivation to increase learning rate are analysed, focusing on underwater robotic simulators. Moreover, a cloud learning environment able to evaluate the students with a robotic simulator is proposed as key element of the system. These kinds of tools can be used with just an Internet-capable system through a web browser, reaching a virtually unlimited amount of resources. The implemented features are used in a underwater pipe following application, creating a comparison environment on the cloud that immerse students in a competition to reach the best possible result. Finally, a first experience in a real educational environment using the proposed tool is detailed, demonstrating the viability and suitability of the proposed tool.ca_CA
dc.format.extent9 p.ca_CA
dc.publisherUniversitat Politècnica de Valènciaca_CA
dc.publisherComité Español de Autonomática (CEA-IFAC)ca_CA
dc.relation.isPartOfRevista Iberoamericana de Automática e Informática Industrial, 2018, vol. 15, núm. 1, p. 70-78ca_CA
dc.rightsEsta revista se publica bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivar 4.0 Internacionalca_CA
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectvehículos autónomosca_CA
dc.subjectsistemas marinosca_CA
dc.subjectayudas educacionalesca_CA
dc.subjectbenchmark examplesca_CA
dc.subjectautonomous vehiclesca_CA
dc.subjectmarine systemsca_CA
dc.subjecteducational aidsca_CA
dc.titleUWSim, un simulador submarino conectado a la nube como herramienta educacionalca_CA
dc.title.alternativeUWSim, an underwater robotic simulator on the cloud as educational toolca_CA
dc.relation.projectIDEste trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Ministerio de Econom´ıa y competitividad, c´odigo de proyecto DPI2014-57746-C3 (proyecto MERBOTS), por la Generalitat Valenciana GVA, con el c´odigo de proyecto PROMETEO /2016/066 y por la Universidad Jaume I,proyecto MASUMIA, becas PREDOC/2012/47 y PREDOC/2013/46.ca_CA

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