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dc.contributorCallarisa Fiol, Luis José
dc.contributorUniversitat Jaume I. Departament d'Administració d'Empreses i Màrqueting
dc.contributor.authorGiménez Gómiz, Alicia
dc.contributor.editorUniversitat Jaume I
dc.descriptionTreball Final de Grau. Grau en Administració d'Empreses. Codi: AE1049 . Curs 2013-2014ca_CA
dc.description.abstractThis marketing plan centres in one company of luxury sector, Louis Vuitton. It belongs to the luxury company conglomerates LVMH. This company was founded in 1854 and it takes as fundamental objectives the manufacture and distribution of his own products as well as in some charities and actions of cultural support. For the production of the Louis Vuitton marketing plan have followed the methodical steps of the analysis, diagnosis, planning of objectives, selection of strategies and actions to implement the above mentioned strategies. In the environment analysis it is necessary to emphasize that negative factors exist as are the counterfeiting, against which this company fights thanks to the department of intellectual development. But also we have emphasized that it is a market that is in growth, especially in some zones as China and Russia. In the internal analysis, it highlights the great consideration that has this company to his workers and craftsmen, who are a very important part of Louis Vuitton culture. Also we emphasize the quantity of facilities specialized for the production and distribution of his products. Louis Vuitton has an objective public of luxury with a great age range, due to the fact that the trends of luxury are changing, and both of men and of women. After knowing the situation and to whom to go there appear the objectives to increase the sales on the Russian market and in the masculine sector specially. Also to improve the brand image and the image of recently named creative director. For the attainment of these objectives a series of strategies are designed depending on the market and of the segment to which it goes. In concrete we find strategies related to the product, the distribution and the communication. Later, the actions are connected with the objectives will be implemented in order to improve both the image and the economic situation of the company. It is a marketing plan for 2015 where it hopes that the results of the company will be better with regard to previous years, reaching an unsurpassable position both in brand image and in benefits. The principal conclusions that we have extracted from this marketing plan are that Louis Vuitton has a very strong position on market with regard to his competitors. The market trends make possible a growth of the brand and of his brand value in short-term. And the attainment of the objectives can reverberate economically the Louis Vuitton improving his benefits.ca_CA
dc.format.extent55 p.ca_CA
dc.subjectLouis Vuittonca_CA
dc.subjectmarketing planca_CA
dc.subject.otherMarques comercialsca_CA
dc.titleMarketing Plan of Louis Vuittonca_CA
dc.educationLevelEstudios de Grado

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